Why all the hate? It's just like the original but way more accessable and easier on the eyes.
Why all the hate? It's just like the original but way more accessable and easier on the eyes
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's just like the original
92 XC
84 XC2
Know your place worm
Thank you op for making yet another xenogears 2 thread, clearly other 12 xenogears threads on this board right now weren't enough
Only casuals and faggots care about reviews.
>reviews suddenly matter
Okay, so you agree that BotW and Odyssey are two of the best video games in vidya history then?
I did mean xenogears, as there are some threads about other xeno games in wake of xenoblade.
Its not easier on the eyes, the game looks bad with that shitty moe artstyle, but I guess its fitting to have a weeb trash artstyle since the characters fit the part, with how they have that stupid "haha she thinks he's a pervert because she slept in the same bed as him and saw him staring at her titties!" scene, and I'm sure that there's only more shit like that in the game.
There's not a lot of hate, just a dedicated shitposter or two going on about breasts being too big or some other garbage nonsense.
They are.
Is this your 1st time on Sup Forums?
>easier on the eyes
Not with those character designs, no
can someone sell me on this game? i wanna get it but something about the character models bother me. is the writing good? do the characters feel natural in their enviroment? is it troupy as shit? or does the story actually feel well written?
Did you play XC1? It's like that but better.
If you're just getting it to have something to play on Switch, don't. I've been seeing a lot of posts saying they just bought into the hype and don't really like it. I like all three games but it's definitely not for everyone. A lot of people are expecting a game that's as easy to get into as Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy
This is blunderfag's Christmas, don't expect him to stop anytime soon. There's probably some XV-kun in there as well.
>easier on the eyes
>easier on the eyes
>is the writing good?
Generic JRPG a la Tales of and others.
>do the characters feel natural in their enviroment?
Yes. The enviroment is vibrant and colorful.
>is it troupy as shit? or does the story actually feel well written?
Oh yes and no.
Ignore the one faggot trying to say its better than the first.
If you can, emulate the first with the HD package. It runs perfectly fine on Dolphin. XC2 is is practically XC1 lite + muh generic funny animu slapstick scenes.
>Ignore the one faggot trying to say its better than the first.
It is better though. I bet you haven't actually played XC2.
The story is literally just a string of anime tropes.
>nondescript nice guy meets magic girl and helps her because he's sooooo nice
>boy wakes up with a sexy woman in his bed and she calls him a BAKA HENTAI and hits him
>power of fucking friendship every 3 seconds
>Horrible character designs
>Linear world
>Upscaled 360p handheld , upscaled 600p docked
>Atrocious writing
>Shit like this
Gonna return this shit back to Amazon. Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and XCX for switch WHEN.
Oh it's you again
And a little bit of this as well.
I dont mind the scaling though, since its mostly in battle. The world design is shit this time though and the story is just full retard.
Every little fucking scene between the characters is exactly like you've seen it a million times in anime(games) before.
Kill yourself blunderfag. XCX was trash.
dear god its tales of graces F all over again...eh if i can suffer through the tales series i can pull myself through this
Seriously was someone on some garbage anime binge before writing XC2?
Even FE Fates didn't have cringe inducing shit as bad as this, even with maids and butlers being actual combat units, and that story was universally panned.
Don't bother. There's not a single new idea or concept in the game's script. It's basically a nothing game.
Okay, now post your copies with timestamps.
so should i wait for xcx on the switch?
XCX and XC1 (and xeno games before) have similar kind of dialogue, what's your point?
Yes. X is actually really good
>Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and XCX for switch WHEN.
The director talked about wanting to play the second on the switch. But I really hope that the original gets re-released as well. Its still the best after all.
Don't listen to this guy
X was fucking dreadful. Just get XC2 it's actually good.
>Shit like this
I'm not seeing the problem
But they don't
I guess you haven't watched really anime then. XC1 is typical shounen anime, XCX is typical trainwreck of the season, and XC2 is shoune + harem.
Fuck off loser weeb. X brings so much new shit to the table that wasnt at any scale in any other game.
XBC2 is a poor man's tales. If you lile it good for you and your substandard taste. But dont ever try to shit on X when comparing the teo, it has SO much more going for it. Even with fucking Tatsu.
Of course you dont.
Eromanga sensei anime of the year amirite?
>XC1 is typical shounen anime
You're an idiot of you believe that. Most of the dialogue is revolving around the current events.
There are literally no animu scenes like that in the original.
>XCX is typical trainwreck of the season
I'm really enjoying it so far. No idea how far I am into the game but I hope I have a lot left (taking xc and xcx into consideration probably a lot).
It's not as engaging as the first one but xc is a tough act to follow.
>actually defending XCX
Ahahaha oh wow, this is hilarious. Wii U buyer's remorse cucks truly are something. Enjoy your dead console.
Because it's not a romance story you utter waste of space. XC1 is a revenge story, and has all the cliches of anime revenge stories.
This just confirms you haven't watched anime. The XC1 is full of anime like scenes and dialogue. The whole story itself is structured like shounen, and you even end up killing a god.
I like XCX, but if you really think it's story is any good you should play it again. The dialogue is also anime as fuck.
>Wii U buyer's remorse
This kinda proves you haven't played it. Why even complain about something you don't know? I'm not that guy but imo xcx has many issues but it's still a fantastic game.
It's like FFX-2 was; the characters and story are extremely cringey and its like one of those games you dont want your parents walking in on you playing. If you can get over that, then it's pretty good on the gameplay, visuals, and music side.
