Just bought this piece of shit
What am i in for?
Just bought this piece of shit
Other urls found in this thread:
superhero game, where the controls might take some time to get used to, but still fun and charming
>What am i in for?
best waifu
Kat dies
>not on vita
No thanks
Of starvation, because her game didn't sell enough
>game essentially ending in two months
>not putting it on sale
The online stuff is all minor.
buy her game, to give her a home and a shower, then
>Stop near the start of the first game
>Liked it a lot but it felt like there wasn't much to it beyond the gravity gimmick so I was never motivated to go back
>Come back to it once I hear that there will be miss-able GR2 content if I don't do it now
>I stopped literally right before GR1 gets good
>I was also halfway through the game
Holy fuck is that game short
Also, its surprising/refreshing to see that GR2 is literally just GR2. I'm getting a lot of fun out of the photo mode alone
Online stuff is just an extra. The game will be available for many years through digital distribution since it's a first party game.
a charming but flawed game
It's still no longer a feature complete game after only 1 year.
my condolences, you live and learn
I wanna get this game as well but haven't played the first one. Is there a bundle somewhere with both games for the ps4?
Who cares
GR2 could've launched with no online features at all and then a year later nobody would be complaining about it having no online or calling it "not feature complete"
>b-but muh leaderboards
who actually gives a fuck about leaderboards
>No leadersboards
>No challenges
>No scavenger hunts
A vast majority of my time spent fucking around Jirga has been trasure hunts thus far. The games going to be worse for the removal of the online features.
Is there any chance of them patching the game after the shutdown to make the online items available offline?
I love her, even if she's stinky.
>people whining about online shutting down
Wow, it's fucking nothing!
They better do it
It's Sup Forums they always have to complain about everything. If someone actually wanted the few costumes and shit you get they would've bought it long ago. Most people here just on hte game before even buying it to begin with. This place just hates everything, why do i even come here anymore
Sony should have brought up online getting shut down, right before the game even launched
A basic superhero open world game with fantastic aesthetics, likable characters, fun movement mechanics and soon to be dead online ;_;
>if there was never online nobody would be complaining about the online getting shut down
no shit, also the gr1 leaderboards are staying up.
>Superhero game
>Kat has no hidden identity
>No outfit
>Most of the missions of the game are meandering slices of life often without Kat saving much of anyone
>Superhero game on top of that is just a fucking nonsense genre
Gravity Rush 1 and 2 are platformers where you used gravity manipulation instead of jumping you fucking retards. It's 3D VVVVVV with a combat system a step above the usual platformer combat system.
Don't do the sidequests
You've been warned
>first party game and system exclusive losing all online functionality a year after release
>on the system that introduced paid online
>in the age where more and more games are either losing content or being shut down completely because of online shit
I don't understand why anyone would be downplaying all of this unless they had brain damage or were paid damage control.
No, what they should've done is advertise the game way more so that they wouldn't even have to shut them down
It's in a similar vein to something like Spider-Man 2 in design. Calm down, man.
I guess it'd be more accurate to call it "super-power" game.
Kinda like Infamous.
The sidequests are fine for what they are. It's not like you have to do them but they flesh out the liveliness of the world quite a bit if you do.
No they aren't. They're all boring fetchquests and nearly none of them are based on gravity.
I honestly thought most of them were fun even especially the nurse ones or chloe etc. And Sup Forums compains about hte stealth way too much, they game is forgiving as fuck you can basicly just run through, but as always it has to be perfect or they hate it
as someone that's done every side mission, every single one of them was shit except for the one where raven chases you around
A game that's way more tedious than the original while also shitting all over the story of the original. But at least Kat's cute and the new styles are fun.
Well, some of them are and some also use your powers like picking up people etc. they're side quests, not gravity challenges. If you want challenges or races etc there's still enough of that
Sure, but they're sidequests. There should've been more to do with the gravity stuff, that I certainly agree with, but looking back on it I didn't hate the sidequests either. Besides, there's always challenge missions for gravity shenanigans.
>while also shitting all over the story of the original
The original didn't explain anything and just left you with more questions after the ending.
No one gives a shit about leaderboards, people give a shit about the costumes and gestures locked behind dusty tokens.
>on the system that introduced paid online
The original Xbox introduced paid online
And 2 answered some of those questions in ways that didn't make any sense, and then did the same thing with its own ending.
I thought it was better than the first overall and that the story was a near incomprehensible mess even in that game. With GR, I think the character interactions are far more charming than the messy overarching narrative, which I basically tuned out.
