>join game
>mid match
>enemy team all 5.0 K/d
>leave>join game
>mid match
>enemy team all 5.0 K/d
>leave>join game
>mid match
>enemy team all 5.0 K/d
>join game
>mid match
>enemy team all 5.0 K/d
>get insta killed by everyone
>"enemy recon!"
>look up up with bazooka
>shot in back before seeing it
>repeat until recon expires
>sometimes 3-5 recons up at once
>see enemy
>sight in on him
>aim slides off him like butter
>he is magnetized to my chest
>wonder if auto aim is even working
>run into building
>see enemy
>killcam shows quickscope one hit bodyshot sniper
>use shotgun
>fire at enemy on other side of room
>hit,out of range,hit
>killed by pistol two blocks away

I don' t get this game. I don't get how enemies acquire targets with psychic levels of ability. I can't hear enemy footsteps at all they are entirely silent. I don't get how no guns seem to have any recoil. I started playing COD games on the first one and if you fired full auto you'd be hitting the ceiling after five shots and in this you might has well be firing a mounted machine gun no matter what.

Fuckers like you are the reason the enemy team gets to that k/d, don't leave. Fight like a man.

>cant akimbo shovels

I really regret buying this game.

Me too. I was excited for a fun WW2 shooter again and it's just the same old shit in an old skin. They don't even pretend that red dot sights are not a real thing back then.

It's just so boring and bland. Maps are an eyesore, guns all play basically the same except the BAR but I can only use one gun for so fucking long, the people who play it are retarded, the progression system is stupid. It bores me to tears. I hate this fucking game. Put in my money's worth and never played it again. Fuck this game

>tfw no akimbo shotguns
>tfw no fun toys
>tfw knife sucks now
WTF. Wheres all the fun stuff?

>need to give up your perk slot to have 2 pistols
>cant use a shovel as primary with this perk

>but its ok because more ammo hurr durr
i am so glad i passed on ww2


lmao just get good you fat fuck

>live in an age where the game get's a beta
>people stream their gameplay everywhere
>tonnes of gameplay on youtube and other sites
>actual communities of autistic 15 year olds giving you their opinion
>still end up buying the game somehow

>every room or map point has 3-4 entry points
>impossible to defend anything
>maps designed around moba lane shit
>BAR incredibly OP
>garand two shot kill
>8 bullets, semi auto, zero hip fire accuracy
>BAR 3 shot kill
>20 bullets, full auto, decent hip fire, no recoil
>suppressors secretly decrease damage 25%
>classes unbalanced
>can only suppress one weapon type with one class
>maps tiny as fuck
>even war mode maps
>OHKO sniper bodyshots

This is the last COD game I ever buy. Fuck EA and fuck this normie bullshit.

>suppressor is fucking useless
>incin rounds are broke as hell

>$2 for a shitty box
fuck atleast in cs/tf2 you know you have a 1% chance of not getting fucked with your gamble

>4 bullets
Stfu subby user. You probably use the bar too.

>No revolver in multiplayer


Fuck you. Don't remind me.

just play day of infamy lads



Suppressors do not decrease damage at all user. They decrease range only.

>2017 A.D.
>exchanging legal currency for a CoD title released after 2005

>pre order ww2 in summer
>completely forgot about it until it showed up at my doorstep
>fire it up and play a game
>hop into a tdm, score is 6100 to 7200
>10 seconds later receive my first loss
>eject disc
>drive over to the post office to mail the trash back
cod is long dead, i looked at a vid of the zombies mode and it sucks ass too. they've completely ruined everything

>assault rifle
>run into room
>see and shoot enemy
>hit hit hit hit hit hit
>killcam shows enemy with silenced smg that killed me in 3 shots

>smg with silencer
>run into room
>see and shoot enemy
>hit hit hit hit hit hit hit hit
>killcam shows enemy quickscoped me from about 20 feet
>wasn’t even a headshot

I’ve never had a problem with any cod except for ghosts but this game is nothing but hit markers for me while others get kills with 3 shots from just about any weapon, someone please explain this bullshit.

Also that fucking spawn system holy shit

>they've completely ruined everything
>consumable self revives found in boxes
>consumables in general
>you get to keep your guns after dying now
>yes even pap'd guns

>give 3 perk slots
>1 is always used for mule kick

Imagine being shit at a game children play.

ask the normal fags that hated boost jumping, phase shifting, going fast, turning into a robot, turning one gun into two guns, etc

2 words

yeah its all that and not the fact that
>no vehicles
fucking 2007 called
get gud