I don't understand whats fun about running around a big ass map killing big boring monsters over and over again. I bought XC2 and I was sold on the hype but it turned out to be the most utterly boring and obnoxious game ive ever played in my life.
Is there anything redeeming about this game other than the combat? Please help me justify my purchase.
>I bought a videogame and it was boring to play videogames. Why do people play videogames?
The only pathetic one is you, deflecting to irrelevant baby-brain inferring.
I played it on PC dumbass.
And before you even try, I have a switch. Im not a nigger like you that jusdges games based on platform wars.
Give me a single JRPG other than XCX that such amazing living breathing world full of crazy animals and vertical climbing, customizable pilotable mechs, and such a beautiful sci fi aesthetic.
You won't find it. X is the only one of its kind. All it lacked was decent writing.
I have a Wii U though, I just don't try to rationalize my purchase by praising and defending shitty games like XCX.
>Is there anything redeeming about this game other than the gameplay
What else do you need?
Let me give you an actual good reason for hate.
>I don't understand whats fun about running around a big ass map killing big boring monsters over and over again.
XC2 doesn't even do that anymore. Most of the monster quests are gone. It just pushes you through the enviroments like its running out of time.
Its a tales of game in a xenoblade setting
It's just like the original, but worse in every way. It feels more like a Tales game than a Xeno game
I don't know you and never will so I really don't care if you really have a Wii u or not. Even if you have one you might not have xcx. Regardless of that, you might not like it but that doesn't mean it's bad. It wasn't as good as xc but it's still a solid game. If you don't enjoy it why insult people who do?
It's funny because the original Chronicles is easily the worst Blade game.
It's nothing like the original Xenoblade.
i meant to say I bought XCX not XC2 and it was boring.
It's just like the original but worse in most ways.
>amazing living breathing world
Everything was static
>customizable pilotable mechs
The ones you that completely ruin the exploartion?
>beautiful sci fi aesthetic.
Do you actually believe those faggots has ever touched a Japanese game besides dark souls?
Everyone that is actually playing the game is praising it, hell every italian reviewer gave it a > 9 vote, i don’t understand how you faggots take anglo journalism seriously
>If you don't enjoy it why insult people who do?
>he says while shitting on XC2 and everyone who's enjoying it
>Most of the monster quests are gone
No, they still totally exist, you have to do them to unlock things for your Blades.
Wow you're just an asshole. Why would anyone expect to find anything different here?
X never happened, we don’t talk about it
>Wow you're just an asshole
>waaaahhh mommy user hurt my fee fees!!
I haven't shit in anyone, I said I liked xc2 so far but wasn't sure how much longer I had and hoped it was longer. I think you're mistaking me for someone else
I think he meant the large amount of creature inhabiting the world. And the mechs enhanced exploration. They doled out the upgrades at such a rate that you already explored damn near everything you could reach on foot by the time you got the mech, and you explored everything you could reach with the mech by the time you got the flying module. And X has the best world design in the series, hands down.
*breaks new weapon after 3 hits*
Yes, that's exactly what an asshole would say. Why even? What do you gain from doing this?
Those are just a tiny fraction of what was there before. Plus, they are generic "kill volffs on x titan" quests rather than sending you to a specific place at a specific time.
The game doesn't even want you to explore its lands anymore
X was a good game. Deep as fuck JRPG.
There is not a single JRPG on the fucking planet that can get by on gameplay alone. Even the ones with the strongest gameplay also at least have some combination of good aesthetics, themes, characters, music, etc.
The mech jump is the perfect movement upgrade. and the aesthetics are in fact great.
Oh man, are you going to cry, you little bitch boy?
Not really, I'm just having some coffee. You?
Man not even him but you sound butt hurt.
Which weapon does that?
When Melia's heart broke in two in XC1 it was an actually sad moment.
This one is written like shit.
Coffee with your little sissy tears in it I'm assuming.
>Generic anime tirefire character design
>easier on the eyes
The skeleton arms I think
So much fucking this.
Fuck off shill, everyone here hates XB2. See for solid proof of that.
We aren't selling you the Emoji Movie of gaming.
Fucking hell this. Tweenoblade as a whole is "TireFire: the Game," and all can and have agreed with me on that.
Haha Why? How does his opinion affect me in the least? I find it funny that he gets so riled up about someone else liking a videogame, it's pretty funny. I'm also surprised you get that impression. I guess you see what you want to see.
Actually a this talk about xcx is making me want to play it again, I haven't touched it in a long time.
It's pretty terrible
I have buyers remorse
>movement speed during battle is slow as fuck on purpose
>all the dumb shit surrounding Poppi
>Nia is angry Gaia posts made manifest
>a early meaningful sacrifice is literally reversed cause "lol I can make myself young again"
This is the Fire Emblem Fates of the Xeno series but you dumb nigger weebs will defend it.
I unironically wish everyone who posts wojacks will wake up one day to find out their mother has cancer
>blunderfag at it again
This is a typical XC2 shitposter. Go see a shrink.
Post yfw you will never be as pathetic as barneyfag
Everyone who has bought this game can attest and reenforce that fact.
So much fucking truth in this post. Now that people have finally beaten this "game," everyone can agree on how awful it is. XB2 deserves it's low position with 2017's worst.
Why play a jrpg if you're not a weeb? Fuck off, normie.
Story wise, it actually gets better In like chapter 5 and beyond
Systems wise, it remains pretty fucking slow.
People like him are promoting the game more than Nintendo ever will. Now that the game has caused an uproar, more people will notice and buy it. It's the same shit that happened with hatred.