It wasn't that bad

It wasn't that bad.

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It was that bad

Sonic was always bad. Prove me wrong.

It was fucking horrible and the only redeeming factor was the campiness and music. Without Nostalgia and Sonic it wouldn't even be remembered.

That is a subjective opinion so you already proved yourself wrong.

Holy shit Mr President I didn't know you posted on Sup Forums

Sonic 2
Sonic Mania

Sonic 3+K
Sonic Rush

Literally every other Sonic game

I don't get people that say 2 is better than 3. It improve on everything from the second game. Also, I really like 3D Blast.

t. OP

Having just beaten Edgy the Hedgy myself for the first time since I was a lad... holy shit it was even worse than I remembered. Honestly, I think it's rock bottom as far as Sonic goes. It's even worse than 06!

Sonic advertises itself on going fast and then as soon as you get into the game going fast anywhere besides loops and cinematic set pieces just gets you killed. Combine that with the fact that it's a 4:3 aspect ratio where you can't see shit two feet in front of you and what you're left with is a mediocre platformer with good graphics and music.

Fucking this. I'm all for speedrunners getting the best possible time on these things, but unless you know exactly what's coming up it is always against your best interests to go fast.

>the president of the united states just happens to keep a picture of two anthropomorphic hedgehogs on his desk?
If that picture was taken after Sonic Heroes, then why didn't Sonic or Rouge or fucking anybody give Shadow any information about his past?

>Sonic 3+K
it's better than 2

There's a whole bunch of unused audio in SA2 with the president gushing about how Sonic and Shadow, so it makes sense that he would have that picture, as for how he got it, I don't know

When was this picture taken? Shadow and Sonic weren't friends before their battle on the ARK. Shadow was assumed dead after the end of SA2. Shadow didn't know Sonic at the beginning of ShTH.

>good game
Gonna have to pick one

S3&K > Mania > 2 >>>>>>>>>>>> shit > every other Sonic game


Sonic shows up at the very first level of ShTH and they act as they're buddies. I don't know anything about this timeline, but it seems you don't know anything either.

I just looked it up, and while Sonic knows Shadow (which makes sense), their dialogue seems pretty one-sided.

Well that's because Shadow doesn't remember anything at the start of the game.

>Dragged some amnesiac to take a picture for the president while he doesn't even remember the good deed he did
>Rouge never cues in shadow about his past
>rouge will ask shadow to help her after he helped the Black arms at the last mission of the pure evil route