>zero interest in recent or upcoming games
When did you grow out of vidya?
Zero interest in recent or upcoming games
I'm not 21 or older to play this game
Did you really outgrow video games or is it just that all recent and upcoming ones are shit?
The most recent game I played through was Skyrim in 2011 and they've been rereleasing that motherfucker for six years running
I mostly stopped playing vidya when I was 18, then got back in when I was 24. College happened.
I don't even know why I still frequent Sup Forums.
If you think that there are no interesting games coming out, you haven't been looking. At all.
Why do people do this shit
Because they're cool (unlike you).
Or maybe I don't share your opinion.
Usually bored and suicidal enough to partake in destructive behavior but not enough to actively try to kill themselves.
is this a new game from kyrieu?
OP here, please stop trying to tell me that there are still good games out. Everyone grows out of vidya at some point.
People like him are ignorant
There is no such thing as a GOOD GAME today. ZERO. No matter what you post, you're wrong.
reminder that people die from freeclimbing stunts all the time and the people making the videos are usually suicidal.
>OP here
No you're not, bucko. Too bad I already replied to your post here . Are you really that bothered by someone not agreeing with you?
Look if you want recs just ask. None of this reverse psychology junk please.
It's fun
You're telling me that fuccboi is suicidal? He puts a lot of effort into his appearance.
Psycho Stage Ruiner (already out)
Pic related is Burrito Galaxy 65
>do I fit in yet?
>No you're not, bucko.
I don't even talk like that. I've already replied to his post here twice now (three times if you count this and yours) Are you seriously going to try and troll / bait my thread? Go find something else to do.
cause it gets the DICKS inside the CHICKS
I like the one where the guy's getting the succ on a ledge like that
That must have been one brave whore
I always think I have, but then some wargame comes along and keeps me trapped here.
>mfw got a bunch of cheap shit on black friday from the last 2 or 3 years so im set for the next year at least in games
Even then im still interested in the new Monster Hunter, RDR2, and God of War
beautiful people commit suicide all the time.
You're really butthurt by someone saying they're not interested in recent games.
I stopped playing new games mid 7th gen. I still play older games though.
Adrenaline is addicting
If you wanted (You)s by pretending to be OP, you could have just asked
Jesus Christ how fucking retarded is Sup Forums that even when I give the god damn source slobbering retards still drool and ask
Stop trolling. Recent games are garbage.
Pirated Games
mokou is ugly.
>trying to get more (You)s by shitposting on Sup Forums.
I don't even think that, it's just that I personally don't have interest in them. No idea why you're doing this, either you're really bored or are really offended.
I'm excited for Monster Hunter World
>inb4 massive shitstorm
I'm also excited for Deep Down (if it comes out) and a potential new From Software game
They don't read the thread. He literally could have scrolled up 5 posts to see what it was.
can't do cocaine 24/7
How is that shitposting?
I really don't find games BAD, I just don't have any interest in them. Why do you care? Let people discuss what they want.
Would be much easier to just say the name of the game than to sperg out and hurt my feelings don't you think?
Don't bully
did you reply to the wrong post or something?
How is that asking for (You)s?
>There is no such thing as a GOOD GAME
Fixed for you.
>grow out
Just go and wa-la, you're still into bidya gaeyms.
You ok?
Teach a man to fish, retard. Lurk more.
fuck ya
around the time your mother sucked my cock faggot bitch
It's pretty sad too because all you fucks are useless lowlifes, how about you guys get a fucking job and start contributing to society instead of being pathetic welfare babies
Seriously? Pretending to be OP and telling everyone they're wrong by default isn't asking for (you)s?
>Not excited for Ace Combat 7
Is it's shit I how to never buy again. I already got fucked by Fallout 4 and MGSV I CAN'T BE DISAPPOINTED AGAIN
Because the media has been sucked dry.
Do you seriously think people would waste their time pretending to be OP? What's the matter with you?
Shitposter detected
Come on man, you petended to be OP and made an outrageous post designed to rake in replies
>be a kid
>video games are the best thing in the whole world
>must be some fucking wizard who is making them
>grows up
>realise vidya is made by people that are not smarter than you
I just realized that the medium itself cannot produce quality and that the good memories I have about games, where me being a kid projecting way more into those games than they actually offer.
