He actually thinks Talos is a divine

>He actually thinks Talos is a divine

Other urls found in this thread:


Explain how his blood works, then.

>He doesn't know Shor is the 9th divine

>he doesn't know Talos is Shor

Talos isn't a divine.
Talos is THE divine.

There are many ways to achieve divinity in TES.
The Nord Tiber chose the "Fuck you I am in charge now" route.

>The Nord Tiber

>altniggers in charge of the gods

>Blood of a divine was required to open a portal to Mankar Camoran's paradise. Blood of Talos worked for this purpose.
>touching a shrine of talos confers a blessing and heals disease.

Why cant altmerfags just say they hate Talos instead of trying to push this transparent lie?

>He doesn't understand how divinity works in the Elder Scrolls universe

Talos and Akatosh are the only "divines" with any real power leftover. Talos is Shor/Shezzar/Lorkhan, Akatosh is Lorkhan/Auri-El(lol not anymore though)/Aka-Tusk.

Altmer are just turbomad because even though Trinimac killed Lorkhan for making them all mortal he STILL runs this place.

They are Trumpian in their lies.
Not divine .
He's three people.

I guess they think if you smear enough shit something is bound to stick.

Sort of. They hope that if no one believes in him or remembers him he'll lose his powers, since he/they gained them by mantling lorkhan who doesn't have any direct power anymore.

They need Talos to stop existing, he acts like a tower although isn't one directly.

As long as Talos exists, the Thalmor can't completely undo existence (the realm of mundus)


This image offends me, please delete it.

as you please

take that back you knife ear piece of shit

>Lorkhan is Akatosh and Talos
Is Lorkhan a common name or are you implying that Lorkhan is multiple beings?

He's part of multiple beings.

Apparently everybody is.
Post yfw there is only one person in TES but has inumerable multiple personalities.
Just ignore the meta physical nonsense.

>Akatosh is Lorkhan

Well yeah it's just one, but only a handful of people in that universe know that. Lorkhan achieved CHIM so he's got a much better idea of what's going on than anyone else, lets him plan for stuff like his death.

I mean who else would get the idea to incarnate on mundus (Tiber septim), mantle the self (CHIM) and then mantle yourself (Lorkhan) to reactivate your own sphere after you're dead?

I thought the Altmer wanted to stop Talos worship not because they don't believe he is a Divine, but exactly because he is and stopping worship of him helps them with their plan to destroy the world.

Akatosh and Lorkhan are a duality

Which vanilla skyrimjob house is the least shit?

You're basically correct, the Thalmor want to unmake Mundus because they view mortality as a separation of what they once were, et'Ada (Original Spirits)

And they also believe they're doing humans a favor by doing it, if I remember correctly.

>There are people that don't know our oblivion character became sheogorath

I bet his endgame will be something that is beyond retarded, like reshaping or refuting an ES.

He probably wrote them before he existed as a roadmap for himself.

They're both part of the same entity, spacetime. Auri-El(depicted as an eagle) as time and Lorkhan(depicted as a snake) as space. The Marukhati Selective wanted to prove that Auri-El wasn't akatosh(depicted as a dragon), but that was impossible because he was. So they forced a dragonbreak and removed the elven aspects of Auri-El from akatosh to make it true. When akatosh finally repaired itself it was a dragon (eagle+snake) but it's the time god and dragonbreaks fuck badly with linearity so he retroactively existed before the incident.

They may have.
The only thing that is canon is SOMEONE went on to stop the GreyMarch and replace Sheo.

Imagine being so autistic that you understand what this faggot is even talking about.

how do you even into lore in this game
All the books don’t tell you shit and dialogue is nondescript

the lore is absurdly large you will never get anywhere with the games

Lorkhan is the demiurge
Praise Anu

This is total conjecture on my part, but I think his endgame is to teach us(and by extention himself) all how to exist as more than a dream.

