I hope net neutrality goes away. Not only will it give me a reason to stop going online...

I hope net neutrality goes away. Not only will it give me a reason to stop going online, but all the surface level redditors and braindead neanderthallic losers who use it will go away. Sure NEETS will have to pay more but the people who get illicit shit are still gonna get it. Good riddance to the shitty kiddy pool the internet is

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the fuck is net neutrality
treating the internet all the same? lmao

No its some horseshit internet regulation that makes it so isps cant fuck with you, but if it goes away they can make people pay more to visit certain sites and throttle bandwidth.if it goes away we get an irl casual filter

Fuck that would be amazing

the casuals are the ones with more disposable income dumbass, if they can pay for Netflix subscriptions they can pay for top tier internet. ISPs aren't going to have a "Sup Forums" package so it'll just get lumped in with a general internet package that everyone will get anyway

>$0.02 has been deposited into your Xfinity Account!


People are fickle; the more hoops they have to jump through to get something they're not loyally engagex with, the less people actually go through with it, especially when it comes to money. The type of package doesnt matter, rather the act of getting to sites and using the internet becomes different and, hopefully, difficult

>Not only will it give me a reason to stop going online
>all the surface level redditors and braindead neanderthallic losers who use it will go away.
does this mean you're a surface level redditor and braindead neanderthallic loser OP

You are who i want gone

no isp is going to charge extra for Sup Forums, why do you think no net neutrality would mean we are left alone?

Goddamn I'm gonna love hearing about Spoony's suicide once he realizes he has to pay a premium for twitter, chris chan too.

>net nuetrality is repealed
>isps can now charge extra for priority bandwidth to popular sites like reddit/twitter
>Sup Forums is pretty much unmarketable to the general public so it is left alone
>regular internet users can either pay extra for popular social media or use sites that arent throttled like Sup Forums

OP have you thought about this at all?

>no isp is going to charge extra for Sup Forums
You're right, they'll block it outright because they can. Sup Forums contains one of the biggest right-wing forums on the internet. And guess who has their hands in the ISP pie? Liberal media megacorporations.

I'm not even right-wing, but I can see that happening.


Internet becomes more expensive so i wont pay for it
Communities are no longer populated by freeloaders, and youtube and twitch die slower than they do now
Does that answer your question? No, but you're still a point dodging faggot regardless

Sound reasoning. Now go cut off your nose to spite your face.

It's hilarious how Americans think this effects the entire world, the internet will go on as usual just without Amerifats shitting it up.

ignoring the conspiracy theory, ISPs want to make money, how does blocking a site and not offering a way to pay for it make any business sense?

why would you care about online communities if you don't go online

America is the entire world and sets the standard for everything, weather you like it or not.

Sometimes the political gain is worth more than the economic gain.

But even if they don't go full 1984 on us it's definitely not out of the question that Sup Forums might get throttled.

Its not just priority speeds to certain websites, it's bandwidth throttling to other sites and services (ie Netflix amd Hulu). The moment you can tell me any self-respecting company wouldnt outright throttle the shit out of SA, Sup Forums, guro boards and exhentai and they actually dont is the moment ill eat my fucking crusty cum sock

the same reason he cares about twitter/reddit now despite not going to those sites (I assume). He likes to get angry

>we have reached a point where unhappy losers who think being forcibly "removed" from Sup Forums will make them happier
>to justify this, they think saying yes to an outright ridiculous repeal is """"justice""" served
>it isn't, and they'll come to realize this when it's too late

At this point I'm sure it's just idiots who think saying fuck you to liberals/democrats is the cool thing to do since most of them are opposing the repeal.

it's likely they'll throttle anything that isn't a major site and make people pay for a general "no throttling" package

the fact that ISPs want to repeal net neutrality makes it pretty clear that they view the economic gain to be worth more.

free market right


Cry about it fucking faggot your internet is going byebye and no amount of moral horseriding and centrism is gonna take you anywhere, get shit on

>Here at Comcast we believe in protecting liberality and your safety by prevent far right groups and domestic terrorists from communicating by blocking their forums. Comcast, A leader in defending Freedom.

