This guy said Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is tedious, frustrating, and ultimately disappointing

this guy said Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is tedious, frustrating, and ultimately disappointing.

Other urls found in this thread:


He is a jew.

Holy fuck I'm literally shaking


I guess because the same could be said about final fantasy 15 but the guy was sucking the game off.

>this guy said
shut up
fuck off
kill yourself
all the more reason to ignore this thread

The focus of the camera is her hands though. Are people really so autistic they've never seen this camera angle on a woman during an emotional scene before? Movies use it a lot.

Having the camera set that low, showing the wringing of hands instead of showing the face so you can focus on the emotion in the voice and body language is a super fucking common technique though?

>Jason Schreier
Oh, it doesn't matter.

>resorting to slut shaming
i wish i was a game journalist so i could get away with this

These people are memes.

He also thought Sorceress from Dragon's Crown was a loli. He's another mentally ill soyboy, no big news




Is her body and she wears whatever she wants

Because it is on vogue to crush nip games and hard games.

Didn't he disliked OG xeno too

>Didn't like the first two games
>"Let's have him do the 3rd one"

Shitaku logic

Journalists fucking eat up those games. They love that shit too, but just accept that the game isn't that good.

This guy made a positive review, so Schreier threw a fit and kicked him off the project.

>on vogue

well they have to review it. I don't know why he's in the field if he's gonna play a lot of nip games though.

don't know that guy but he's making fun of weebs (=virgins) which is ok

Alright somebody give me a straight answer: how weeby does Xeno 2 get? I loved the first one, liked X but hated the stupid "haha tatsu is food" jokes that they drove to the ground after like 8 times.

This. Literal /ourguy/ shitting on the worst game and fanbase of 2017. Should really join our ranks sonetime, he'd be good for triggering weebs.

>Alright somebody give me a straight answer: how weeby does Xeno 2 get?
It makes Neptunia look like Hamlet. That's all you need to no. All who have beaten this "game" reinforce that fact.

Same shit, different direction. XC1 had all the traditional anime revenge story cliches, XC2 trades those in for anime romance cliches.
One is not particularly more weeby than the other.

playing this game hurts my eyes after 15 minutes

I don't get it, the camera is showing the character holding her hands together.
Is showing a side view of a character considered risque now just because you're exposed to the contours of the natural female body?

You people defend this camera work?

>All who have beaten this "game" reinforce that fact.
Including you, I assume?

umm no sweetie my eyes are up here

Playing this "game" hurts my sanity after 8 minutes. Just what the fuck did theyvdo to our series.

See I watched a friend play thus game, he and I both agree that it's full weebshit akin to Neptunia and SAO. If you saw that webm on one of the cutscenes floating around here you'll know what we are talking about.

>This person is clearly team A!
>But they're proudly displaying and wearing team B gear.
>If you know so much about this, you must be team A!

the most retarded thing i've seen from kotaku or whatever the fuck he's from in a couple years. pretty much you're mad that you find a female character in a video game attractive, and despite being attractive, she can still have emotions.

Unless you think this is fanservice, in which case you might be very sexually confused.

just stop fucking responding to him

Many video games along with movies and TV shows tend to have a female's buttocks in view as it's something they can't really hide.

>Jason Schreier
>Jason "head of a company should be fired for drawing titties" Schreier
>Jason "large breasts are pedophilia" Schreier
>Jason "make a snarky article bashing a perfectly good game because I dont like the art" Schreier
>Jason "kicked off a months worth of shit for his faggotry" Schreier
>Jason "photography has never gone through the social and political trials that video games has" Schreier
>>Jason "opinions worth less then dirt" Schreier
>Jason "slowtaku" Schreier

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a lackluster game, but Schreier is a fag.

If he triggeres fans of Tweenoblade, he's based af in our book.

