How do we fix Sup Forums?
How do we fix Sup Forums?
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>two cooking with jack images in /ck/
Why a koala?
Sup Forums's quality is stunningly good compared to before Hiro hired new jannies. This is honestly the best I've seen Sup Forums in awhile.
No Sup Forumsshit.
No /gate/shit.
Ecelebshit is still a problem.
Console wars aren't as bad as in past years.
Fewer outright shitposting threads like "what games can I ____?"
My only personal complaint is jannies pushing back against Sup Forums culture threads like deep sea and porn and whatnot.
>No Sup Forumsshit
I don't know which is more cancerous, Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
the problem is Sup Forums's population size. Nothing will change unless the moderation became far stricter and more consistent, or the majority of posters left.
Since neither of these things will happen, Sup Forums will never improve.
Stricter mods and an upvote / downvote system.
No more images either, they take away from constructive discussion.
Ban anime shit as well.
Sup Forums is actually really good when you get past the constant shitposting. Some threads can be genuine looks into other cultures and overall very interesting. Like with any other source of media, you just have to look deep to find the good stuff.
>jannies shitting on Sup Forums culture threads like deep sea and porn and whatnot
You can't have your cake and eat it too, faggot.
Honestly less moderation is always better.
Jannies and mods are sub-100 IQ retards on this site.
Business and finance has some superior taste with that Plutia.
>Sup Forums
I'm not even remotely surprised
ban Brazilians and Canadians
>Barneyfag image over 7000 times
holy shit
>All those boards that are just wokak and pepe
This site is dead
rulefags won
I'm glade Slowpoke-posting is alive and well on some boards.
Why is Sup Forums so perfect?
>Sup Forums is overflowing with Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossboarders
Could've fooled me.
Image banning pepe and wojacks and putting south and central america behind a rangeban. easy fix
>Console wars aren't as bad as in past years
There's an anal vore wojack on the catalog every 15-20 minutes
>the McChicken reposts
I feel like I'm missing out on a whole new universe of memes by not browsing /ck/.
is /vr/ the only not-dead board left that actually discusses their respective topic?
This might sound crazy, but I think we should talk about video games.
>jannies rape the board
"B-but at least n-no more Sup Forums!"
When are we going to get Frogposting and Wojakposting globally banned?
/ck/ is 90% shitposting, but not the kind of shitposting that makes people angry
>barneyfag posted his pic 7000+ times
is this the power autism?
>Global ban on frogposting/wojackposting
Oh look, Sup Forums became 50% better already.
Anyone who has that Barneyfag image saved should be permanently banned from all boards. The brony surge was years ago. It's over. I'm sure it was a very big moment in your life and you're upset that you missed all the other major milestones in Sup Forums's shitty meme history, but it's over. Bronies have their own board and rarely post elsewhere. Infact, you get a warning for posting ponies on Sup Forums. There's literally no reason to have, let alone post, that image. Ever.
And yes, I know. The first response is going to be some self-declared 'funny guy' posting the image. Go ahead and get that out of your system, then go back to masturbating to cartoons and wishing someone cared about you.
Reminder that Sup Forums moderators are corrupt and don't delete what breaks the rules, but what makes them butthurt.
If it doesn't bother them, won't be deleted no matter how reported. If it upset them, will be deleted even if breaking no rule.
I sincerely doubt more than 10 people actually have that image saved on their computers
I'd say banning on the basis of the content of an image (outside of obvious shit like CP and NSFW content) is fucking stupid but GR15 exists so, fuck it.
Probably. But it's already showing signs of starting to slip.
So long, user. It was nice having you around.
>Nissan vs GT-R posted 1609
Jesus christ alphonse
Where's Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
Someone should inform Sup Forums
Kill yourself you fucking degenerate
Sup Forums's most reposted is risking an instaban
I'm really not sure what you expected. Obviously, general use image macros and bait images are going to see more use than anything else.
wew lad
Furry shit?
Homestuck/hsg meme actually
Lee someday I will find you and smack all the teeth out of your skull
How can we remove people like them?
>Ecelebshit is still a problem.
That's because they're allowed. Mods have made that very clear with thei inaction
>Barneyfag over 7000 times
holy shit i'm dying
Any board that has pepe or wojak up there is objectively a shit board.
If you come to Sup Forums for quality discussions, then I feel sorry for you. Isn't this a sign that you should be finishing more video games instead of being on Sup Forums?
