Which version should I play?

Which version should I play?

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N64, is this not obvious? Why are you even asking?


Lurk at least 12 years before posting

none of them

RE2 is garbage that people only liked because it was a technically impressive game when they were children

i'm saying this as a person who grew up with the game, it does not hold up in the slightest

game.com nigga, that shit wild


your opinions don't hold up because you're a fucking idiot
I can't believe someone actually allows you to use the internet without responsible adult supervision

you can't just throw around hot bombs like that without reasons

Dreamcast for best core experience
N64 for unique extras

Honestly whichever is cheapest to purchase. I hate to agree with this sentiment but it's largely true. It's very much antiquated, but not unplayable.

It really doesn't matter at all, though Dreamcast edges out if you absolutely need the "best" experience.


as a person who was gaming on pc at the time, and had access to a hacked ps1 and its entire library, i agree with him

RE games before 4 were garbage


ps1 edition best edition.

I don't understand

re4 is garbage as well as every RE after

why don't we just take the final leap together?
Resident Evil is shit all around, nobody likes it and you're stupid and old and smell really bad if you do because they're bad games


all video games are bad and people only play them ironically



This guy goes over the version differences in autistic detail.

all pleb opinions in this thread. Sourcenext version is the one you want.

It's campy and obviously looks like shit by today's standards, but it's still a good game that holds up far better than you'd expect it to. I say this as a person who only just played the game for the first time about 2 months ago.


Now this is a story all about how my job got flip turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, I'll tell ya how everyone died and raccoon city got nuked off the map

Thanks for this. I like these detailed as fuck videos when I'm drinking.

indeed sourcenext pc ver works best loads best and currently free to download leagaly and every re game after re3 has been shit except revelations on the 3ds

Those are the smallest biceps on a grown man I've ever seen

>autistic detail
Sometimes these people actually have a use

poor controls

lack of any direction when you start your game- you can LITERALLY DIE ON THE FIRST SCREEN if you don't know what to do- you're literally getting eaten by a zombie within FIVE SECONDS of starting the game.

lel ironic terrible voice acting

shitty sound design

unintuitive puzzles

save ribbons for no good reason

multiple playthroughs to pad length

this and for re3 as well

>all costumes and operation mad jackal unlocked at the beginning

i'd take the tank control over any "action" style they jammed in to re after 3

and still low q bait even if you claim people like it because of nostalgia


Playstation because N64 version have terrible audio, smaller textures and 15fps half resolution cgi.

Back in the day we had those booklets called instructions manuals and we read it so we would know what to do when we start playing, we also played the first game of the series before jumping into the second.

>terrible audio
Better in-game audio
>smaller textures
Higher game resolution though
>15fps half resolution cgi.
Nobody cares about FMV except Sonyponehs

>every character sounds like they're talking through a tin can

Heh, looks like Sony fans really can’t tell the difference between in-game and cutscenes

Cutscenes are ingame, shit-for-brains. As long as it's not an FMV.
I can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or simply deaf. It's a well-documented fact that the N64 version has shit audio because the game used black magic compression to fit the game onto one cartridge. It's a technical marvel that they even managed it.

>make a game
>only release it 6 times

user with both versions here, N64 voices sound FAR worse. Tin can user during gameplay is correct.

N64 RE2 is for nice character models on Claire and Sherry (they kinda fucked leon & ada somehow) and for marveling at it’s technical achievment.


you'll never beat minecraft you sack of shit
