Why did she break the mirror? Why is TP the best 3D Zelda?

Why did she break the mirror? Why is TP the best 3D Zelda?

TP is the absolute worst 3D Zelda to date.
Fucking forgettable slog, good only for r34.

you are a tastelet who will probably post screenshots from the Boss Keys video next

tp has got to be the most unenjoyable game ninentdo released yet


TP a shit

That'd still be SS.

I like it too, but its far from the Best user.
Best dungeons were Arbiters Grounds, City in the sky, and Snowpeak Ruins, fight me

TP is a good game, only two big issues are the wolf sections which can be blasted through quickly enough and the enemy design not incorporating the sword arts you learn throughout the game.
Other than that it's a whole lot of fun, I played through it earlier in the year and it brought me out of a slump where I wasn't finding anything I played enjoyable. Far from the worst 3D Zelda, definitely better than WW or SS.

>TP is the best 3D Zelda

>TP better than WW

The whole first half of TP is pretty boring, and the dungeons are decent at Best.
Its still a fun game, nice experience, but you can like flawed games, you dont have to justify liking it you know.

TP was pretty average but it had the best combat by far.

People who like TP often play it retrospectively and find things they love about it, like you did. People who hate it haven't touched it since release and their view of it is distant and hazy. For me, TP has the best cast of NPCs in Zelda, it has a pretty cool story even if there are some holes, great locations and atmosphere and a serene sense of melancholy throughout and it also has great items and great dungeons even if the dungeons all follow a similar design philosophy. The bosses are very well design and they had that "epic" feel that the game tried to go for but admittedly that was diluted a little by the bosses being so piss easy

TP is literally a linear improvement over TWW by every possible metric, the only thing TWW fags have is nostalgia for "muh cel shadan".

Best combat is MM. You have four different forms, and bosses are not 'shoot me in the eye' retards Zelda got infamous for.
I'll probably get shit for my opinion but you know its true.

The entirety of WW is boring and the dungeons are not decent.

Wow. Way to go to have an arguement.
What got you so angry, me saying its okay to like flawed games? WW has problems too, sure.

TP just has more, thats all.
Wolf Link, one use dungeon items, very linear dungeons, bland overworld (WW at least has some pretty neat islands to find, and giant seamonsters to break the monotony.)

>bland overworld
At least TP has one

I think BotW has the best combat. You have tons of open-ended weapons and tools, throwing stuff is a neat addition, bows are free-aim only and headshots matter, the physics are an integral part, you get good defensive options that require you to react in the right way, and enemies are actually a threat for most of the game.

WW does not have neat islands to find because all of the islands with substantial content are part of the critical path and hard-gated. It's insulting. Even harmless sequence breaks like getting to Mother & Child Isles early are blocked by plot triggers.

>WW is boring
Subjective, but okay.
>Dungeons are not decent
True. Wind Temple is fucking great tough.

Having said these WW is still better than TP and that should say something.

>Why did she break the mirror?

The Twili's nature is envious and greedy, and she knew that if her people were aware that there was a way back to Hyrule, and therefore a way back to the Sacred Realm, that others would follow in Zant's footsteps. As a queen she has a responsibility to her people, even to protect them from themselves by eliminating the temptation to do evil and further incur the wrath of the Goddesses.

She herself seemed to have feelings for Link, so it was important to destroy the Mirror of Twilight before those feelings grew, as she would risk being unwilling to destroy the Mirror of Twilight later if she didn't do so then.


You're projecting.

Weird you say that, last time I checked TP was incredibly linear too.

Man, waifu fags are really desperate today

The only thing I said is that TP is faaaaaaar from the Best Zelda, and that I like WW, everyone went full damage control after that

God I want to fuck Midna so hard

You know, maybe I misunderstood that. If you were not angry, sorry m8t.

Imp or Princess form tough?
Both is not an option.

>last time I checked TP was incredibly linear too.
That's a good thing.
Open world trash like in Boredom of the Wild is a disgusting meme.

>Wind Temple is fucking great tough.
It isn't great, it's exactly as garbage as the rest of the dungeons because it's essentially a straight line where puzzles involve brainlessly interacting with everything with no actual logic.

I think having a large pseudo-hub room is what pulls the wool over people's eyes, but it's all a sham because you never have any choice in how you navigate the dungeon and since WW is a game where you can never get more than 1 small key at a time, it's trivially boring to navigate.

The perfect example of WW's stupid puzzle design philosophy is the treasure chart in the Wind Temple. It's a room with 5 different iron boots breakable tiles, where dropping down to the floor spawns different encounters. So natural puzzle solving logic would indicate that there's some clue about the right tile to break to solve the room, and the punishment for picking the wrong tile is an enemy encounter, right?

No, the solution is to break every tile and fight every enemy to get the chest. No logic, no puzzle. Just press all the buttons and you win.


Thanks for actually answering the question, user. And with a good, sensible answer as well. You deserve a pat on the back from me, old chap.


Objective ranking


t. 90s kid ootcuck


>Tp is the absolute worst 3d zelda to date
You've obviously never played skyward sword user.