>Just what the fuck did theyvdo to our series
WOT. Xenoblade 1 and X was full of ass and tits shots

And anyway blunderfag, you're not fooling us

>If you saw that webm on one of the cutscenes floating around here you'll know what we are talking about.
Found it. And holy shit you're right. God what went so fucking wrong? No wonder Sup Forums is so adamant in hating it.

They're not complaining about women have sex parts. Or even women being hot.

They're observing that a peice of media that dresses it's characters in a ridiculous level of "please give us money" sexualized lingerie is asking to be taken seriously when they put those ridiculous "please jerk off to this" characters in a serious, emotional scene.

Would you be able to hold your laughter if the Scrubs scen where Cox realizes his friend died shown him with wind blowing through his hair as the camera pans over his abs?

what a day, to see people sucking off Kotaku.

This is the series that you could have a 13 year old in a fucking thong. Fuck off.

Are you mad Nintendo didn't censor the game?

It honestly baffles me that Schreier can find a job anywhere as a journalist. He seriously wants every piece of media, not just video games, censored to his standards, he actually actively attempts to dismantle the 1st amendment.

Are you really still doing this user? Pretending you even watched someone play this game, or have played the previous one

usually when you tell someone to see a post it's to either answer there question or bring up a valid point, not point me to a literal non-argument.

Have you guys heard this faggot speak? He sounds beyond gay. It's actually amazing. He is the gayest sounding motherfucker that ever existed.

Is this you, you limp-wristed faggot?

The whole dragons crown shit show is what put him on the map for most people here. Dont kid yourself

>replying to yourself
>implying Sup Forums hates it

>i love him now that he talks shit about something i dont like


Is that guy a Mormon or something?

was FF15 seriously anything more than a boy band simulator?

Why did nintendo ruin Xeno games? it was totally not full on anime for the start with gears and this is something exclusive to blade 2.

One dude lmao

Holy shit, this is retarded. I see why Sup Forums likes it, though.

Wasn't Xenosaga anime as fuck?

>not getting the fucking obvious sarcasm

I think it's supposed to be showing her clasped hands more than her ass.

It's too late here to pick up on sarcasm via text.

Think he's just gay because right after that clip cuts off he laughs at the masturbation joke.

as much of a bumblefuck he is compared to the rest of Slowtaku hes not that bad. I imagine they simply cant afford to let him go, hes probably one of the few people there who have an ounce value. But really by all means after a solid month of blow back there is no reason for him to have a job in that field, its not something you can just brush off. And to think he wonders why people still bring it up, its what hes known for now.




Someone, somewhere, unironically thinks this

Anime is it's own thing separate from live action comedy-dramas like scrubs, this isn't just a thing with xenoblade chronicles 2.
Granted Xenoblade 1 and X handled this stuff way better.

then why is it focusing on her ass so much

>soyboy faggot thinks this white knighting is sexy to women

Any bets on whether Jason is a sex criminal?

Well it's pretty close to her hands

>handled this stuff way better
More fanservice=better desu fampaichi
I actually think 1 had more fanservice as you can dress up your waifus in slut armour, that's like any otaku's wet dream

Jason is a fucking faglord.

But how can you not acknowledge when sexy fanservice feels out of place?
You fucking 15 or something?

>side view
>focused on ass


What feels out of place
Are you saying a sexy woman cannot have a serious emotions?
If you get distracted so hard by video game ass you cannot even concentrate on the scene you are the 15 year old here

>I can't take my eyes off her ass!

The problem with this argument is always the fact that it's people arguing that they literally don't have the mental faculties to stop looking at the ass to concentrate on what's actually happening. The ADHD generation seriously is upon us.

>what if we make the guy who hates japanese games and is completely disconnected from our gaming audience do a review on this new JRPG
what the fuck is wrong with kotaku

hey he likes FF15

Schreier? With all that desire to repress sexual displays, situations, and even uncontrollable female features? Oh without a fucking doubt he has some sex crime under his belt and feels eternally guilty for it. So he tries to cover it up everywhere so that he never loses control again.

