How many more months until it is physically impossible for a video game to not force something political on you? As each day moves forward, I am seeing more and more people interpret every single detail in a video game as a political statement. That is a big problem because it takes away the ability to be creative from the creator, which is unfair and must be ended immediately. No one should have to suffer having their games scrutinized because of stupid political attributions given to them by someone else, in fact, it is the reason that games are being forced to be unrealistic just to remain politically contemporary, which makes no sense.
How many more months until it is physically impossible for a video game to not force something political on you...
What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you saying that people shouldn’t give interpretations on what a video games story is or what it means?
Sounds pretty retarded if that is what you are saying. If the creator intentionally makes their game that vague and open to interpretation then it’s fair game. If the creator explicitly says what their game is/isn’t then when someone tries to project their own opinions onto it, you just refer them to the creators statements.
For example, neon genesis evangelion uses a ton of religious symbolism that people interpreted in different ways. The creator, however, has come out and said that they are there because he thought they looked cool.
No you completely misunderstood the point. People are forcing games to be their political alignment or bust.
You mean the creators are or what?
You are being incredibly vague.
>How many more months until it is physically impossible for a video game to not force something political on you?
about -31 months
Everyone is, more than usual, there is an outbreak of mixing political statements and games. Games aren't supposed to be forcing some argument on you, they are supposed to be interpretable, or have no political message at all, yet they have been consumed by politics to the point where the devs can't make their games creative or genuine and need to uphold some political standard that interferes with everything about the game.
As in, if articles are more concerned with the politics of a game, rather than the quality, that is a big problem.
Take off your pathetic alt right goggles that makes you see every idea it statement as an insult to you, the white man. Most gamers don't give a shit about these things, and it's a very small minority of games whose political pandering is overt. Get a thicker skin you fucking snowflakes
What makes you think I care about what politics it is trying to say? I don't care whether it's right or left, you are the one who's cursed to be so inclined to think that way.
It's about leaving politics out of a nonpolitical medium. Stop being so paranoid.
>Games aren't supposed to be forcing some argument on you
Says who? You?
I imagine some devs want would want to put political messages in their games.
Regarding politics and social issues in video games in general;
Media is a reflection of society, same in every format (film, literature, etc). We have seen film and literature tackle political issues for years, the read we are starting to see it more in video games now is because the platform is becoming more and more mainstream, more accepted and more normalised.
It’s only falling inline with every other form of media.
>the read we are starting
The reason*
You really like to be contrarian to me huh?
It should be up to the dev, but it seems like it isn't anymore. If you don't want to be political, people will put words in your mouth like him: I explicitly didn't say anything about sides but he assumed I was on one side or another. This is happening to games.
Based Nintendo
>leaving politics out of a nonpolitical medium.
Who says gaming is a non political medium? Every other form of expression involves politics to some degree. And you really have to have a persecution complex to see the majority of games as being overly political, which is a hallmark of the contemporary gamergater/alt righter
I can't open the catalog at any given time without seeing at least 10 political threads for each side. Why can't people just discuss video games on the video games board?
Play any game that isn’t from this generation or the last you stupid fucking nigger.
That's not a good answer. And don't be insensitive.
Go to a different website. The Reddit invasion was the beginning of the end, then gamergate, but the presidential election was really the final nail in the coffin for this place.
>You really like to be contrarian to me huh?
>You disagree with me, you are only doing it to be contrarian
It is up to the devs dude. I have already explained something that should be pretty common knowledge.
Media is a reflection of society. That includes video games. Get used to it.
If you disagree with a certain message being pushed by a game that’s fine and you can refute that message but you have to accept that people (in most first world countries at least) have a right to free speech and that right will come across in the form of media.
I don't really get what you're talking about honestly. I haven't played a single game this year that's tried to shove politics down my throat.
Maybe it's because I'm not fixated on politics. Or rather, I don't pay any sort of attention to it at all.
Nintendo games are rarely political, the worst offense is sometimes we get an obligatory QT brown girl but I don't think they're ever going to go full AFRICAN KANGZ with it.
>Why can't people just discuss video games on the video games board?
The fucking irony
Decades if ever.
Source: tetris re-releases
t. bot poster
what does that even mean? I don't know what that is.
