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P-PC version when?

god gup is so fucking annoying

fuck off

no you fuck off, this "cute girls doing war things" meme in anime needs to be buried

I own the PS VIta collectors edition.
You bet your ass im buying the collectors for this one too.

yea yea, go back to watching your mainstream anime bullshit

Look almost like the vita version. Might buy it if it has more interesting dialogue whenever you break orders.

Why is every game based on an anime automatically shit? All they had to do was make this like BattleTanx with waifus and it would've been an instant-buy, but no. It looks like a fucking early access game with minimal effort put in.

>B-But it's a trailer! The game's not out yet!
You know damn well the game will look exactly the same when it gets released, but all is forgiven, because of the "amazing" stuff you get when you preorder.

Disgusting, really.

how's the VITA game? I heard it's pretty meh. Hopefully they tighten up the gameplay for this one. Would be interesting too if we can pick our crew and if each crewmember has different stats or something.

OP here. Here's some gameplay.

Game looks fine as it is. It uses the same style as in the anime.

As long as I can go fast with Rosehip in her Crusader it's all good.

at least use the one with the english sub.

tfw I live in SEA and can get the english version.

I'm buying this. Just going around town in a tank is already doing it for me.

>5 years

>I live in SEA
PS4 is non-region locked right?

Holy shit that's boring as fuck. I bet weebs would be all over this thanks to the screaming monkey voices.

I didn't like how over the top the movie was. I enjoyed the insane drifting from the pershings but none of the other stuff like launching the hetzer towars the karl or the roller coaster ride.

yeah, not region locked so you can import it if you want to.

Why do the Japs ALWAYS have the girls play the game on stage like this when they suck complete ass at the games?

>calls others weebs
>posts anime
you are some über kind of retard holy shit.

They're the voice actresses, fans like to see them fumble through the game.

This and the anime about ships are the only reasons why /wowg/ and /wotg/ will be forever shiposting centrals.
I swear to god these people would rather kill themselves than play one game without having anime camos all over their tank/ship

loli miho

>tank drifting is in
That's what made the anime a full sell instead of a chuckly download. I hope a subtitled release at least, looks like there's a lot of VN content and I don't want to miss out on extra stuff.

>I don't enjoy it so they shouldn't enjoy it too!
You can't even see their weeb tank camos, why the butthurt.

Looks boring as fuck.

Is tank drifting realistic?

There are already a lot of fanart even without these anime.

Because actual game discussion is almost non-existent. Its anime circlejerk chat room basically

maybe he likes the series but thinks the game looks like shit because weebs buy anything


Import the SEA version and you'll get english menus and english sub.

*First on PS4

If it has wheels, anything can drift user.

Oh neat, I didn't think they were gonna do one of those. Probably gonna sit on my hands for a bit to see if they're crazy enough to bring it west, but having that safty net feels pretty good.

Maybe you should try reddit

>the only reasons
Yeah dude a bunch of WWII f2p video game autists on /vg/ would never ever result in shitposting

Somewhat, not in the way the show presents it but tanks can drift to some extend, mostly depends on the terrain it's on. Dirty or wet ground makes it possible.

That's enough of that.

I just want a GuP game that's any good, unlike that psvita dreck

You just need some speed and/or at least momentum and a way to change where your vehicle is pointing at.

Even aircraft carriers can drift.

Man, i just wish this wasnt an easy cash-in and the person in charge actually used the idea of tank fighting to it's full potential.

Boats all "drift" by default because they rear steer

Hell just asking EDF devs how to make good tanks would be good enough.

I mean EDF is not even a tank game and it has the best tank combat gameplay

Posting anime doesn't make you a weeb

That customization is disappointing to say the least. Just colors and decals, what is this 1998?

>Jatkosota High School
Aw shit, I'm going to cast that Finnish magic.


God I want to be Saori's bf and cheat on her.

>Inb4 fury×girlsunpanzer youtube trailers

I love Girls und Panzer. But
>online game
>exclusive to a system that charges for online play
R.I.P. gaming.

>the general that voted to have 31 year old chink female doctor as a clan leader
it's shit even before you bring anime into the equation

Gibe me pc version so i can fap to my waifu.

Looks like shit desu

dead on arrival

And Tankwondo > Panzerfahren.

welp, time to buy a PS4 now

So who's the best tankfu?

fuck off with your Tankwondo shit

Oh my fucking God i'm pedo for lolis now


Yukari, no contest



You can keep your trash.
I'll stick with Valkyria Chronicles games, Steel Fury Kharkov 1942, T-34 vs Tiger and these two:

>Fapping to Yukari instead of fapping to the tanks
She would be very disappointed

is the anime good? why is it shilled every where

Of course not, it's moeshit trash with LE KAWAII UGUU MOEBLOBS riding WW2 tanks, naturally there's literally 0 historical accuracy and it's all dumb shit for children and basement dwelling neckbeards with no taste.

What if I fuck her in a tank

they actually put a lott of effort in providing accurate tank facts.

Not really, it's generic "the power of friendship and natural skill/luck" with a tank theme and some country circle jerking. It's not nearly autistic enough about the merits of each individual tank design to class it as an interesting tank anime.

It's very, very silly but quite fun and self aware. It's worth a watch, and the movie is pretty great.

It's really fun. The plot is rather meh but the tank combats are really fun to watch.

Miho isn't really a natural, she comes from a family that takes it more seriously than anyone else. She's probably the second most highly trained commander behind her sister, which is why she is so good.

The only "natural talent" is Mako and her driving skills.


>Anime is a serious medium only for people who wants to think and it's not for fun at all *snort*

Ich will nicht mehr auf dieser Welt leben


>you will never see the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E constellation with Maho

Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the show is good, don't use it.

>both a video game and das finale coming up
Our patience has been rewarded.

Dialogue facts =/= what actually happens in all those dumb as fuck onscreen battles.
And the battles are some of the dumbest weeb historically inaccurate shit I've ever seen.
I sure as fuck am mad that I fell for the memes and watched few episodes of this trash because I realized I was bamboozled and dropped that shit like an ugly baby.

>this isn't 120 minutes of sitting hull down theorycrafting about armour penetration and detection range, I can't fap to this

It's a sports show but the sport is shooting tanks.

Now that Bandai aquired Studio Actas prepare for more GuP games and series after das Finale. Probably about new schools we have seen before.

You mean the battles that aren't historical to begin with isn't historically accurate? What a shocker.

This isn't a history show. They're shooting tanks as a school club activity.

Video games are unrealistic too and yet here you are on Sup Forums.

Japanese schollgirls driving tanks aren't historically accurate ? Whaaaaaaaaaat?

What are some other /k/ approved anime?

is that 4 player splitscreen on a 2018 game?

so is this world of tanks with anime girls?

Is world of tanks worth playing

>world of tanks

no and no

>Is world of tanks worth playing

Company of Heroes is the gupper's game of choice.

More like Men of War