Now that I owned one for a bit I can safely say that I bought a handheld more useless than the vita. I must say I'm not a smart man.
Now that I owned one for a bit I can safely say that I bought a handheld more useless than the vita...
Other urls found in this thread:
Replying in a bait thread.
>he makes threads pretending he owns a switch just to shit on it
A fucking tablet.
The average post on 4x2chan/v/ is twice as long as the average Sup Forums post.
Hmmm, sweetie, you are going to have to do better than that
I wish I was just pretending.
I will be buying Switch next week, since I absolutely loved Vita and Switch looks like Vita 2.0
What game should I buy with it? I can afford only one, thinking about Zelda BotW, Odyssey, Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade 2. A bit afraid about Zelda, because I thought that Horizon Zero Dawn was boring as fuck, and I remember Sup Forums comparing them back when Switch launched.
That's a nice muramasa skin on your oled vita
it was actually bundled with the muramasa LE, I think it's like 3 or 4 years since I bought that. Time sure flies.
I'm getting one next week as well. I've played both Horizon and BOTW (on wii u) and found them both similarly boring desu. I'll probably be getting Xenoblade for now.
I stopped buying consoles since WiiU, I think. Most games are medicore and the consoles just keep collecting dust. Better wait for emulation, buy console temporarily and sell it back, or play the games somewhere else.
I feel the same way. I've never had buyer's remorse this bad. I fell for the hype on this board.
BotW is decent but it's just a neatly disguised open world game.
>Now that I owned one for a bit
sony nigger false flagging
>Be me
>Be bored of pc gayman and want something new
>Look into getting a Switch
>Sup Forums says Nintendo is back baby
>Get hyped because the system looks neat and want some good single player games like Mario and Zelda
>Decide you watch gameplay of the Switch's top 3 games
>Literal kiddie platformer shit where its just *JUMP* BING BING WAHOO
>Would legit be embarrassed to play it even if no one was watching
>Watch a 40 minute clip
>Nothing happens but running and walking
>Occasionally run into a group of 3 monsters you can kill in less than a minute
>Occasionally open a treasure chest
>thats it
>Generic JRPG that hasn't evolved since the PS2
>Terrible graphics
>Terrible voice acting
>Terrible Combat
And that friends, is how I saved $300
>le how do i timestamp
Timestamp motherfucker
Neat blog post. Thanks for your thoughts.
What games do you play?
Based wall of truth for the Switchtanic cuckshills. Sup Forums doesn't fall for memeshit because they're actually smart, Reddit. Try again when they shart out the Switch U lolz.
>occasionally run into 3 monsters that can kill you in less than a minute
Get good then
>judges games based on videos instead of gameplay
I see how cinematic experiences could be your cup of tea.
I want you guys to name me just one worthwhile game on the Switch. However I have stipulations.
>it cannot be story heavy. If there's even one hour of cutscenes, I will not touch it.
>no sex fanservice. Keep that disgusting degeneracy out of my videogames
>no casual games. That means any game over a 90 metacritic
>no games where women show their feelings. I don't play games to feel like I'm on tumblr watching steven universe
>no indie games. I only play indies on PC
>no multiplats. I have a PC for them
>no games with DLC or microtransactions
I already had to pass on the Ps4 and Xbox. The Switch needs to be better if it wants me to support it. The wiiU screwed me last gen.
And how exactly does this help you now? Did you achieve what you wanted? Make me waste a couple of minutes?
Well you are European so I don't understand why you would ever buy a Nintendo product.
Why are your hands so fucking greasy? Clean your screens, for fucks sake.
Sounds like you want games that are just gameplay which is fine. VOEZ and Puyo Puyo Tetris are my favorite pure gaming experiences on the Switch, meaning they're not trying to be anything other than good games. Though I will say BotW is pretty great as a gaming experience since it's light on cutscenes and sets you loose to do whatever you want. It does have DLC though.
it's not meant to be useful, it's meant to project status. don't buy a switch if you don't have "fuck you" money.