It's too late. Merely having a female protagonist or a black character in a game is now interpreted as a political statement.
Then: Games had a wide variety of characters from different regions and religions
Now: SJW pandering and being overly inclusive
Games haven't changed that much, the difference is that the ranting of bigots and racists stopped being ignored.
Only to reactionaries on Sup Forums. Most people don’t give a fuck.
Yeah, I think you are the first person who gets it. But there are examples on all sides.
What are you talking about?
So it's not in videogames really.
The thing is reallife has an influence on videogame development. Designers often take ideas from nature or other shit, having a different nations in a videogame world obviously has them interacting with each other.
It's not that games have much more politcal viewpoints shoved in, it's just that you became aware of them or interpret shit on your own.
It's a bit like this "Mario is a communist" joke that became a thing once kids back then learned about communism and shit like that
Not him but that's a trash argument because one of the unique aspects of games is their lack of an intrinsic need for a message.
Tetris can tell you nothing and still function perfectly while other forms of media struggle to perform without at least some form of storytelling.
Games, perhaps only games, are not necessarily enhanced by carrying a message. Only by being fun.
You cannot know, as of now, if videogames are a reflection of our society.
How many more months until it is physically impossible for Sup Forums to not force faggot ass wojaks on you?
That day was like 20 years ago user, you just weren't paying attention to it then
People have been forcing wojaks ever since the "it's comfy" forced meme had begun. I remember seeing the first trhead.
Okay but not every game is like Tetris with gameplay only.
Majority of games released today have a major story aspect.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole have always pretty shit, but GG was the nail in the coffin and the 2016 American election pissed on the grave. Anyone who even makes an attempt at legitimate discussion is severely misguided.
Only western developers are forcing their shit down your throat.
>How many more months until it is physically impossible for a video game to not force something political on you?
Infinite amount since it will never happen.
The east does it too.
>doesn't value the rights if individuals
>thinks Midwestern Christians are the "real problem" for not wanting to pay for free abortions and laqueisha's entire college tuition
>thinks having gainful employment in your community is shameful
>thinks a 2 parent family is a "patriarchy" that must be toppled
>thinks flooding a 1st world country with 3rd worlders will magically "fix the economy"
>thinks we need higher taxes otherwise nobody will build the roads (???)
>thinks White explorers mistreated the tribal cannibals who were iliterate and unable to advance their technologies for millions of years
>wants a bigger government at all times while complaining about said government
>doesn't realize the government is effectively just a business that manages humans and extracts money/workforce as it's profit.
>wants more gay people, wants more communism, wants incompetent low IQ people to fluorish over healthy people
If you're saying wojaks started with "comfy" you're wrong
No no no, the forced wojaks started with comfy you know, the caveman wojak?
How many more words can you put into my mouth that i have not said?
>Tomodachi Life still sold really well and Nintendo wasn't burned at the stake for doing this
Feels good. More companies need to stand up for themselves.
Here we see an attempt to prevent America's evolution into a superior, diverse, intellectually-evolved nation and regress it into inferiority, White-supremacy and belief over thought. The good news is that The World has already decided what the next evolution of human society is, and that evolution is globalism, post-nationalism, the end of white-supremacy and rise of intelligence, vision and creativity as the prime markers of human value Which means that YOU, who also embody that superior 21st Century mindset, outlook and ideal, have allies the world over. You outnumber the bastards and the regressives and the knuckle-dragging simpletons who are the ONLY thing that keeps The Right in power.Time, societal evolution and many other factors are going to defeat these bastards; but it's ENTIRELY possible to move the clock up. Fight and survive. It wasn't long ago we had a worthy leader, and he was right when he told you that you are the change you were waiting for
Japan by design is a very conservative country. Thankfully.
>you know, the caveman wojak?
At this point I don't know anymore
this honestly
i hate it when Dostoevsky shoves his political shit in my face
And OP's concern for it being detrimental to the quality of videogames is firmly grounded in reality given that Tetris is (so far, at least) a timeless classic.
It's incredibly safe to say politicised games will never be better for it based on the vast precedent set by the current best games.
Thus, politicisation is to be considered a fad within the industry that should be opposed by people who actually care about videogames. It's not inherent to videogames or their quality: "it's just another medium [it's just like TV and movies], so deal with it" is a remarkably uninformed, misguided garbage statement.
