ITT: Games that are Impossible to Discuss on Sup Forums


all of them


the bloody roar franchise



Sup Forums isn't for discussing games. It's for shitposting so that you can discuss games freely on /vg/ without regards ruining you thread


maybe because it no longer fucking exist. >new tekken, new soul cal, new street fighter, even fucking dbz and marvel getting new games

>virtua fighter and bloodyroar never.

Anything released in the past ~5 years because it might mean that [company] has won some kind of imaginary war.

Only old games that everyone on Sup Forums seems to like can be talked about, however those threads are boring so you'll get no replies. Only shitposting threads get a lot of replies, serious discussion gets 7 before 404ing.

>you can discuss games freely on /vg/

it always devolves into talks about furries


People should just learn to ignore obvious shitposting about the character designs being too sexy or whatever and discuss the fucking game.

You can't make a thread without shitposters shitting it up.
>ignore them
They'll just reply to eachother.

>Sup Forums isn't for discussing games
Top ten memes that went too far

Monster Hunter threads survived the shitposting and turned it into an in-joke.

It's true. People on Sup Forums ironically acted like retards for so long that it made actual retards feel at home and take over.

Any game not on Playstation

/xgg/ is having a perfectly civilized discussion regarding gameplay and tips currently while widely ignoring shitposters. So opinion discarded


I'm glad a single general is doing well, what of the rest of Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is doing kike shit as usual.

/vg/ is doing pretty well though

>/vg/ is doing pretty well though
Only if you like ERP and vore shitposting.

>thread about how Sup Forums is shit
>I agree and talk about how people see this board only suitable for shitposting
>you talk about /vg/ and how it's good
I really hope you choke to death soon.

Thanks for proving my point

only because discussions about good games tend to get drowned out by cancer like this


But now it's at the point where everyone just seems to assume that everything is shitposting, even legitimate concerns and happy posts.
But whatever, we go through this shit every time a game is announced. Only difference this time is that console wars has been introduced beyond people's wishes for a console MH and Vita user.

Sup Forums is literally too retarded to actually talk about games. Have you not been here all day today? you can't even discuss XC2

>wanting to discuss that sexist weebshit garbage
I really wish Hiroshima would nuke this place and bring it back a few months later after all the shitposters would settle in somewhere else.

how dare you

fuck off

>ANIME TIDDIES are Impossible to Discuss on Sup Forums

any game with evil pigs

>putting words in my mouth
I want neogaf to leave

There's been some decent threads about it though, people just like to congregate in the hostile ones because low effort shitposting is easier than thinking before you type, ignore that kind of thread.


I thought he meant this kind of thread or perhaps the threads this thread's about are the cancer?

Inb4 autism-kun posts the webm.

reading comprehension, mate

Anons complaining about Lucina or FE6/FE7/Conquestfags come in and ruin it. The discussions around the time it was first released were great, but it's impossible now.

buttblasted capcom bros instantly barrage arms thread with 'its dead' posts and derail them

Can I like this game without being branded as a pedophile?
Can I talk about this game without derailing the conversation to "Hat girl is cute, CUTE" every 3 posts?

How is that a bad thing?


I still can't do that Shenlong combo in BR2. The one where he turns red at the end of the combo

Hat girl is cute!

>tfw you get the Mor Ardain and Rocky music starts playing

>There's been some decent threads

>tfw people who call this game shit are the only ones who have actually played and beaten it
really jingles my bells

shadman ruined discussion about her

go back to 9fag

every FE in impossible to discuss besides the fucking gacha

Idiots ruined the discussion by bringing up Shadman every time Hat Girl appears, the dude makes porn of everything, and 9 out of 10 times the women have dicks, now he makes an image of Hat Girl with a bikini and everyone loses their minds.


birthrightfag detected

Birthright and Revelations suck as well. Your game sucks.

I watched some gameplay on youtube and the boss fight music is great. I'm going to buy it for my girlfriend. She has been bored since she beat the Crash remake.