Reminder that only SJWs and liberals have a problem with the female character designs like this. The game is fine...

Reminder that only SJWs and liberals have a problem with the female character designs like this. The game is fine, ignore all xenoblade shit posters, yeah the story is cliche but what story isn't nowadays, people need to stomp these losers out.

For fuck's sake, couldn't you use one of the other threads

>people are starting to notice this niche has been garbage all along and are calling it out
>quickly, dismiss all criticism!
>how, you say?
>muh SJW

Sounds about right for a neckbeard defender.

Those character designs do look stupid.

The right girl looks cute though.

People who complain about slutty or stupid outfits that barely cover anything on a female should realize that nobody cares, same with people who care about their ages. They could be literally 1 year old and barely able to talk and guess what? People will want to fuck them, there are 3 underage characters in this picture, but I'm sure everybody would fuck at least one character here.

>game has ridiculously bad and tasteless as fuck female character designs
>call out on it because its hard to ignore for obvious reasons and it looks fucking supid

You faggots are pathetic. You can create female characters that can look sexy without letting them look like literal whores.

Reminder that there are like 6 other threads right now you could have posted this shit in.

I have a problem with them because they're cows.

Pear is justice.

What a whore is subjective. More women in real life could stand to look and dress like this so long as laws come into place so fatties and ugly ones aren't allowed to. They should be covered like the muslim women

I'll admit that Pyra's design is silly. But it's not bad. And I'm getting used to it. I really don't understand how people could get straight up offended by it. It's nice to look at. Just chill.

>Quickly, dismiss all criticism!

What criticism?

Do you see any honest character criticism in anti-east Sup Forums's piss-poor attempt at trolling in there?

Because I sure as hell dont. Thats why anti-east Sup Forums gets an equally troll-y dismissal.

>yeah the story is cliche

This is literally the only reason to play a JRPG, though. Wait, don't tell me people play JRPGs for the gameplay.

like this one?

>there are 3 underage characters in this picture
Dont you mean clones?

I love Mithra design, Pyra is kinda meh though

I'm a liberal and I love the designs.
Don't try to shoehorn viewpoints you don't like onto people just because you know that nobody would vote for your shitty party except the top 1% if you didn't use every scapegoat in the book

Pyra's outfit is stupid though. Whatsername on the right there is just as erotic, but is way more cohesive design wise.

That’s actually a damn good design

it's not that they look like whores, the designs are lacking in originality and are horribly overdesigned

Reminder noted.

Everyone already knows this, though. Trolls are having a field day, though, so good for them, i guess.

Its Rex the most alpha male in a Jrpg ever?.
I mean he literally get both girls in the game.

Outside of being anime, they are fine. But I'd like something in return for having to bear with these designs.

You mean religiontards and SJWs. Religious conservatives are all about hating on skimping clothing and shit you dumb faggot and always have been.

Heres my criticism. Are we on an adventure, a real perilous journey full of interesting characters with clashing ideologies piloting death machines like xenogears or is this just a harem anime with a flimsy as fuck facade of a single player mmorpg over it? Because it looks like the latter.

Bros I don't mind horny big titted bitches dressed like hookers in my vidya at all but nothing about this feels challenging. Im a little shota dressed like a retard and every big titty sword bitch is lining up to suck my dick. This is good for one solid nut but for a 60 hour rpg? Fuck off.

Mythra is so much hotter it's not even fair.

>Im a little shota dressed like a retard and every big titty sword bitch is lining up to suck my dick

Platinum,Lambda and Nu, Noel doesn't count.

I like this design.

No im pretty sure noel counts as a clone

You wrote a lot, but your argument you put forth here falls under #2. You arent even paying attention to any other aspect of the game. Just

>uhh... couldnt i just go watch a harem anime?

Again, like so many before you, is a problem with the artstyle. you can add one line of buzzwords

>flimsy as fuck facade of a single player mmorpg over it

To make it seem like you're taking the game as a whole into consideration, but you arent. Character designs are a trivial, inconsequential matter in the whole of the game.