It acts as a selling point to idiots who fall for virtue signaling. There are more of those people than people who browse websites like Sup Forums.

If ending net neutrality gets rid of even half you retarded gen z motherfuckers then I will gladly support it.

require you to buy the "premium" package for your old internet service

the fact that they're making it a political issue is fucking stupid, why would anybody side with fucking comcast of all companies, left or right?

>Sup Forums will die in your lifetime
>/r/thedonald will have to go back to ribbit
Fuck, I can't wait bros

>idiots who think saying fuck you to liberals/democrats is the cool thing to do
Nah, it's the politics in general, get that shit the fuck off of this board. I'm absolutely fed up of seeing the same shitty Sup Forums bait and retards gobbling it up in semi-decent threads.

Just like subbed MMOs stopped brazilians and chinks right?

Defending corporate Jews that fuck everybody is the new counterculture. Triggered liberals?

Who cares about the communities of twitter and reddit? It's about the fucking idiots like these who migrate from whatever shithole flushed them out and put them here.
Internet communities are like old school mates, who you keep up with occasionally, and you know to be reliable. I didnt need to use Sup Forums for 6 months to know how garbage it is now. I'd fucking rather go back to 2006 with Lulz and shit than be subjected to faggots like this in every single thread

>internet without americans
Beautiful, even if it doesn't last long

holy shit no net neutrality means game server connections will get throttled which means even MORE BRs and chinks in games

>the fact that they're making it a political issue is fucking stupid

The fact that people on Sup Forums see net neutrality as a "US vs THEM" issue is kind of depressing. I remember when SOPA was a thing back in 2011, no one acted like "THE LIBTARDS ON REDDIT ARE AGAINST SOPA SO WE'RE GOING TO SIDE WITH IT!".

Wouldn't all the America-based websites be affected, like YouTube and Sup Forums?

Because for some people, their ISP options are: Comcast, Time Warner (spectrum now), Comcast, or Spectrum.

These companies hold a firm monopoly on Internet service in the US. They know their service is bad, they know their infrastructure is outdated, they know their costumer service is shit, and they know their prices are bad, and they know their the only ones. A lucky few might get another ISP to choose from that is usually completely garbage because they are bullied hard by Comcast.

could move their hosts outside of murika

It wouldn't affect the sites themselves, just the people accessing the site. ISPs don't host sites

Same OP. I mostly want all kids to just not be on the Internet. It's been 30+ years and all this "international communication system" has come to is irresponsible porn and gore use. Not to mention this SJW crap most likely started because some kids read something that upset them. I feared for the future and if NN goes away I'll have some faith. I'll miss this place though


step 1
>all normies are limited to the normie package
step 2
>the real internet goes back to the non phone poster gen z's

sounds good to me

the internet becoming normalized was the worst thing to ever happen to it
i miss the difficulty, i miss the stigma

Remember how people made fun of SJWs for being consumerist idiots who worshiped Starbucks and Apple?

I'm hoping it cleanses the internet too. The internet has been every little kids underground club. Shit needs to come to a stop

>OP think Sup Forums will be allowed by corporation overlord

torching your lawn because those darn kids were on it? thanks gramps

Stay mad, kiddo, go back to facebook

now you will need Sup Forums gold and Sup Forums platfirum* to lurk Sup Forums

*platinum is special packaged provided by ISP

>haha stay mad you dumb kids, you can't walk on my lawn when its on fire.

no I have to pay extra for that
I think I'll stay here, I don't even need an account!

I doubt they'd do it that way, they'll probably just charge extra to Netflix etc to be in a fast lane where their data gets priority over websites like Sup Forums and all the normies will be happy because they just stream anyway while we get fucked by being slower.

>Not to mention this SJW crap most likely started because some kids read something that upset them.

