PlayStation 4 thread

PSX is six days away, same with the Monster Hunter World beta. Panzer Girls was just announced for PS4. Where my PSChads at?

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Panzer what?


Ape Escape 4 will be announced at PSX. Trust me, my uncle works for NEC.

Not on a dead console I tell you what.

Looking forward to God of War, Spiderman, and Days Gone.

I wanted to get a Pro on Black Friday but was out of state and left my old PS4 at home. Thinking about just getting the slim, I hope I wont regret it with Spiderman and Monster Hunter. How much longer do we have in this console gen?

>less than a week until Bloodborne 2 announcement

Bought a Pro on black friday
>Gravity Rush 2 is quickly rising the ranks of my all time favorite games
>Horizon Zero Dawn is surprisingly quite fun considering I mainly bought it to see how it and Zelda stacked up for myself
>Tearaway Unfolded is a good adaptation of the Vita version and they managed to come up with enough cool DS4 based abilities, but it fucking sucks that the seeing into your world from the game requires a seperate peripheral
>Kingdom Hearts 1.5 2.5 and 2.8 arrived recently
>Excited for Shadow of the Colossus and Kingdom Hearts 3
>Getting more games announced in six days
>Still have a huge backlog of games to work through once I finish the nearly 200 hours of content I already bought
>Probably will pick up some PS1 2 and 3 titles I missed
I'm in the comfy zone lads.

I liked Tearaway, shame it was such a huge flop.

Platinum was a bit of a chore to achieve finding those collectibles. Especially on levels with shit checkpoints.

>Caring about cheevos

That's the incentive to keep playing games. It makes it feel like I've done everything the developer wanted me to do.

Gotta love the pro.

>tfw have to wait until black friday 2.0 to get comfy

Panzar Dragoon Legacy

2 years probably. No way this gen will last longer than the last. Last gen went through a recession which probably stopped companies wanting to take any risks for a while.

It's checkerboarding for 4k content. I don't know why you guys aren't getting an Xbox One X.

Are we getting DMC5 here or not? You know if it's announced at PSX we win right?

> No games

That cat be pro because it goes a max of 1440p in fallout 4. I think that is the 1x lel

I have a high end PC with Windows 10 on it. Gears of War 4 came out on my platform. And the next Halo and that Rare Pirate game are coming to Windows 10 as well. AND I just got a PC port of Killer Instinct.

Sunset Overdrive is the literal one game I want on the entire system.

Oh, AND the next Crackdown.

Basically the Xbox One is intentionally designed to be redundant with the PC.

> muh Scrapio

>announce nothing new

>show off more trailers for Dad of War, Last of Us 2, Days gone, Spiderman

oh boy

Best console for multiplatform from here on out.

>Best console for multiplatform
Consoles are inherently bad for multiplatforms you peasant.

Why would I want to play Fallout 4 at 20fps? I don't want to play the game on PC where I could run at 4K60.

This, I stupidly bought an Xbox One before Play Anywhere was announced and regret it immensely. Sunset Overdrive is good and the Master Chief Collection was a nice package but that's literally all I care about on the system. Probably never buying an Xbox again.

Way more than Sony even if you pay for the streaming service. Not to mention 4 games a month instead of 2. Sorry dude.

PC often gets bad console ports though. Just look at GTA IV.

Oh my, you fags are really desperate to try and force this "no announcements" meme down everyone's throats?

And like OP said, there's another conference rights around the corner too.

>PC often gets bad console ports though. Just look at GTA IV.
Please, the game ran at fucking 20-30fps on PS3/360. The "bad PC port" meme needs to end, even the worst PC ports run better than they do on a fucking console. Remember how everyone was bitching about Dishonored 2 at launch? It was because they had trouble maintaining 60fps on the max settings. On console you don't even maintain 30fps in the game and it's at medium settings.

>Just bought an PS4 Slim + Sony TV for Black Friday

Pros with PS4:
>Console seems stronger than my old Xbox 360 arcade
>First Blu Ray Player
>Horizon Zero Dawn is great

Lack of Multiplayer focused games. Don't get me wrong, I'm all but grateful for Sony to pushing Single Player that well, but I miss the Halo 3/Gears 2 days.

Look I just want my games to run and play. 99% of the time they do on console because it's one piece of hardware. I had no issues on GTA IV on 360 (ps3 version runs below 720p) and the game runs even better on my Xbox One X.

PC is the best single player experience. If you want to play multiplayer games and have them live a long time then it's a gamble that you usually lose on PC. Black ops is a good example.

>tfw I only gayme on my pc
>tfw gf has a ps4 with literally 2 games
>tfw get her bloodborn this weekend for 18 at gamestop

seemed like a decent deal. Game isn't bad at all, I just fucking hate the chunky framerate and low settings for grafix.

It's also a joke that I have to fucking pay for ps+ in order to have the online part of the game going. lol I might get a 3 month pass for her, but I fucking doubt it. fuck you sony

So I'm probably getting a PS4 pro soon, what games should I get? I don't own an Xbox one, but do have a gaming PC (which I prefer over console).

Already going to get:
Horzion: Zero Dawn
The Last Guardian

>I had no issues on GTA IV on 360
Because you have low standards
>and the game runs even better on my Xbox One X
At some garbage resolution like 720p, probably not even 60fps at this point.

You still can't play GTA V at a framerate higher than 30fps, or resolution higher than 1080p. Why the fuck would anyone with a brain care about the shitty One X? Good job user, you get unplayable versions of most multiplatform games. Have fun with Fallout 4 at 20fps.

pretty much it, get madden for the dudebro feels. not much else to grab.

I agree with you, but I should remind you that dishonored 2 is not only badly optimized, it's also a bad game.

WHEN a PC port is awful it's just on par with the console version but I still get to pick my controller

Which 2 should I buy user?

30fps is playable. Plus there aren't really cheaters on console games due to being connected to Xbox Live/PSN.

>I should remind you that dishonored 2 is not only badly optimized
It's not badly optimized, I can run it at 4K60 on the max settings.
>it's also a bad game
On console it is where you're stuck using a 60 degree field of view and a choppy cinematic 25fps

PS5 when?

Kats game and Prey



they're just going to keep adding layers onto the PS4. We're getting PS4 Pro Plus in 2020.

>30fps is playable.
Sure but I want the best multiplatforms, which is why I play them on PC. Why are you in this PS4 thread anyway?

>PS4 thread
I guess if you count the 3 people actually talking about PS4.

>Gravity Rush 2 is quickly rising the ranks of my all time favorite games

I love GR but how??

>First Blu Ray Player

PS4's are pretty shit at playing Blu Rays that aren't Video Games, although perhaps the Slim Model is better than the base.