>dress like a slut
christ im surprised they didnt add nosebleeds

so its okay to hate on any shitty male designs like Rex then?

The designs are ugly as hell, the fact that they have fanservice is irrelevant.
>yeah the story is cliche but what story isn't nowadays
With standards like those, it's no wonder you're easily pleased by garbage.


Reminder that there is no character design controversy, Sup Forums is just drumming one up as shilling for this weebshit hits critical mass.

>discussing videogames
>on Sup Forums
as if, everything is just memeposting, SJW paranoia, Sup Forums paranoia, and good ol' trolling.

You haven't played the game and do not know to what extent it's filled with big titty bitches, and given the settings and outlandishness of pretty much all the character designs there's nothing ridiculous about the two in the OP

Holy fuck how does this word still exist. You think internet slang would evolve over 5 fucking years.

>Character designs are a trivial, inconsequential matter in the whole of the game.

No. They really aren't. Character designs are actually ridiculously important to any medium with visible characters, as they have a huge impact on how people perceive the product. I mean look at all the shitposting that surrounds this game JUST because of the character designs alone, that should be enough to tell you that they matter.

Is there clubbing involved? This is important.

Because it's not just an internet thing, they are a political party in the states and in television, video games and music.
Did you play CF? She's not really a clone anymore.

When I younger when people saw a game they didn't like the character designs in or didn't like the gameplay they just didn't buy it. Why are some people buying it despite hating the character design? I'm thinking they're all lying faggots and like tits and ass just like the rest of us.

How and why do people think like this

>Pyra is not clubbing so her outfit doesn't make sense.
She's a fucking sword. Hell they said the Blades take the form the Driver has in mind or some shit right? Maybe the previous person to awaken her liked Tits and Ass.

Damn she's really thicc

>People didn't like my shitty anime waifushit pandering game

Have these people even played the game? They literally said Blades look like what the Driver wants them to look like. Pyra was already formed so her previous owner was probably a guy who enjoyed skimpy women and all the Rare Blades Rex gets are skimpy because Rex is into that shit too after seeing Pyra.

>not the fact that it's a step back from even the original Xenoblade Chronicles in the terms of characters, pacing, story, and even combat

Oh yes, it's the designs on why the game is bad.

I just increased my Blade's attack by like 4x and I'm only doing like 10 more damage. Am I missing something here?

you're right

Nia a cute.

so so fucking horribad. And some people on Sup Forums don't understand why anybody would want to go to /vg/ instead of being bombarded by inane twitter screenshots from psychotic cunts nagging about cleavage.

I want to paizuri the right one.

>it's a step back from even the original Xenoblade Chronicles in the terms of characters, pacing, story, and even combat

What does Paizuri mean? I've been seeing it alot when people talk about the girls

>show my wife the game
>that's a fluffy cat
>why are so many people scottish?
>those are some big tits
>thank fuck you can adjust sound this time
>tiny gramps is cute
In that order

I only play them for the characters

>bad and tasteless as fuck female character designs
Yeah you're an SJW.

I'm neither. I'm upset that's pretty much all there is to the blade designs. I wouldn't mind at all if there was fanservice in some of the blade designs. I would expect that there would be. I hate waifu trash and that's the majority of the designs for the blades. There's almost no blades I want to collect. There's almost no variety at all because it's just pandering.

>the female character designs

Yeah. Everyone else has a problem with ALL the character designs and everything a style like this brings with it, not just the female ones.

who she

The girl that should have won.


the voice acting in this game is laughably bad

That's Nia is best girl, just look at those hips, at least she has a different body than Big tits.

>I'm too young to remember Skies of Arcadia

Christ no wonder you like this shit

No sweetie. Real liberals don't care about T&A. Censorship of sexual ideas/images has always been a conservative thing

These "liberals" you're referring to are just retarded radicals in par with isis in terms of the extent of their views, claiming to be liberals

No one is asking the important questions. Where is the porn?