Lol, name me a game like this. Can be any platform.
I haven't played those in a few weeks. I clean them once a week from dust and that's as far as I go.
Is a vita worth it now ?
You are replying to same autistic retard that has been shitposting all over Sup Forums on threads where he doesn't see games that he likes.
I enjoy more obscure indie games like Hollow Knight and Zangeki Warp.
Apparently you can pirate shit on it now, so yes. If you can find one with the right firmware you can play a bunch of games on it.
This is impossible
t. angry poorfag
imagine being so poor you need to post a blog on a chinese fishing picture forum about how you saved 300$
>maximizing clock speeds for 33%-100% increase in framerates
>bumping sub-native games to 544p
>eshop-esque pirating to Vita
>many QoL plugins
>Wealth of titles pre-Nov. 2016 and a couple of asset swaps
Yes, it's worth it
It's fun to answer genuinely since they can't really argue against what I've said.
what the fuck are you talking about I OWN A SWITCH because I HAVE DISPOSABLE INCOME! jesus fucking christ Sup Forums reading comprehension much? i thought it was implied in my post.
I want an edit of loli dropping the switch mid dance.
There's also rumours about exploit on newer fw.
seeI only play multiplats and indies if they're on the PC. I cannot play them on the Switch because I cannot tolerate portability. I need a solid grounded system.
Looks like I was right about the angry part.
>buy a switch for portable mode
>its horrible to play
>try it docked
>it looks like shit and now the screen is scratched
>because I cannot tolerate portability
I don't think you should be in a Switch thread, talking about the Switch. Just my opinion
i have a feeling someone like you has a hard time engaging in convo without making people angry. just a hunch.
Yifanlu apparently left the scene and yesterday he said "looks like I wasn’t clear before: there are no 3.61+ hacks anywhere, private or otherwise", so I don't know where those rumors would be coming from
user can you link me for more info?
>VOEZ and Puyo Puyo Tetris are my favorite pure gaming experiences on the Switch,
They're too casual for my tastes, and Puyo has disgusting anime in it which instantly ruins it for me. I've never seen discussion of it that wasn't just waifu talk.
Also, I can't stand BOTW. It runs at a horrible 30 FPS and doesn't even have a hard mode. I have to pay extra for that. I'm sorry, I can't tolerate that.
That's why I'm waiting for the switch mini
more games will be out by then and a smaller more compact switch that fits in your pocket will be a godsend
>people still reply to ACfag
I see, that's a shame. I want to upgrade for some newer games, but don't really want to lose modability either..
See, that's what happens when you say that the Switch is the best console ever, and you imply that to a man who doesn't like portable gaming.
>buy a switch from amazon
>buyer's remorse kicks in
>refund it on amazon
>forget to put the fucking tablet in the box
>refund goes through
Should I actually contact them or just buy a dock?
You're gonna be waiting a LONG fucking time.
>More useless than the Vita
That's pretty much impossible user
What good games came out for the vita in the first 6 to 9 months? I can only recall uncharted downgraded edition.
>tfw neither switch screen is as long as my dick
>it cannot be story heavy. If there's even one hour of cutscenes, I will not touch it.
Super Bomberman R
>no sex fanservice. Keep that disgusting degeneracy out of my videogames
Super Bomberman R
>no casual games. That means any game over a 90 metacritic
Super Bomberman R
>no games where women show their feelings. I don't play games to feel like I'm on tumblr watching steven universe
Super Bomberman R
>no indie games. I only play indies on PC
Super Bomberman R
>no multiplats. I have a PC for them
Super Bomberman R
>no games with DLC or microtransactions
Super Bomberman R
One game fits every single one of your criteria. Clearly you are destined to buy a Switch.
For getting started:
>See, that's what happens when you say that the Switch is the best console ever
But I didn't say that...
The vita came out more than 9 months ago, user. I know it's convenient for you to compare the initial release of the vita with the switch release, but in reality the vita has been out a couple of year and build a treasure trove of weebshit that some people prefer over bing bing wahoo.
