Are there any good video games where I can play as a little girl?

Are there any good video games where I can play as a little girl?

Other urls found in this thread:



dragons dogma
atelier series
crusader kings
modded skyrim

but i would really want to know about a game where being a little girl relfects gameplay and roleplay to an extent

>weird face with cleft lip
>constantly searching for attention
>receding hairline
This is the most accurate representation of a """""trap"""" I've ever seen in 2D, and I don't like it because 2D should strive to be better than 3D


A Hat In Time


the collective shitfit that was thrown in the room of people I watched his episode with was incredible


Genocide all traps


Shut the fuck up you fucking trash

is this the hot new Sup Forums anime?



Legend of Zelda


>regresses to deep voice when not girlytalking
>called out for wearing stockings and doing dumb poses in photos
>frequent dirty and ill timed jokes
unironically the best, most realistic 'trap' in anime


this looks like some bad Sup Forums meme

No, it's the hot new crunchyroll/ironic weeb anime

M00t simulator

I knew this would be here but I had to check

>Sup Forumseddit

>Sup Forums
It's MAL at best