Would this apply to Sup Forums users as well? I feel like the Internet is making people into political nutcases both ways.

You wont be able to access it because theyre gonna throttle the shit out of it. At least you tried to win, steve

>ftc says their twitter pledge is legally binding
>they delete it
two sides to every story, user

anyway here's something plebbit extracted from a mix of the FCC release and FTC regulations that are still going to be in place

>and throttle bandwidth
they already did that though

Yeah but legally this time

This is pretty much the way it is all over burgerland, it's just in some places you substitute the big fuckers for smaller regional ones who're gradually getting larger as they cannibalize eachother.
Pai's bullshit about rural communities benefitting is fucking hilarious when you live in one. The only decent change this area has ever seen was when the FCC told isps they couldn't call themselves broadband unless they delivered at least 10m on their smallest package. If they hadn't come in and said that, we'd be getting 300kb/s for $60/month and told to fucking like it.

>why would anybody side with fucking comcast of all companies, left or right?
Because reddit are against them, and that's enough for some people

Most of that shit is useless opinions and was only made by TD because of another massive post detailing multiple times ISPs had attempted to do anti consumer shit like blocking websites and been shut down for it.

That's what echo chambers do to people, if you hang around people who think like you all the time you'll start veering towards the most extreme side of the spectrum.

>mfw Americans can't even visit Sup Forums without either being completely blocked or heavily thorttled and halted to a pause
anyone else going to ready up some max limit images / webm's so Americans hit their caps instantly so the site slows down to a halt for them?

Oh man imagine how they will deal with stickies

Not him, but absolutely, Sup Forums has grown too big for it's own good at this point, and now it's affecting all the other boards. I come to Sup Forums to escape politics and shit, and if I did want to listen to politics, I would watch professionals who know what they're talking about.

>I want a hugbox for myself only

>tfw I've been on Sup Forums since 2010 and I just miss the days when this entire site wasn't part of the political autistic screeching that has flooded the Internet in recent years

>10% is "hey isn't labeling internet as TV kinda scummy? what was that about, obama admin?"
please read next time okay? you typed out a full sentence so I know you're capable of doing so.

>I come to Sup Forums to escape politics and shit

I feel the same way. Even though I disliked all the "Sup Forums culture" stuff from the early 2010's during the times when that stuff was on Sup Forums, I would honestly rather have that stuff back than all the political stuff on Sup Forums these days.

i don't miss sharktits but does renard queenston ever try to make the kind of music he labeled with mayhem nowadays? that was some good stuff

All you can say for sure, it'll make making a lliving for a LOT of people suddenly very difficult. The economy may crash even.

>Eternal September babby complaining about the Internet going to shit

>i don't miss sharktits but does renard queenston ever try to make the kind of music he labeled with mayhem nowadays?

I don't know who that is, sorry. All I remember is that sharktits used to be drawn a lot on that Doodle or Die site.

What in it am I supposed to care about? The ISPs have to disclose what they're throttling, they can't intentionally degrade the quality of competing services, and they can't conspire to all block the same shit. That does nothing to solve the issue of ISPs selling packet priority and selling expensive plans to get the same shit we're getting now.

>2010 was nearly 8 years ago

Except it was introduced in 2015 and throttling didn't happen before that. You know what NN allows for though? Prism. That's why all the huge dataminers like Google and Microsoft are freaking out - they will lose sweet alphabet money once it's gone.

I keep seeing this posted, but I don't see the point of it.
It just lists protections we already have, so what's the point of repealing Title 2?

Which Ito comic is this

good times

So the normalfags reditors that have jobs and can afford it will go away and all neets that have no income will stay? Good logic. Surely the exact opposite of what you want won't happen.

I remember almost nothing about Sup Forums from back then. All I remember is seeing some Wigglytuff shitposter on Sup Forums, and I think I was on here during PUDDI PUDDI.

>because I'm miserable, everyone else must be
Go fuck yourself.