And you seem like the kind of guy who gets irrationally angry at anonymous people on the internet. Don't break that caps lock, kid. :)
I would probably buy a Pro version if the release one. Not for 500 bucks tho.
>shit tier bait
Splatoon? Shit's fun man.
>no casual games. That means any game over a 90 metacritic
>Super Bomberman R
And in the time that the Vita has been out, all the people who care about that treasure trove of weebshit have probably already played all of it, and are looking for the next big experience.
That experience, for the forseeable future, will exist on the Switch.
>rhythm games and puzzle games are casual
The only fanbase more autistically focused on gameplay is bullet hell. And you've likely never read a PP thread if you think it's just waifuposting.
>reading comprehension
Oh! Okay, I see your problem
You're a cunt.
You might want to get that looked at, while the rest of us enjoy our video games.
Thanks, this makes me want to finally get one from eBay
You need to re-read that again, son.
Too bad they don't make vitas anymore. Meanwhile, the switch is future proof. That doesn't include inevitable superior emulations.
I just bought one for the kids today. Can't wait to smash out some Mario kart with my kids on Christmas day.
Bomberman is the height of casual. For goodness sake, it's a Konami title. The same Konami that regrets making Gradius because, in their words, it's "too videogamey".
No problem. If you do get one, make sure you're alright with the library that's accessible right now, because it'll be years before we get any more outside of probably the last game we can the Japanese version of into English, Omega Labyrinth Z
>Console been out for less than a year
>wtf where are all the games???
Like I said, he is the same faggot who has been shitposting all over Sup Forums, it's useless to even reply to him.
It's a console shooter. Can't consider it good by default, especially after the disaster that was the first Splatoon.
They're certainly not discussing gameplay in Puyo threads. It's mostly "omg I want [character] to fart on me". It's very unsettling.
>Switch mini guy is back
The few Puyo threads I've seen have always been about gitting gud. Maybe that was because it was closer to the release of PPT and people had still stuff to talk about.
If only it had a stronger wi-fi card.
This actually annoys me. It's just barely not able to pick up signal from my bed which my 3DS had no problems reaching.
That so called mini sounds awful. The fuck is wrong with you user?
And my Wii-U.
Zero issue playing Splatoon 1. Can't play 2 without constant DCs.
>The same Konami that regrets making Gradius because, in their words, it's "too videogamey".
I don't believe you. Konami still does IIDX and shit after all.
If the PC is so good then give me some advice, wise guy
I want you to name me just one worthwhile game on PC, but I have a few stipulations:
>Must be PC exclusive, otherwise it doesn't really count
>No anime bullshit, stylized or 2D graphics are for queers and neckbeards, it's 2017, you should be able to manage good graphics
>No casual games, which means it can't have review scores over 90 because those reviews are clearly just to pander to normalfags who eat that shit up
>Must be a multiplat, a game where the shitty devs were too lazy to port their game can't possibly be good
>No realistic graphics, lifelike visuals are always uncanny valley
>No shitty games, if your game is too poor for reviewers to give it at least a 90 then I'm not interested, gimme something good
>Women expressing their feelings or personalities, or dressing or acting provocatively, is a big no. If any female in the game is wearing anything other than a burka, the game is haram and I'm not interested
Dwarf Fortress.
I lol'd
Recently accepted a job that will have me making regular train trips around China. I am not a Nintendo fanboy (didn't buy the Wii or WiiU because they were both garbage). Can someone sell me on the Switch? Or do I just want to get a 3DS? I've only got a Surface Pro 4 at the moment, so I'm trying to find a portable gaming option without destroying my wallet and getting an Alienware.
>The same Konami that regrets making Gradius because, in their words, it's "too videogamey"
what the fuck
also this
Notice how they've yet to make a single difficult game in years, maybe decades? That's what I'm alluding to.
>Sup Forums doesn't fall for memeshit
>Sup Forums is actually smart
Thanks, I needed a laugh