
New comfy Bloodborne thread. Continuation of . Reminder that Bloodborne 2 will be announced in 6 days.

Other urls found in this thread: 10 days platinum/page/4/

first for best girl

Bloodborne is not a good game.


>Bloodborne 2 will be announced in 6 days
Keep dreaming.


>6th entry of insane series
It's literally DMC5 dumdum

What's your favourite area? Pic related for me

or armored core actually

I'd rather want a BB2 and for Itsuno's game to be DD2. As much as I love DMC, it's had 2.5 great games, DD has one great game with so much unrealized potential.

Choose one

Bloodborne Kart or Bloodborne Party

Upper Cathedral Ward, Central Yharnam, and Yahar'Gul.

i got bored after shadow of yharnam. I can only look at so much gray

Fishing Hamlet for me. Peak atmosphere.

>DD has one great game with so much unrealized potential.
DD Online, nigger
And we've waited too long for DMC even with Special Edition of 4
Also as I wrote it could be new AC from FromSoft

Ludwig is my husbando

Why did From leave all these unused boss and enemy models... unused?

What is there in 6 days?

Wait what?
Post link.

BB2 and proper pro support for first one announcement would be nice. A new IP is fine too.

After Bluepoint is done with Shadow of the Colossus those fuckers better do Demon's Souls remaster with Sony Japan for the tenth anniversary though.

Most underrated enemy is the pig with eyes. It's symbolic. It's poetry.

I actually forgot about DDO, is it any good? And a new AC would be pretty dope, I should get around to playing those.

I feel like a remake would probably be more likely than a straight graphical remaster at this point. The game is mechanically inferior compared to the newer ones and a lot of the bosses feel lackluster. That's not even mentioning the unfinished archstone

it also needs to be constantly screened for colon cancer

Hunter's Nightmare is so fucking good. It's so hectic and there imposing enemies around every corner.
Bar DLC, fighting your way past Shadows in Mensis is great. The artist really managed to make Maria look badass here

I think most of it's just test assets, though I'm looking forward to the other stuff he's teasing (supposedly they cut an whole other form of the Moon Presence).

Are there any spiderinos in the Central Pthuneru Root Chalice?

I love how enemies' eyes light up when they get your echoes, and they make sure there's only one light per eye
>Sharkmen only have one eye
>Meanwhile the Winter Lanterns fucking light up like a christmas tree, since their entire head is basically eyes.

I haven't played it myself actually, but it looks pretty good, especially with new classes
They still update it and make new shit every half of a year as I saw

*picks you up and eats you*

Summarising a post I was making when the last thread pruned.
If you compare humans to mice, mice are born and basically mature within days. Humans take at least two decades, depending on when you think maturity occurs. Humans are even born early because of our large brains.
So scale that up to a Great One's level of mental and physical advancement and you understand why they cannot breed alone. They are just too advanced, they've hit an evolutionary dead end. Their children need to be born so fragile, and take so long to mature that they all die.
Kos had to give her whole life, her entire, mighty existence to allow her child to live.

This is why Pthumeru fell. When the Great Ones were awoken by the Pthumerians they foudn that the humans could be used to add vigour to their children, so they started to breed with humans. Only the high born were allowed to marry, because it was a covenant with the Great Ones.
When the low born decided to defy the Great Ones and marry amongst themselves the gods were angered and created the beast plague which destroyed the old kingdom.

"In the age of the Great Ones, wedlock was a blood contract, only permitted to those slated to bear a special child." - Ring of Betrothal

Cainhurst fags not allowed.

Fuck off, Annalise did nothing wrong.
But also gib Wheel.

>It's ok to kidnap children and experiment on fetuses but you're not allowed to steal blood lmao xDD
''Holy'' church my ass.

My nigger.

Back when the BB DLC was released i had a proposal for a BB sequel.
Since you all made a thread about this, i'm going to post my proposal again:

A sequel must expand on what the previous game didn't fully explore.
What is the biggest element in BB that was presented, but not fully explored?
We have 2 transformations, that synergize with specific weapon types, and change your animations.

The next logical step is to take this concept and push it even further, it must becomes a core gameplay concept.
BB2 must focus on having builds that revolve around changing your character quite radically in the way it moves around, attacks, and how it basically does anything.
This is the ONLY way a BB sequel feels "right" and the next logical step in it's evolution, otherwise we'll have ourselves a DaS3 situation, a game with no soul that just does shit by the numbers.

>Annalise did nothing wrong.
Pic related.
The church can do anything because they do it in the name of God.

The church is seeking a higher purpose, they want to ascend to greater heights.
The filthy vilebloods are just hedonistic degenerates wallowing in their own disease and filth.

Is it feasible to clear Fishing Hamlet without getting killed once

The church are just That's it

I liked DS3. It was basically Dark Souls with tons of polish.
Though BB is already pretty sleek, so I don't know where a sequel could go.