>and throttling didn't happen before that
Except it literally did. What the fuck did you think happened in 2015 to warrant the current implementation of net neutrality?

I have three ISPs in Alaska.

Hughes net, GCI, and Alaska communications.

Hughes net is hughes net.

GCI is crooked as fuck charging $65/month for "up to 75mb/s(was maybe 1mbs/s" with a 50 gig data cap. Hit that and you think dial up was fast. They are cheaper than the AC that charges $80/month for what amounts to 1mb/s but it unlimited. Normies don't even know what that means and they get suckered into buying shitty Internet. GCI will then charge $95/month for a 250 gig data cap, $145/ 500 gig cap, and $175/month for unlimited that is supposedly 1GB/s. I doubt the crooks running that company would even get close to offering that kind of speed but they slap it up.And once you hit your cap, you can pay $10 for 5 more gigs of data. They then have deals with all the government groups up here to make sure they stay in business.

Despite how much I dislike government regulation, the government should step in and make Internet a public utility. Fuck ISPs.

>Throttling didn't happen before that.
Because of the 1996 communications act which had broadband internet labeled under telecommunications as a type 2 utility you fucking underage mongoloid.

You mean a irl pay 2 win mechanic.

Stop making this "no NN pre 2015
:^)" shit up. FCC was enforcing NN on ISPs until 2014 when Verizon went to court over it.

>data cap on wired broadband connection
No matter how many times I hear about it, it sounds so surreal every time. I feel sorry for americans who have to put up with this bullshit.

they are cucks, amazingly the american defend the corporation because the God tell them its protect them from gay.content.

It's like what the fuck can we do? The internet has become such an integrated part of our daily lives that you won't be able to boycott it. The halt of commerce will be too great for any business to even consider it.

It's ironic as fuck, because it used to be the euros getting the short end of the stick with metered internet.

Title 2 was something that was invalidated in 2015 by Verizon and Comcast, which made the Obama administration introduce laws that specifically enforced its protections.

The FCC is repealing those laws but, as you can see in the bottom of the image, they will consider Title 2 valid when it comes to the internet. Effectively, we're going back to 2015 internet while allowing the FTC to do its own job.

Not mentioned is that the FCC's laws on this matter include coverage overlap laws, which gives the ISPs their monopoly in the first place. With the repeal, the very idea of competition is no longer in a chokehold. You'll notice the effects of this through all those articles about different cities now looking into taking their internet infrastructure and making competing local ISPs out of it.

ISPs disclosing their throttling and not throttling Netflix on purpose is basically a net positive from the internet we have now, with the other things I've mentioned.

We had Title 2 until 2014. Read this. Title 2 is coming back and being recognized the moment Verizon or Comcast get uppity. On top of that, the FTC are being given their jobs back, since the internet isn't telecommunications anymore.

I think, as tense as the situation is, I'd be fine with NN staying the way it is. But considering Ajit Pai only wants to hear from uniquely worded letters only bringing new legality-related facts to the table, bitching about it on an image board isn't going to stop it from being repealed. It's best to look for the positives at this point, and I've found plenty.

tl;dr we're back to 2015 internet and it doesn't count as TV anymore so the FTC can get involved

Its because the government itself allows the companies to maintain their virtual monopolies on ISPs. Their used to be a lot of companies and healthy competition until all the little companies realized they could just join together under one big company and kike the fuck out of everyone.

Well It's semi different. Neo Nazis, KKK, and general extremists have had a major decline since 9/11. It seems the only way they can amass together is through online forums while SJW's have much more sway and can take regressive actions because there are so many.

The only time there was "healthy competition" was when all you needed was someone providing your phone pool for dial-up.
Ever since that became not enough it's been jew city with guys like tao pai pai leading the charge.

Just imagine everyone stopping being hooked on the internet and start being productive. Whenever my Internet goes down my life quality skyrockets, but this happens maybe once or twice a year for only a couple hours.