What're some video games where the bad guy was just doing his job until the protagonist interefered and made the entire situation worse off?
What're some video games where the bad guy was just doing his job until the protagonist interefered and made the entire...
I hope Skeetposting surpasses Mungposting
is lightning actually hotter than the surface of the sun?
>skeetposting is already a year old
It's called salt, dude.
That's what I said.
Sodium chloride.
> Jimmy tried to automate the vast majority of the workplace
> Didn't even consider the repercussions of this
Let's assume Jimmy managed to succeed.
> Corporate finds out about this
> Realize that they just found a way to save on labor using this shit a kid was able to make in his fucking garage (i.e. something really fucking cheap)
> Shit gets installed in every restaurant
> Countless employees laid off because this machine can do all the work they do and it's so cheap to manufacture a fucking a kid working a minimum wage job could build one.
See the thing is that regardless of being smart Jimmy should be using the fucking register so the system can keep track of sales in doing it himself he fucks up the entire system
Surface of the sun isn't that hot. Lightning is anti-matter producing magic.
Would you rather touch lightning or the sun for 2 miliseconds?
Wich one has bigger tiddies?
Bags of sand
The sun is shaped like a giant indian boobie! xD
I know for a fact people have survived various lightning strikes. I have not heard of anyone surviving contact with the sun.
JoJo part 7
Kirby's Adventure
>I have not heard of anyone surviving contact with the sun.
hmm I wonder why that is
The surface of the sun is only around 6000 Kelvin. That being said the Corona (the area above the surface) is millions of degrees Kelvin for some reason, meaning being relatively close to the sun is more dangerous than being on top of it. The center is about 15 million degrees.
I'm pretty sure everything we've sent there burned up once it entered the sun's atmosphere. There's no way a human is gonna walk there.
But that’s just because the electricity passed right through them. It’s not the heat that kills you, it’s the electric shock
Isn't that already happening in clapistan's Mcburgers?
getting to the sun and surviving would be harder than actually being on it
leidenfrost effect will keep you mostly intact in either situation
Persona 5
literally did noting wrong, freaking Troy Baker had to screw everything up
Yep lol only a few rich places though in my area
The funny thing about this is that salt could mean more than sodium chloride, What he means is table salt
100+100+100= 300
Humans 1 Souless Automatons 0
w-what other types of salt are there?
yes but the brain adds the first 2 100s together and then the 3rd one. checkmate smartfag
rock salt, sea salt, etc
>he doesn't just add them all together without having to think
Come on Mr.Roboto
In chemistry terms it's the precipitate of a neutralization reaction. LiCl is just one example of a possibility
the brain is faster than you think smartfag. while it may SEEM all at once your brain does that i said. Its faster than lightning being electric and all
This Jimmy/Skeet shit is so painfully unfunny. It’s not even the best episode of the actual show.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums have by far the most boring reactions
Jimmy is the homunculi intellectual that Nietzsche depicts in Zarathrustra. A big headed malcontent, one that revels in his intellectual superiority at the expense of his place of employment. He refuses to respect authority, he refuses to respect the structures of society out of his allegiance to the school of resentment, going as far to keep around weak willed sycophant like Car around to prop up his inflated sense of self-importance.
Neutron's pride in his intellect is met with incredulity by Skeet, with his cocked eyebrow (the monobrow being indicative of a more animalistic, IE. more naturalistic morality) Skeet looks at Neutron's idealism as a form of cowardice and a way of circumventing responsibility.
Look instead to Sheen, he has the affirmation of the child, he finds joy in the external, he seizes the day.
He believes in the Ultralord aka Ubermensch.
Last of Us
Because Sup Forums and Sup Forums don't really have much wit to them.
if he did the numbers in his head instead of using the register, regardless of if he can remember them or not when it comes to taxation, he's going beyond his station and making himself more 'necessary' to keep around like a little shit.
Jimmy was the villain, all for the sake of feeding his ego with immediate satisfaction.
They're incredibly boring boards, so I'm not surprised. Sup Forums is the absolute worst place to discuss anime, since everyone knows anime discussion happens everywhere on Sup Forums, so it's only entry tier plebs trying to pretend they know shit.
And Sup Forums hasn't had anything to discuss in years. I feel bad for anyone believing anything good could happen for comics or cartoons in the year 2017.
The Sup Forumsnservatory is maximum comfy, though.
>the brain is faster than you think
Actually, it's exactly as fast as I think
is this thread and ephemeral illusion?
I love how Skeetposting took off. I remember seeing the episode years ago and thinking it was the epitome of Jimmy needing to flaunt his intelligence around and everything got worse for it. All he had to do was do the job like everyone else, but no hes to smart for that. Hes got to belittle people by beating them over the head with big science words and fuck up the whole shop to show how much better his way of doing things was. Skeet's portrayed as a slack jawed idiot whose stifling Jimmy's potential when in reality he just wants the shop to keep going as per usual. Jimmy doesnt care though, he doesn't care about his employment, his community, or even the people around him. All that matters is that he gets another two seconds to showcase how fucking smart he is at everyone's expense.
>Sup Forums
>i don't care
>posts in the thread anyway
>you have to go back duude
>you ain't intelligent or funny, get out
Such funsucking joykilling elitist smug pricks. God i hate that place.
Sup Forums is a trash board but not in the way Sup Forums is
Sup Forums is random porn spam, dick picture threads, and console war shitting threads, basically a whole variety of garbage with some funny stuff in-between
Sup Forums is like a never ending ride on a garbage boat where you only get new garbage every 4 months, and you get 3 or 4 types of garbage per month, before everybody goes back to talking about which statue of cute girls made out of used plastic is the best girl
Technically the core of the Earth is hotter than the Sun, the Sun is hot but it's not nearly the hottest thing of all time.
Don't get me started on AW's fucking campaign. It started out well enough, going into the politics as to how PMC's can start wars when the United States technically can't, how Kevin Spacey was creating better infrastructure than the US ever did towards the nations it invaded, but then you get near the end and suddenly he just decides to go fucking nuts.
Like I get it, his kid sacrificed himself to save my life, but then he creates a fucking country in some backwater Arab nation and decides to declare war on the world or something. But what's the absolute fucking worst is that at the end of the game, you're captured, and then dragged through a fucking extermination camp at THE FUCKING GROUND FLOOR OF HIS SKYSCRAPER. You're dragged through a bunch of prisoners being mistreated, shot, etc, and for what? You take an elevator up, and he goes up to you and says that "I COULD KILL YOU, BUT I'M NOT A MONSTER"
watch the reddit spacing my friend
damn user that was good.
That's actually a very insightful way of looking into this show. Good pasta.
>Such funsucking joykilling elitist smug pricks.
Sup Forums could use a bit more elitism. Despite it all, Sup Forums somehow still manages to keep this things on a tight leash, even their fucking shitposting is on topic more often than not.
Banner Saga
Remember that the immediate space above the surface of the sun is millions of degrees.
Fun fact, humans cannot count individual things immediately in groups of more than four
Once you get up to five you have to start breaking them down into smaller groups (3 and 2).
On the other hand, I know for a fact that people have died from lightning strikes. I have never, not even once, heard of anyone dying, or even getting injured, of contact with the sun.
already happens when I was in Singapore's airport
>or even getting injured, of contact with the sun
>what are sunburns
>bath salts
But it's got next to no density though
Fun fact, the human eye cannot see more then 720p/30fps
metroid prime