I think when he CHIM'd and realized he's just a figment of the dreamer's imagination he wanted to find a way to make his existence permanent. I think mundus is a sort of tool or classroom for learning how to exist independantly from the godhead.

I thought it would be cool to go and make a scholar character where you just try to read everything and learn
but I guess it’s only wikidiving allowed

If he's not a divine then explain why he's more powerful than any other entity in the entire universe?

It's in the games but it's so spread out and hard to find you'd sort if have to replay them all at once.

About that, now that Jiggalag is free from the curse i pressume that it will play a major role in the next ES series. I mean, the guy got rektd just because the other daedra played politics and fucked him out of fear.

Reminder that the Last Dragonborn is both a Dragonborn and a Shezzarine.

>The heroes in the Hall of Valor say that Shor forbid them to go out and fight Alduin, but follow you without question
>You are allowed to sit upon Shor's throne in the Hall of Valor (In Oblivion, your player character could NOT sit on the Throne of Madness until after the main quest of Shivering Isles was done and the CoC "mantled" Sheogorath.)

Kys faggot. No one cares about your stupid fan fiction. End your life this second retard-faggot.

Sheogorath also has memories of being the Gray Fox and Listener for the Dark Brotherhood.

It's not clear whether Jyg is actually free or whether someone mantling Sheo and "freeing" him is just a part of the greymarch cycle.

Where does he imply that? I know he says he was there for the 'whole blasted event' when Dagon invaded.

In Skyrim.

"You know, I was there for that whole sordid affair. Marvelous time! Butterflies, blood, a Fox, a severed head... Oh, and the cheese! To die for."

I share that. Lorkhan is more alive than every other god and daedra put together, and the most "human". My line of thought was this:
>unavoidable end of everything marked in some Scrolls that came out of nowhere
>Lorkhan knows this, and tries to defy it
>Almost, if not, every heroe in ES plays an important part on his plan (mainly the daggerfall hero, because that time-space event was beyond fucked)
>Azura helps only because, as a clairvoyant, knew about that

Wow you fucking nerds are ridiculous, look at what you are typing about.

TES lore is fucking cool man

Auri-El has never been depicted as an Eagle though.

What did she mean by this?
No, seriously, go back to ResetEra

You're just jealous that your feable mind can't enter into the conversation in a meaningful way and you don't even know where to start to learn.

>Lorkhan is more alive than every other god and daedra put together,

He's literally the most dead


>discussing kiddie game fan fiction

im a 6'1 buff baby faced 8/10 and id fuck your shit up kid
now bend over


You forgot
>Umaril the Unfeathered was only killed through the blessings of Talos


Yea you sure showed me.

Altmer are just Jews, aren't they?


I mean, dudes like Sheogorath and Merhunes are fucking dead inside, making clear at every stage of the series that they fucking NEED humans in order be relevant and edgy. The daedra are powerful only and only because sentient lesser beings can evoke and display emotions and states of mind, but Lorkhan is beyond that, being the reason and of the same nature as every other living thing, making him more alive than those sterile and vapid higher entities.

Fuck off nerd. 1v1 me on codww2 Xbox live. If your not scared I’ll drop my handle and you can hit me up for your whooping.

Still the 2nd most influential since the beginning after Akatosh


Mer and men were both created from the spirit ooze, so yes. If mer "ascended" so would men. Difference is that men like the current existence and don't want it to end.

Tbh going by the lore, the Thalmor are probably in the right, even if they're dickish about it.

Lorkhan was a cheeky trickster and trolled the original spirits into making mundus, many of them dying in order to achieve it. Magnus, the spirit who was the "lead designer" of mundus, grew to hate what it had become. He fled from Mundus, tearing a whole in it which is the sun, and most of the other spirits agreed with him and fled as well, ripping their own wholes which appear as the stars at night.

The tiny number of spirits that stayed behind became the Aedra, and lesser ones wasted away in nothing (their ooze was then used to create life of nirn), it's pretty obvious that mundus was a mistake given that most of the spirits just thought fuck this shit and buggered off back home.