To think there's more retards just like him
What drives someone to do this for almost 2 years straight? You'd think it would get old after awhile.
hey fuck you buddy
pepe and wojak unironically make Sup Forums a good board. the amount of OC and discussion they bring is unrivaled
Will Obamaleaf get the chop next? He spams the same images on Sup Forums and Sup Forums all the time
>Captcha is liberal wrath
fitting as all hell
Fuck off.
>Sup Forums
For Barneyfag the only way is to specifically amend gr15 to allow mlp-related reaction images. There'd be a sudden shitposting surge afterwards but it would get old and taper off into a rare thing like Steven Universe pictures.
Honestly, I think getting doxxed should have worked, but he turned out to be another CWC case where his parents just don't care and he himself doesn't care how badly he's ruining his own life. Apparently his brother tried and just ended up kicking him out of the band. I've heard the last straw on that one was Lee harrassing the drummer's little sister for liking ponies.
This shit is still all here, but it does get dealt with quickly.
I still question as to why this image gets posted when it takes a whole two seconds of searching to find out that it's shopped
>specifically amend gr15 to allow mlp-related reaction images. There'd be a sudden shitposting surge afterwards but it would get old and taper off into a rare thing like Steven Universe pictures.
Feels like I'm on old /qa/ again
>the only way is to specifically amend gr15 to allow mlp-related reaction images.
Nice try barneyfag.
Barneyfag got Doxxed?
fuck /qa/ i'm glad Sup Forums and /jp/ colonized it
Awful template meme edits are not quality OC.
Ok, /r/Sup Forums
Well I'd like to see you come up with a viable solution. Rangebanning doesn't work with a paid vpn.
Pepe and Wojak are the mark of a shitpost and should signal that anything made within said post is waste of time to read.
>pepe and wojak unironically make Sup Forums a good board.
It's called ja/ck/ for a reason.
Anyone here insulting Sup Forums?
I wanna kick your fucking asses
>For Barneyfag the only way is to specifically amend gr15 to allow mlp-related reaction images.
Whoa, you mean treat it like literally every single other thing in the fucking world instead of some extra-special nuclear threat? I dunno, that might make too much goddamn sense.
>Max Stirner and Ayn Rand get reposted the most on /lit/
I pray to god its ironically. Or else I'm a bit spooked.
For me, it's every day until you like it.
>jack hasn't died in his sleep from salmonella poisoning yet
why is life so cruel to him?
Sup Forums is pretty much just circlejerk and/or cry about Americans: the board
Just start making wojak and Pepe comics exactly like the Reddit rage face comics, wait until it takes hold on Reddit and see how fast nu-chan tries to distance itself from them
I can't believe laughing_girls.jpg is still alive and well on some boards. I haven't seen it in ages on any of usual boards I frequent.
>Sup Forums is not for serious discussion! dude light up, it's just shitosting bro XD
Sup Forums as a whole is not for serious discussion.
>Used to think that Sup Forums was shitty back in 2012
>tfw Sup Forums has gotten to the point where I honestly miss 2012 Sup Forums now
This is a case study on human society in general
Gods never die for mortal illnesses
>Joey hasn't been arrested yet.
I thought he couldn't be around schools and he lives in a town where that seems impossible. I drive through Yuba every weekend.
it's why when you type in Sup Forums after clearing cookies the first result is Sup Forums
it literally killed any major board
>amerimutts mistake friendly banter for hostility
Sup Forums is for high quality video game themed funposting mixed with discussion. Unfortunately people use it as a dumping ground for template memes and facebook/twitter garbage.
GR15 is the poison pill that killed this website. It marked our transition from a culture that mocks to a culture that gets offended and whines.
I know that feel.
I would accept generals and their tripfags back if it meant nu-Sup Forums perished
>friendly banter
Have you actually been on Sup Forums in the last few years?
Or Sup Forums is overflowing with /vrandom/ shitposters both golden face and crying wojak are newfag memes
I don't understand what your picture implies. Please use a food analogy
sorry, but Sup Forums-tan is best tan sweetie :)
Blame Hiro. It's his gravy train because he sells the data.
pre schism front page:
>league of legends general!
>starcraft 2 general (aka talk about korean waifus general!)
>katawa shoujo thread #1022
>two pokemon threads
Honestly, moot's greatest mistake was deleting Sup Forums and /r9k/. That fucked up everything.
Yeah, it's gotten really bad with that new mutt meme. How can Sup Forums be so insensitive?