My niggas
>Beat Maria
>"Oh wow that was a good DLC. A little short, but pure quali- wait what's this?
>"Oh shit there's MORE?"
>"Holy shit what is this AM I ABOVE THE CITY?"
> happens
>My soul when

Pls respond

I just played that area yesterday. It was just too horrific for me, I mean I don't mind horror, it didn't faze me but it wasn't enjoyable to go through it. I mean hospital's and sickness and mistreatment of people and patients. Isn't my thing.


and yet ironically the greatest height the church manages is turning into beasts and failing to create great ones, while the annalise becomes immortal

yes fucking please, transformations are the best

>tfw learning the parry timing on these


They stole some blood and did their own experiments.
Vilebloods and Micolash achieved something while the ''Holy'' Church turned into mindless beasts.

The wheel is great.
The only shame is that it can't be imbued with anything. I'm about to explore the Nightmare of Mensis and I'm thinking of changing to the Pizza Cutter.


My jam right there.

I hate how much I like being a filthy vileblood

but man that armor

Away! Away!

Goes to show how unimaginable Ludwig's appearance is since the artist couldn't recreate his grotesque looks and just did an angry horse face.

This is all your fault!


Dammit, now I need to replay Bloodborne.


>yfw the dead snail falling out of the sky in nightmare frontier


Pretty sure that happens in Hunters Nightamer.

>That fucking dude that commits suicide when you first walk in

BOSS RANKINGS (in terms of difficulty)
A Tier:
Orphan of Kos
Laurence, the First Vicar
Gehrman, the First Hunter
Ludwig, the Accursed
Martyr Logarius
Bloody Crow of Cainhurst
B tier:
Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos
Living Failures
Shadows of Yharnam
Bloodstarved Beast
C Tier:
Darkbeast Paarl
Father Gascoigne
Rom, the Vacuous Spider
D Tier:
Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
Vicar Amelia
Mergo's Wet Nurse
E tier:
The One Reborn
Cleric Beast
F tier:
Witch of Hemwick
Celestial Emissary

Yeah, or nay?

DS3 kinda feels like a victory lap with a small bit of extra flair.


yes I mixed the name up

where? in the dark house copied from central yharnam? I liked that they replaced the wheelchair guy from the normal version with an explosive trap

Post underrated tracks:

Swap Ebby and Gehrman and it's pretty gucci.

Put Mergo's down into E.

>my true mentor
I always liked this wordplay. "My tormentor".

I consider living failures the best theme in the game

>Living failures: B
>Maria: D
what in the fuck?

You can't name a better boss theme.


bloodborne is dirtier and more disgusting than 18th century paris

In the Research Hall. First time you walk in one of the patients jumps off and falls into that poison pool.

>the phase 2 theme is a loose arrangement of the theme that plays during the moonlight sword's transformation into the final moonlight sword
>first time the moonlight sword has been lore relevant since that played

Bloodborne was such a disappointment for me. How and why you people told me it was meant to be some kind of hardcore challenging game I'll never know.

I won't even list the numerous hilariously hand-holding elements in the game; the only one thing needs mentioning is that it actually regenerates your health as you attack an enemy. Lol. Just lol.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

Pic related.

What if the Aztec souls game from is working on IS bloodborne 2

My clipboard is being retarded

Don't even reply to the 10 days spam. Report and move on

DS3 was maybe a bit lacking in the world linearity and lacking some originality, but I think it had some of the best boss fights in the series.

Why would the moonlight torment Ludwig? The Moon Presence is wholly benevolent and loves humans. The only reason it attacks you is because you betray it by ascending to godhood.


you missed the point, souls has never been about challenge, that's just a meme perpetuated by its playerbase (and sadly encouraged by the marketing for dark souls 1/2)

it's primarily a series about exploration.

I think i remember someone proposing in a thread that From should keep the lore and gameplay but change the setting. He mentioned using the aztec or mayan mythologies to expand the universe of BB. That sounded pretty good

Root chalices are random but probably yeah as it's the first one where they appear

You always make my day, platinum fag.

Nioh is a brainlet game, everybody knows that.

I bought a ps4 and bloodborne last week and haven't played it yet. I mostly been played cod ww2 WHICH IS TERRIBLE btw.

>Why would the moonlight torment Ludwig? The Moon Presence is wholly benevolent and loves humans. The only reason it attacks you is because you betray it by ascending to godhood.

>t. moon presence

Referring to his sword and him going blood drunk with the hunt

I'm sorry you felt that way. Maybe you could sell it to make some of the money back.
I quite enjoyed the game. It's always tough for me to say, but I think Bloodborne may just be my favourite game ever.

it's b8 m8, this picture's been floating around since february
Hey now, Nioh is a quality game with a wonderful combat system.

stop replying to it 10 days platinum/page/4/