Whites have always been the global minority dumb-dumb.
Westerners thrive because the rest of the world is largely inferior and hasn't figured out how to unburdened it's genepool from brainlets.
If you look at crime and wealth statistics IQ, the racial effect on success disappears completely.
That means racism doesn't hold non-whites down, intelligent people thrive and stupid people flounder.
Nintendo will be /ourguys/ when GG 2.0 hits
Also tons of games like Tetris are still made today, there's the no longer recent Super Hexagon and the weekly minimalist infinite high score mobile html5 app .io game.
How do you know its not the devs doing it? People need to stop thinking of games as sacred cows where the creators can't have opinions that are different from their own.
Its not like there is some massive SJW bucks (lol) going into bribing devs, or feminists play enough games that them shittalking them will effect sales much. Chances are either the devs think having a dark skinned character will increase sales out of a calculating capitalism measure, or they just want to because that's who they are and they are making the game they want to make. It's not a "liberal" threat forcing devs to make game choices they otherwise wouldn't make.
Same with comics, it's not 'the jews' or tumblr forcing Marvel to be fuck-wits.
>Thus, politicisation is to be considered a fad within the industry that should be opposed by people who actually care about videogames.
Why? Why is 'politicization' bad?
Also I acknowledge that we have a mix in the media between pure gameplay and story but as long as we have that mix, those story based games will reflect society in the same way that other media does.
Doesn't even necessarily have to be story-based, can just be a game with a certain setting or theme.
Eh games seem that way from marketing and people on shit sites like this one. I bought cod ww2, there is no agenda in the campaign. The multiplayer is totally cleaned up but that makes sense since most fags on xbone with it are underage from what I hear on the mic. My roommate bought Wolfenstein for $25 and I played a bit, not as bad as you think. Everyone thinks these games are politicized but you have to remember on the internet everything is blown out of proportion or people are just retarded. Most of the time it's just social media related trash trying to piss people off.
The more time I spend playing video games than rotting online talking about them the more I realize nothing is wrong and it's just the internet being gay as usual about anything.
art doesn't exist in a vacuum
On the wolftenstein thing though;
Their advertising campaign for that game was heavily politicized and you cant really argue against that. Pretty sure the tagline for their game was "make america nazi-free again" or something like that.
Not that I think that's a bad thing. Although depending on your position, it could definitely be seem like it.
Right to free speech is important and I think being able to make heavily politicized adverts like that is a good indication of that right.
Play japanese games, they don't care about that shit.
Both spellings are correct.
>Ok sure but why though
Did you read my post? The current best games ever don't do it.
>Also I acknowledge that we have a mix in the media between pure gameplay and story
Story does not equal politicisation, however its wrongfully perceived necessity to games is being used as an excuse and a means to politicise them. The first step is realizing stories don't have to be there and can make the game worse.
>those story based games will reflect society in the same way that other media does.
You can't know this yet. Also, games can be story-driven without reflecting our society. A considerable amount of the best ever games do not reflect our society.
>can just be a game with a certain setting or theme
Much like stories, settings and themes are optional and not inherently political.
>Same with comics, it's not 'the jews' or tumblr forcing Marvel to be fuck-wits.
Yeah I'm sure it's just capitalism at work that's why SJW comic sales are soaring. Very low IQ post.
> it takes away the ability to be creative from the creator
>from the guy who shits his pants every time someone tries to make a political game
>Did you read my post? The current best games ever don't do it.
Don't ever do what? I asked why politicization was bad.
>Story does not equal politicization, however its wrongfully perceived necessity to games is being used as an excuse and a means to politicise them. The first step is realizing stories don't have to be there and can make the game worse.
So you are saying that games shouldn't have stories or what?
>You can't know this yet. Also, games can be story-driven without reflecting our society. A considerable amount of the best ever games do not reflect our society.
We can know this. The people making those games are living in our society, of course the games are going to reflect that in some way. People are also explicitly making games based on what is going on in our society.
never ever
BASED ninty laying that smackdown on those fags lmao
*alt tabs to jerk off to tranny porn*
>content of the game is political
>try to talk about it