No thats spoon, the thighs are exploding out.

Best girl's final form.

>Keep seeing these threads
>"wtf Sup Forums hates these designs"
>Virtually no complaints in any thread

Are faggots seriously thinking that threads like these are somehow "complaints of soyboy gaffers and tumblrite" and not just a guaranteed replies lewd thread?
Nobody on Sup Forums is against these designs, they want to masturbate to them and they want the whole fucking website to know this.

Everything about this game is literally I FAPPED TO PYRA AND I'M PROUD!

Well at least she actually said it.

Well she's not wrong.

>People with taste are SJW and Liberals
You Xenoplebs deserve all the shitposting in these threads.

How the fuck do I beat the Security Tirkin in Old Factory when I don't have Poppi.

how come graphics for nintendo have never advanced past the ps2 era?

Nothing this thread has to say will ever have any impact on what is and isn't acceptable and 90% of the posts in this thread are just trying to evoke some kind of reaction.

Insecure much, you nazi teen?
Yes, the story is shit and the character design is retarded.
I'm playing the game anyway because I like JRPGS. But that doesn't make you anime boob loving nazi teens any more useful to mankind or any less deserving of being mass shot.

>Good goy since 2012
How about you jump off a cliff?

>story is cliche
>design is generic animoo

I married her for a reason

>women showing some skin is tasteless

why do you people come here?

>calls me the goy while he advances googles ai recognition programs with each Sup Forums post

Tell you what user, I'll be happy to ignore the fanservice issues. I mean it's not like the game has other issu-

>terrible story, bloated as all hell with 50+ hours of cutscenes and dialogue
>so casual that it gets an 84 on metacritic in an era where game journos can't even beat tutorials (it's not even an indie game that would get the excuse of game journos getting hipster cred)
>generic little kid protagonist who kills god with love and friendship, aka an obscenely overrated plot device
>fanbase can't go a single thread talking about the game without shitposting or crying about SJWs

Oh. Well, look at all those problems.

Have sex with her in a Pyra or Mytha costume and post the webms on /gif/ or you're a fucking disgrace and liar

We're both fat, but sure. We also work slow because we want perfection, so give it like 3+ years. Enjoy your fatties slamming into each other in due time user.

Ugh, just do paizuri then, even some fat chicks have nice boobs and this game is paizuri city anyway

Look you're getting doggy style with me yelling don't get cocky you little shit or you get nothing.

Fine, but she better use her hips and have a good ass

I think both of these designs are great. I like them both.
Not sure why people hate them. Two good looking outfits and girls.

>I mean look at all the shitposting that surrounds this game JUST because of the character designs alone, that should be enough to tell you that they matter.
If anything that tells me how little it matters.


I'm 100% sure you're a homosexual

>Bloated RPG
>50 hours
>So casual
>Game Journalists complain all the time about the tutorials being so short and matter of fact.
>Who kills god with love and friendship
>Sup Forums's favorite series revolve around protagonists just winning by pure gutso
>Fanbase whining while trying to act impartial

Your post is filled with mixed messages.

She never had a chance though

Well, professional shitposters are rarely rational people.

>sword cunny
Picked up



50 hours of nothing but cutscenes is indeed bad, and not even a billion hours of gameplay would make that okay. It's disgusting, plain and simple. Stop shoving cinematics in my face.

>Game Journalists complain all the time about the tutorials being so short and matter of fact.
They still gave it an 84. Too high of a metacritic for a massive developer with Nintendo funding.

>Sup Forums's favorite series revolve around protagonists just winning by pure gutso
I think those games are garbage too. Sup Forums has abhorrent tastes.

>Fanbase whining while trying to act impartial
Except I am impartial. Explain to me why a game should ever have cutscenes in it except for developer laziness.