I liked it a lot, but that's not allowed to say here anymore.
I also wish more games has comfy cities like GR especially with the music
Introduced paid online for this brand.
No one pretends the tailing missions are hard, they're just obnoxious wastes of time that are way too common as you have to stand around waiting for NPCs to slowly walk around for ten minutes at a time.
>crosses your path
>check save data base
>someone already uploaded a Gravity rush 2 save with all dusty token rewards acquired and all vanity items acquired and it will grant you the 60k gems trophy
Welp looks like I don't need to play this right away.
>I didn't hate the sidequests either.
Lots of falling, also i hope you played the first one
The dog one is like the only one that I thought was awful.
worse than spikat
I found most of the early sidequests to be awful, but it seems they got a lot better after chapter 3. It seems like they went out of their way to make everything about Jirga Para Lhao as shitty as possible, while Hekseville tried to make up for it.
>Literally everything about lunar style
face was edited
Hobos, yuri and ragdolls.
The sidequest I hated the most was the one where you had to sneak up on that guy's daughter without alerting the seagulls.
I didn't mind the stealth missions, you can mostly cheese them by running in the opposite direction of where you need to go, jumping off the edge and flying under the islands. For a game where you spend most of your time flying, there are a lot of tunnels and staircases that make this easier.
>Literally everything about Earth style
Yeah THAT'LL work.
Jupiter has some great qualities, chief among them probably having the best gravity slide, but it's pretty underutilized in the game overall.
we should write a petition too, that always works.
I like that he's trying, but even if everyone that bought the game did this (all 200 of them), it still wouldn't work.
A life changing experience
GR is my GOTY
Gravity slide and the special are the only good things about the style.
>Annoying to move around in because you slide all over the place while shifting gravity
>Gravity kick takes way too long to charge up for how little damage it does and is basically only good for mining ore patches
>Same deal for the gravity ball
>Guard doesn't even work against half the game's attacks
Doesn't help that Neu Hiraleon was one of the worst areas in the game either.
It was easy once I figured and said "fuck this shit". I just walked/jumped right between the seagulls on the large stairs. Then just hid behind the closest statue and pressed circle. Would get spotted pretty much every other way.
Schoolgirl 1.0 > Schoolgirl 2.0
Better to just ask to release the costumes and furniture behind the dusty tokens as dlc instead of asking to keep the servers up
But seriously, how did this come to be a thing at all?
not sure if this is the date it was started, but i remember hearing playstation all stars influenced it, even when he knew it was shit
>White Kat
Thanks rubbing salt on that wound
So how much of this is being forced by unrelated people vs the actual guy posting them himself
Somewhat related, how badly is Kat handicapping her power by being the nicest person in the world?
a great and unique open world game with some of the most fun and novel movement mechanics ever
and the actual GOTY 2017
Jupiter slide is hilarious
where are the COLORS though?
The ground Jupiter attacks felt very satisfying. I like to rush to an enemy with the Lunar style tracking and then combo into the Jupiter attacks.
A good lesson in mediocrity
GR is a lot of things but mediocre isn't one of them, it looks and plays like very, very few games out there.
>where are the COLORS though?
>Get challenge for the mission where you have to run away from fans while pretending to be the celebrity, in which you can't use any gravity powers
>Accept it and start the mission
>Other player's ghost immediately goes flying away leaving me in the dust
Just because it's unique doesn't mean it's good.
it looks like modded call of duty
>it looks like modded call of duty
Yeah, who could forget the iconic floating island city map from CoD Modern Warfare? It's right up there with Nuketown
50% fun and 50% infuriating. Most aerial combat is flying towards enemies, missing, getting caught behind walls, and needing to reorient yourself.
It was actually worse in the first game, believe it or not. Also, in 2 you can cheese with stasis like 90% of the time.
Some of the sidequests were quite bad, but I think most of them were fine. They get better when you get to Heckseville and they become more like little challenges.
I actually think it's impressive that the devs had these little gameplay things for Kat to do that didn't involve her powers. At the very least it added some decent gameplay variety that you rarely see in modern games.
>It was actually worse in the first game, believe it or not.
No it wasn't.
>Also, in 2 you can cheese with stasis like 90% of the time.
I'm glad that they made stasis more useful in general but it's annoying as shit how they made stuff you're carrying fly around all over the place so half the shit you throw will just break on the ground the instant it takes off.
Those battle nurse quests just made it clear that it's incredibly difficult to get Kat to walk in a straight line, for some reason.
Come to think of it, it's weird that those ended where they did; it felt like there should've been another quest about the director and Kat.