>based af

The man was the laughing stock to end all laughing stocks around here some 4 years ago over his Dragon's Crown commentaries. It was so bad that we STILL laugh at the man for it. See
and pic fucking related. No, Schreier is anything but based. He is, at best, a notch above fuckups like Anthony Burch and Brianna Wu.

He openly signed up to do a review of it instead of,y'know, writing a separate opinion piece and not completely skewing the average with his dumbfuck shenanigans.
God what a moron.

Just because you're a pervert doesn't mean other people are.
Non degenerates know the camera is on her hands and not her ass.
It took me a good five mins to understand that pic and the topic at hand.

Its like those people complaining Elie is over sexualized in TLoU
Just because you're a pedo doesn't mean the rest of the world is

Further proof all gamers are fucking degenerate perverts who can't understand art or peoples choices.

Well how else are you going to see her clasped hands?

Don't try to spin this shit like it's a "women can't be hot" thing.

We both know what juxtaposition is.

It'd be out of place to see Gandalf in fucking Star Wars. In that same way it's funny to see a big tittied anime character in a crazy outfit go for a grounded emotional dialogue.

I've got no issue with fapbait waifu games.

>Are you saying a sexy woman cannot have a serious emotions?
When will you people realize that sexy =/= oversexualized

Any 10/10, banging, million-boner-producing girl in, say, a generic scrubs outfit, is less sexualized than a 5/10 plain jane that leaves nothing to the imagination and poses like there's an italian cameraman, in a sexy nurse outfit.

Nobody cares about hot girls. They're everywhere. People care about oversexualization.

oh yeah, kotaku exists

>Gandalf in fucking Star Wars
Something that's well over due

Why can't they have serious dialogue though? Just because they look good they can't say serious stuff? What kind of retard logic is that? If you can't get over someone's appearance to take their words and actions into consideration you may legitimately be autistic.

>In that same way it's funny to see a big tittied anime character in a crazy outfit go for a grounded emotional dialogue.
Why? She's still a character, and she still can have emotions. You are literally saying it's funny that sexualized women can have serious emotions

BTW gandalf would fit right into star wars. He evn looks like Obi-Wan. His powers can even be easily explained with the force shit

>People care about oversexualization
Why? Who? How?

>photography has never gone through the social and political trials that video games has
Fucking lol

By front view
>WOOOOOOOW way to show off her hips! sexist game!
Okay just shift the camera up a bit then

Yeah there's nothing you can do.

>In that same way it's funny to see a big tittied anime character in a crazy outfit go for a grounded emotional dialogue.

Blah blah blah so what is your point? That since the main heroine shows a fair amount of skin she shouldn't be on camera? You want her dressed more modestly then? If this most pedestrian and tame of fucking JRPG tittilation is something you feel is excessive and you have to grapple with then damn man how did you end up on Sup Forums or might you just be trying to signal some kind of virtue?


So it's like the first game then?

> In that same way it's funny to see a big tittied anime character in a crazy outfit go for a grounded emotional dialogue.
I don't have a problem with this. Maybe you are just emotionally challenged or something.

Threadly reminder that the people crying about how weeb the game is and the fanservice being too much are SJWs that share word for word the exact same talking points as SJWs from RresetEra >

These faggots are enemies to games and thus their opinion should be disregarded as pure cancer. Drown yourselves in a soy baths.

maybe objectification is a real thing

The more you fap to hot anime girls the more you see them as non-characters that only serve as fapbait. Thus, you cannot emotionally connect to them

I'm not denying any sort of creative freedom to make her a good character.

Again, the juxtaposition is the weird part. How often does an anime girl with a fucking thong sticking out of her pants and big bouncy titties go on a tirade about her emotions.

I still don't know how you can't see that isn't the norm for characters designed that way.

This guy said that this JRPG is for fans of JRPGs