Gamer Fuel Thread
Gamer Fuel Thread
Got a few for Christmas
>gamer fuel
Shit is literally cringe. You're playing video games, not doing lifting/cardio.
Is that just 8 different cans of flavored chips that are suppose to taste like Thanksgiving meals? Is it any good?
Some coffee and coke with some rum for extra fun.
Candy corn is the worst candy ever invented and you're a faggot with the most garbage taste imaginable if you enjoy it.
I usually make a few of these bad boys before hopping on PUBG
Steam rice and veggies, with some chicken breast. Usually I take a break from gaming when I eat. Eating and gaming at the same time is odd.
Good taste.
the mind needs fuel more than the body you dumb ape.
Used to be water and spearmint candy (the white and green circular ones)
Then water and twizzlers
Then water and pretzel rods
Now it's water and a cup of coffee
>Eating that
>Actually enjoying it
>Plays PUBG
You do realize I'm going to have to destroy you now.
enjoy your calcified pineal gland.
>Gassing out while playing video games.
Here is your (You). Go for a walk
>showing hand
>no nigger hand
Wtf are you doing?
kill yourself
Good shit. Have you tried it with lettuce on the sandwich? That's how I was given those growing up
user your mayo is expired
>Not M&M's
I never liked skittles, not sure why they're so popular. What even are skittles? It's like some gummy candy that has no real taste to me. I use to enjoy sucking on them until they turned white and then I'd spit them out. I only did that because I enjoyed the flavoring on the shell but not the candy itself.
It just adds a little extra flavor
Jesus fucking Christ
Of course the spic spikes the ball in to the American's head.
>Candy corn is the worst candy ever invented
wtf i love borders n shit now
>no homo, sis
Ok what the fuck is this.
Did they even try to make it look like the food was real
its the best buy date not the expiration date silly.
Doesnt mean its dangerous to eat just wont taste the way the company desires it.
I-is this the apex ad?
Wait what? I can fantasise about kissing cute guys without being gay or is this only for girls? This could change everything...
>TFW I live in Texas
>Absolutely DESPISE candy corn with a white hot rage
This state has shit taste in everything, hopefully I can afford to move to a state with good taste in candy.
Kids today never grew up with funky fries and purple/green ketchup...
Oh hey, it's this thread with the same images used in a similar thread before. Funny.
what ever happened to those i remember seeing them for like a year then they were gone
Jesus christ Hardees what the fuck?
But why though
Whats up tx bro. I also think candy corn is shit.
>eating candy in 2017
>This was allowed to air on television
oh look it's a cute anime reaction image with words from another reaction image shopped in. funny
Hardee's/carl's JR
Uh, Tootsie rolls, seriously? What the fuck is this based on?
That's some shitty looking eggs and coffee, damn.
What does it taste like?
like estrogen
Only for girls.
>tfw I see straight girls hugging, kissing and grabbing eachothers butts and tits all the time at school
They know exactly what they're doing to my dick.
The future.
Fuck you Tootsie rolls are great.
Probably like milk I'd imagine, or it has the consistency of milk.
thanks hardees
Chinese "people"
Its not the worst when tootsie rolls exist
literally spat at my screen when i saw the watermelon, jesus christ my sides
r8 my delicious cake
>contemporary western cuisine
water and sometimes a half a stalk of celery if i'm feeling particularly risky
Is that suppose to be like a macaroni pizza casserole? Looks good not gonna lie.
oh god not cooking with jack
I'd rather eat toosie rolls over candy corn, and yes I've had both. Tootsie rolls tasted way better to me.
Where's that from? Is there more?
Why did you put potatoes on top?
Is this a europoor thing?
i think it's suppose to be like pizza macaronia and cheese. i'd try it desu
Looks like quite the Delicia.
I drink water. You stupid fuck.
I like cheese and all but goddamn I hate when people drench macoroni in cheese. I want it to be pretty even between the two not soupy.
-1 for No chocolate milk
They do this at the border wall
That looks pretty good, maybe a bit too much cheese for my tastest though.