Its all the same shit. Pressing buttons to jump, kill someone or hear a story about some fantasy land, just isn't a very engaging thing to begin with.
>Is it's shit I how
>Those boots
>Usually bored and suicidal
Look at that guy, he's a Chad and his life is 10x better than yours. Stay mad cuck boy basement dweller pussy.
All the people who "grew out of video games" that I know weren't that into them in the first place, and only played the most well marketed, bland AAA games.
Or then they played some MMO / Blizzard / Dota shit 24/7 and got burnt out from it
>tfw too intelligent to make a game of my own as it would be too complex for the masses
any vids of this stuff where they fuck up?
I must be fucking retarded. I just clicked between these 2 posts like 6 times thinking they were repeating. down the page
This fuck Not thread I
Posting wha
Ok here no woeisGodeq》>398834929
Damn mye
Games suxk
Im looking forward to EDF 5 and Monster Hunter World(with scepticism) though. I dont go out of my way to try and like modern games, Ill just go back and play something I do actually like before I look at modern releases and say "I should stop playing videogames"
I did use to play an MMO but I stopped 10 years ago, so I doubt that's the reason. I rarely play online games anymore too.
>being interested in AAA releases
Stop looking to mainstream games and shit genres and there's lots of games that are good.
You could also get another hobby and live a balanced lifestyle so that one game will last you much longer.
>he knows im right
Faggots like you live in constant fear, criticizing people who have their lives under control and live boldly because it makes you feel like you aren't a little soyboy cuck.
>>being interested in AAA releases
I didn't say that.
>Being a filthy phoneposter
Guilty. Call the cops I DON'T GIVE A FUCK
I didn't. Current games are just shit. Only playing Escape From Tarkov , Warframe and Waiting for MEtro Exodus & Cyberpunk 2077
>can only deflect to a boogeyman when confronted with his patheticness
Did i hit a nerve soyboy?
Last year. The only enjoyment I could get from video games anymore was jumping into multiplayer with friends to end the day. Now that everything is ultra competitive esports cancer there's no more joy in that. Overwatch was going to be the game that filled the void for a game I could just jump on and play but that all went to shit when they introduced ranked. Now quick play is just premades who want to stomp randoms and the few times I played ranked was some cracking voice teen acting like I raped his mother because I picked someone against the pre approved meta. R6: Siege is the same story. That shit felt like a game finally came out that I was the target audience for and now it's just CS:GO with surprisingly more spergs than CS has ever had.
>imagine being this triggered over nothing
Did someone shit in your breakfast, boy ?
You sound like a bullied kid bowing down to people that in no way deserve it
lets test this
Give me my (You) cunts
>le Sup Forums boogeyman xD
I still play EVE semi-regularly because that's a ""game"" that let's me make people miserable in a tangible way and the learning curve means anyone I'm likely to end up fucking with is just as sad and miserable as I am, then I add to their misery and that makes me feel better for a short time.
Automata surprised me in a good way but that was a one-off in a sea of games that I couldn't give a fuck about before and since.
Should I just kick the chair Sup Forums?
>indie games
not even once.
source me my man
So play fun old games. Start with Psychonauts.
I don't want to replay old games. I've beaten them.
Why should I be forced to replay older games over and over when devs should just make better games today?
When normalfags ruined it.
So never
Yeah, I've been trying to do that recently, but I still get the same feeling of disinterest. I replayed Diablo 2 a while ago, an old favourite, but I didn't get very far this time.
>tfw the only thing I'm looking forward to is a remake of a decades old game I never got into despite interest in the topic
new games have shitty and uninteresting topics and they're rarely worth playing based on gameplay alone
there's good and interesting stuff there every now and then but I don't even always bother trying them much less buy them
>>tfw the only thing I'm looking forward to is a remake of a decades old game I never got into despite interest in the topic
Which one?
I'm sorry for your shit taste.
Play old fun games (you haven't played before). Start with Psychonauts.
I did, I started with the popular Baldur's Gate, didn't last more than an hour. Then I went for Age of Mythology since Age of Empires 2 is one my favourite games, also didn't last long.
I think I am physically incapable of getting into games anymore. I will give Psychonauts a try anyways.