You are transported to the world of the last game you just played

You are transported to the world of the last game you just played

What do you do?

Crawl up in a ball and hide

Drive home in my sports car.

Get my old deck out and see if duel stars are legit currency for sexual favours.

I was just playing Gears of war. :(


probably get fucking killed

>im fucked

I'm roleplaying the Imperium of Man in Stellarus...

>Japan during the Sengoku Period
probably grow some rice

Farm forever

fug i guess shovel my damn head off? XD

>Titan Quest: Ragnarök
I'd fight for a white europe 2bh, greeks stay the fuck out reeeee

Seek out Daud to learn sick powers if Outsider won't consider me interesting enough by being from another world to bless with his mark.

>planetside 2
I fight, die and fight some more in an endless war for eternity

Well, not get any augments unless I have a shitload of neuropozyne handy. So, pretty much just live like normal.

yeah, same

Live fast, die young, respawn and repeat for 3 laps.

>get rdy to suck some demon overlord cock

cool, i could be a public onahole to a bunch of strangers and get dicked dozens of times a day by futas

you mean you die...
>nigga u dead

>Yakuza 0
Spend all my money at the arcade and try not to upset anyone.

> Fifa 18
be a pro fotbal player at real madrid.
assist cr7

Go cat girl hunting, probably die.

I'm gonna start loot'n

Gonna go find me a QT draenei wife

I just stay within the Process
It's a simpler life


Fucking die horribly like the majority of the human population in any particular game.

>Riders of Icarus
Great, I've become a dime-in-a-dozen f2p character

>street fighter

Find Dan and hang out. Probably still get my ass kicked.

>Star Ocean 3
Do I become a 4D being then or just an NPC in the Eternal Sphere?

>Also Dominions
I think I fucked myself cause the Ashen Empire of Ermor already killed off half of the maps population and threw the world into enternal winter.

Rejoice, for I am finally in a world where repetition can get me anything I want. Get swole as fuck growing crops/making herbed-in herbs and become good at music playing a harmonica for an army of little girls for a couple months, use my knowledge of the world that runs on mechanics to become a successful adventurer, drink from fountains and wells all the time until I get a wish and ask for forbidden meat and become a cute anime girl. Eat like a fucking king every time I get hungry, travel a huge world with my friends, and live the dream.

I'd go to Dalaran and hit on every gnome, goblin and draenei girl I see until I find success.

facebook backgammon


I become infested, get shot by a tenno, and drop a common resource.

This is actually pretty great, since if i survive the nukes ill learn what happens in hotline miami 3

>Dungeons and Dragons Online

First thing I'm doing is figuring out if I can use magic in any way. After that I'm working my way to transferring my soul into a Warforged body.

Then I form a guild with a group consisting of a Drow dominatrix, a burly barbarian man, a female Legolas, and a dwarf bard that knows way to much about showing women a good time.

Then I get an Artificer to give my new body a retractable penis with vibrating functionality.

Likewise, friend. But maybe a qt Nelf instead.

I get captured by Skaven and sold into slavery

>Heroes of the Storm

Suicide probably. The entire world is maybe a mile long.

>Summertime Saga
Went better than expected, looking forward to fucking busty goblinoid milfs.

The Nexus has its name for a reason. It's connected to other Blizzard worlds. Just have to find out how to get to them.

>Megaman 3
Well, i stay the fuck away from monstropolis due the Wily attacks, but other than that it would be fine.

visit an inn in some dwarfsfort and eat abd drink for free the rest of my life admiring doors and listening to horrible music from stine instruments

>the rest of my life

Which probably won't be very long.

time to get serious

>Sands of Time
Immediately turn into a sand zombie. Maybe I get used as fuel if the prince comes my way, pretty fucking awful

You could be some poo in loo from the first level, just saying.

MGSV: Try to join an army since my papers are nonexistent.

how is the game, downloading now

Wow so I can be killed by invading persians too? Fantastic


That's okay. Ive ready done a tour of Iraq and Afghanistan.

What invasion?

Game is fine, system is not grindy as much as usually the games of this kind are. If you can get behind sometimes very strange faces, you are set. Current content is for a few hours of playing if you want to see everything. It have it's moments, if they don't abandon/fuck it up, it could be really great in a few months.

>stuck in ancient pooinlooland
yeah just make me a zombie

>time to get killed by aliens/wizards/zombies/mercenaries/cyborgs

>Front Mission 3

cool future world with Mechs literally everywhere

I'm having a great time.

Give kat a shower then feed her


>Dark Souls
I wait at Firelink and turn hollow I guess

Slime Rancher
Haha I get to feed slimes for money.

I'd look for my future wife

>weeb trash

Would you join Overwatch?

>Dying Light

I'd probably fall off a building then get eaten alive.

If they need a janitor, assistant, Pharahs meat bag, then yes.

drop school

Get drunk at dwarven bread inn I guess.