Indie Game Communities Compass

I was on an online chat and someone mentioned the fanbase of Undertale and then the fanbases of other indie games started coming up, so I came up with this measuring system for an indie game fanbase. Discussing the position of different games on this chart became a popular topic for a bit and this is the result when the discussion stagnated. What do you think? Can you suggest changes in the placements of these games, or perhaps suggest more games for the chart? Also it'd be cool if someone improved the format of my shitty MS Paint graph somewhat.

If you're complaining the FNAF community isn't more degenerate, consider that R34 of it isn't popular among its fanbase.

Swap isaac and terraria

I think it's fair to say that the Isaac community is both more normie and more degenerate than the Terraria community.

what definition of indie are /we/ using
also please delete your post

Clicking "Delete" isn't working, I get pic related.
So I can't delete the post.
Anyway, I think the definition of indie can probably be based on whether the game is said to be indie in game store pages. I'm not sure this is necessary though, most games are easy to tell.

>Lisa is for normies

Fuck you OP

>Lisa is for normie degenerates
Objectively wrong

You're right, it should be less normie than Isaac. Chart updated.

Whoops I shouldn't have moved OFF with it, one sec

There we go. Any games to add?

where is spess stashun 13

Most vidya and online nerds now a days dont understand what it means to be a real man going through some real shit.
Most probably think that whining like lil bitch boys and circle jerking in echochambers is the epitome of manliness to them queermos.

I've never seen anything from that game's community, I might add it if you know where to place it. Or maybe you can add it.

Its immeasurable on your chart. It varies from server to server from degenerate to non degenerate, and normie to dank.

doki doki lit club should be right in the center

Well then I can't put it on the chart. I guess a separate chart could be made for it with each server.

find a way to put rapelay in the tumblr quadrant

>No Cave Story
Cmon user you can't make a list about indie without the granddaddy of them all.
Problem is It would be where Stardew is though soooo...

I think Stardew Valley works great for the center. Doki Doki Lit Club could probably go a bit above it anyway, just because it's weeb. But I don't want to add games I've never heard of to the chart, I like to have an idea what I'm talking about.
Googling it a bit, RapeLay just doesn't seem normie enough for that quadrant, though I get the joke. The quadrant names are more like "guidelines" anyway, after all FTL doesn't have its own private forum for example. It's just that I only had the quadrant names before I labeled the axes and started changing stuff.

Fixed your shitty list

Forgot to raise undertale, my bad

I think you really understand the purpose of the labels.
Also what degenerate about a rhythm game like Osu?


Needs to be a bit further right but not too much
You're delusional if you don't think its a normie game, there are tons of videos of people playing it with hundreds of thousands and millions of views
>Also what degenerate about a rhythm game like Osu?
It's a shitty rhythm game

Uhhh Sup Forums has one of the most dedicated dwarf fortress fanbases, look up their general

Add Transistor.
Change 'Normie' for Normalfag.

>no Katawa Shoujou.
Kill yourself OP.

100% OJ could fit in the middle of the top right one

The ax labels are more important than the quadrant labels. I just kept the quadrant labels because of an older version of the chart, and they still work well for some games.
I guess Lisa could stand to go further right. I instinctively put it close to OFF and Undertale, but that was probably wrong.

>more normie than fucking 2d minecraft

All right, I attempted to respond a bit to people's suggestions.
Does this look like a good compromise?
Fair point.
Do you think this goes well on the top right? I really just haven't looked this game up much, much less the fanbase.

Fuck I forgot the image.


replace degenerate/not degenerate with cancer/not cancer

would probably make for more accurate placements in general

Where would Roguelikes fall into this chart

Bottom right.

Same as DF, and no I am not saying DF is a roguelike.

It's probably the most popular and best selling roguelite. It would at least be fairly close to it if not on the same level.

Also, you really can't group all the map blobbers together. Stuff like EU4 and HoI4 are pretty much Reddit-only while Vic2 is probably the only thing that gets talked about in /gsg/ outside of Incest and Gay Son Simulator 2.

>Do you think this goes well on the top right?
KS isn't that 'degenerate' but it's Sup Forums legacy now, probably on the middle, over 'Sup Forums'.

Yeah that looks great so far. I think Katawa Shoujou would definitely be where Hunniepop was.

Hmm, I don't know about this.
Same as Dwarf Fortress.

But that's retard user because reddit, tumblr, and Sup Forums are all cancer.
Private forums aren't cancer but they die as quickly as some one who has it.

brainlet chart

I think it probably doesn't take much to be near the top on this chart as it is right now, if you go by the other names. And I'd say it's probably way to the right.

>not degenerate

Silly thread, all fanbased are made up off autistic retards with a need to belong and they decide a poor budget vidyogame should be part of their identity.
Put them all in the cancer section

Where's zachtronics?

>Not Degenerate

osu! is a weeb game but it's just a rhythm game, and that's how the fanbase sees it as far as I've seen. That's why it's above the bottom line but not by much.

Where does Mountain Bladeā„¢ fit in?
I'd guess next to Paradox games since they'r e player-bases seem to overlap.

In the center. Maybe a bit dank.

See Varying between Factorio and Dwarf Fortress, depending on the specific game.

Good work user.
Just so you know people are gonna keep asking why _____ game is not there. like Skullgirls, Darkest Dungeon, Cuphead, Vallhalla, etc. it never ends. So you might want to settle with that chart.

I don't know enough about Paradox games to ungroup them, and that might crowd the chart too much anyway. If you think having Paradox games grouped compromises accuracy too much, I could remove it from the chart.

Paradox aspies are the same.
Muh history simulator
Muh based Swedish "indie" dev
Keep it the same

>Parodox games
>not degenerate
Looks like someone hasn't been on /gsg/

Guilty as charged. But hey, I did think to put them above the bottom line. I think on average the fanbase really isn't much degenerate though, though there may be pockets which are very degenerate.