The Aedra also grew to love mortals after they killed Lorkhan. I doubt the Aedra want Mundus to end.

No? Daedra operate totally independently from Mundus and don't need humans as anything beyond entertainment. Mortals display the things they represent because Daedra taught mortals said emotions and behaviors.

Meanwhile Lorkhan is fucking dead. Press F to pay respects tier dead.

I thought for sure it was, looks like I misread depictions of Anui-El as an eagle/bird with Auri-El.

That changes things a little bit.

Lorkhan is "dead" in the sense that he no longer has a body. His spirit still walks Mundus.

Fuck off merari.

Whoops I meant Nirn, not Mundus.

More exactly, his power (the heart) and body are separated.

>Daedra operate totally independently from Mundus
The guys are like Syrians trying to enter into Mundus, spending almost every intent in order to influence it, despite having their own sandboxes to fuck off in the meanwhile. It's just my opinion desu, but seems more logical to think that they, being capable to grow, need lesser beings in order to achieve a status that can put them above the gods and fucking broke the seals that prevent them to be the new munders.

pick one

How advanced is the most latest (chronologically) era?

Imagine being dumb enough to go to a board/site for enthusiasts and being surprised by a post like that

Spreading Thalmor lies is not going to work.
Fake news has spread to Tamriel.
Crying shame.

Well yes, that's why they're the Aedra/divines. They stayed behind and sacrificed a part of themselves to maintain Mundus.

Point is that far more of the spirits agreed with Magnus and just thought, "yeah, mundus was a huge mistake lmao" and fucked off back to aetherius.

sure thing Ulfric, now go back to chopping wood for Breton businessmen.

Thalmore news network at it again it seems.

what do mages have to do with a place like sarthaal anyway

>not the Nordest Nord that ever exist

The bike and tools should be laying on the ground.

>Lorkhan was a cheeky trickster

Pure conjecture and spin.

My dudes, those guys got teleported or rektd out of existance?

Fused with the skin of a robot.

So can someone please explain the College questline to me?
>Atmorans discover the Orb of fucking Magnus that's probably there since the Aedras build Mundus
>still settled there because ?
>Snow Elves raid them because Atmorans seems to a big problem
>did nothing with the Orb because ?
>College dig up the place and decide to make it a field trip for new students to study shit
>take the orb back to research
>shit happens

The khajiiti myths, which appear to be the closest to what may have happened, name him a trickster. It's a good medium between muh doom drum and dindu nuffin

Jyg's problem is that he got control back JUST as the Oblivion Crisis happened. Meaning he probably has little to no relics or worshipers on Nirn to get folks to call on him and get him to come over after . Meaning he's fucked and stuck in Oblivion after Martin cut off the two.

That... is pretty fucked up. I can't remember why Cagrenac didn't disappear, but at least now i know where his legs are at.

Wulfharth and Reman are my favorite Tamrielic heroes.

One bellend accidently poofed the entire race whole trying to stop the chimer.

Now they're floating about in space somewhere as the "skin" of their space robot Demi-god eternally shitposting about the divines

mcguffins are easy and lazy ways to create a srory

>Psijic Monk guys goes "ONLY YOU CAN STOP WHAT IS TO COME"
>At the end of the questline they just teleport the Eye of Magnus away because why not.

It's a shame, because he would make a hell of a quest giver.

>The khajiiti myths, which appear to be the closest to what may have happened
You must be higher than a clan mother if you actually thing what the Khajitt have as their creation myth is the closest to the truth given that Azura plays a massive role when as a Daedric Prince, she explicitly doesn't give a fuck, Padomay and Sithis are individual being and not forces, and the Khajitt were made out of a race that didn't even exist yet.

Lucian is the only Divine

you mean yagrum? he was in oblivion at the time so he wasn't poofed