Mfw reading my game reviews from 5-10 years ago

>mfw reading my game reviews from 5-10 years ago



U must be a lolicon pedophile sjw cuck huh

lolicon pedophile sjw nazicuck*

>Read them
>They are better than any shit I can write now

I'm jaded or else

>mfw reading my old forums posts from 5-10 years ago

you're using this wojak wrong faggot

How do I make the regrets of insignificant little things from forever ago stop eating me alive? It's like I can't go a couple of minutes without
>remember that one slightly embarrassing thing you did/said that one time when you were 8
and it makes me want to hang myself.

Make sure that no one ever finds out about them. I'm mostly worried about someone confronting me about some stupid shit I've once done rather than regretting that I've done stupid shit.
You can forgive yourself but there's a chance that other people won't, so delete everything you can and create a new identity.

Just end it all user

You don't and it happens to everyone else

>tfw I unearthed fairly recently my written fanfiction that combined certain aspects of video games & anime
>tfw I still like it

>think back to the cringe that you were when you were like 10-12 years old
>hear little kids shouting memes and talk about famous youtubers outside
>realize you werent such a big faggot like these little shits

feels good man

you'll eventually realize this has been the same thing forever user, your kids will feel the same about their kids.

You offered more constructive criticism as a child than you do now.

You were and still are, you just weren’t as exposed to the internet as they are.

>yfw you were a faggot to everyone older than you

Take solace in the fact you recognise those things as mistakes and that makes you a better human being now. It's a sign of growth. It's way worse if you look back and were completely content with how you acted, because that opens the possibility you've just being acting like a giant piece of shit this whole time.

>that face when you still are
>that face when you feel the same about anyone younger than you

Be your own change, user. Break the cycle.

go out side and talk to people irl

socializing is like excersize
the more you do it the easier it gets, and the more regularly you do it the less regrets you have in the future.

when your life is too busy socializing and excersizing you dont find time to care about those things.


Nah. Ever since i started to work and making good money i look down on schoolkids/uni students as poorfags who dont do anything useful.

Feels pretty fucking good actually

imagine being a sjw game journalist and suddenly gaining sentience 10 years down the line and actually reading all the tripe you wrote