Fiction isn't reality, so it's okay to sexualize women in games. Just don't forget that fiction is not real...

Fiction isn't reality, so it's okay to sexualize women in games. Just don't forget that fiction is not real, and behave that way.

So, loli thread?

What's wrong with that fish?

that's a dog you idiot

Assuming the story you are being told is real is an integral part of how fiction operates.

Real life is sexualized as fuck too.

Do you think that's a good thing?

That is a terrifying image.

Fiction isn't reality but it doesn't mean there isn't a part of reality in fiction.

But it's okay to sexualize women IRL, so it's a moot point.

I don't mind. People seem to enjoy it.


And you being a faggot is real.


>sex is bad and icky


gamers can't tell the difference

unauthentic, unreal sex is bad and icky

authentic, real sex is good and cool

>sexuality can only be expressed THIS way

It better be otherwise we'd die out as a species if we allowed the extreme right of left to suppress all sexuality. .

This fucker is the one living in a fantasy reality.

If I was socialized from birth to think the average women is a 20 year old bikini model, then I'd be super fucking disappointed with every woman who has ever crossed my path. But I'm totally okay with average women. The only "people" trying to influence my opinion on what a proper woman is supposed to look like are these freaks that think I should lust for some dye-haired fatso.

That image is pure projection. They think the entire world is some subjective mess with no real meaning, and because of that they think that with enough brainwashing anything is possible. Everything comes down to brainwashing with them, they want to brainwash you, and if they can't, well, it's just sad that you got brainwashed by the bad guys first. It's total madness.

Because we should totally believe whatever politicians have to say when they're not experts in nearly anything they talk about.

I think that the way people should communicate is authentically if at all possible. I do not see the value in talking about sex unauthentically at all.

>Hot women are BAD and you CAN’T find them attractive you misogynistic PIG naughty boy


Reminder that a woman having big tits isn't sexualization.




What does that mean?
Sexualization is part aesthetic, part acting. It's not much different from the rest of the arts and entertainment and what have you.
Yeah it's not high brow but it can be part of something larger and be a nice touch.

What are some good sexualized video games?

>Believing anything that comes out of a politicians ass ever.
Just kys, cunt.


Fiction impacts the perception of reality more easily than you think it does.

Also is correct. At least any non-sociopath understands this concept.

I never sexualize women.

What about an owl with a cat's face?


>What does that mean?
If I have a game or fiction that depicts all women or men as hyper-sexual entities and only hyper-sexual entities, that is unauthentic as that's not what women or men are.
If I have a game or fiction that depicts women or men as entities that have a range of desires and ways of expressing that desire, that is something that I think is authentic.

>Yeah it's not high brow but it can be part of something larger and be a nice touch.
I completely agree with this statement.


Earlier you said that inauthenticity is "bad". I strongly disagree with the notion that any type of fiction that does not (attempt to) reflect real life in any aspect is in some sense "bad".

It's fine if you hold such standards, but don't expect other people to find them intuitively plausible, let alone worthy of adoption, as many people do draw a very strong line between fiction and reality.

Tons of games with sexualization may just happen to be good. But usually it had nothing to do with it. The sexualization may be a nice bonus for some. Something annoying for others.
I can't think of a game that did anything really interesting with it and where it was an essential part of the game. Maybe some horror games.
Sometimes I think it really adds to the game even if it's not essential. Like in Automata I think it was well done. They are unapologetic about the sexualized character design. They're interesting designs. There's some symbolism to it. They came up with something they liked and went with it. The Yorha androids are so perfect and pretty the contrast with the bleak environments is eerie. When you see them all busted up it exposes how articial it is too. The androids are not very sexual beings so the sexyness is confusing. There's sort of an in-game explanation for it but it's not like it really matters. It's mostly just an excuse to do something like this visually. The effect was nice and it felt weird (in a good way).

If fantasy has nothing to do with reality, then for every account of T&A, people bringing pro-cuckold statements or deliberately making their protagonists ugly black chicks shouldn't matter either, right?

>Fiction isn't reality, so it's okay to sexualize
Do kids count? Because I love stories and art that sexualizes little girls

Yeah, whatever sells.
Lots of people here will agree with that kek.

Good. I love being a pedo

Is “sexualisation” just a buzzword for “I’m scared of attractive women and sex”?


it's a buzzword for "I can't cope with being ugly"

>tfw gonna fall for the gacha meme

I don't care much about the sexualization in games. I think it's usually nice. But not very important to me.
What bothers me the most with this whole shit is the double standards.
Sexualizing women is sexist and bad.
Sexualizing men is OK. No wait, actually it doesn't even happen because it's just a male power fantasy thing. It's just men being bad again. Women don't flock to tall guys with muscles you're just imagining that.
Who the fuck actually buys that? It's a ridiculous argument. But to them it's just a fact apparently.

Men are often responsible for creating those excessively masculine characters in the first place. If girls made up the majority of video game developers and publishers, and were the ones conceiving of characters like that, then you'd have a point.

He has a point either way. Why would you assume that only females can create sexualized male characters?

It appears to me that women's chief concern with so-called objectification in video games is their belief that males do it without acknowledging how it might cause females to feel about the portrayal of their sex in games.

Like op said it doesn't matter who sexualizes what and why, as long as you realize its fiction.

Are you serious?
It's true that they sexualize the women more. Because men are the main market for many type of games. And this sort of stuff works better on men. That's marketing and supply and demand.
And yeah I guess the men are kind of just incidentally sexy in most cases. They make them badass more than sexualized. But there's some fucking overlap there. Don't tell me the big burly dudes wouldn't pull in a bar or wherever kek. Because they would.
Yeah if women tried to design sexualized male characters it might come off a bit differently. But not all that much. Look at the dudes on the covers of romance novels they're like Conan the Barbarian sometimes kek. Or at the very least tall with a square jaw, square shoulders and what have you. Usually at least kind of ripped.
Which is fine. Whatever people like.
There is overall less demand for sexualized male characters in video games, for many reasons, and that's fine. Why can't men have stuff that they enjoy in a product that they are the main consumers of? Not everything has to cater just to women.

Manlets are underrepresented in games and no one gives a shit how it makes me feel kek. They're not doing this to hurt my feelings, it's just that there's nothing good with being short apart from comedic value.
It's the same thing with sexualized female characters. They're not trying to make anyone feel bad. It's not disrespectful. It's just enjoyable.

Did something happen recently? I've noticed a large influx of threads about this topic.

What's with lolis and having dumb hats?

Not really.

Just listen to how retarded you all sound, acting as if this were a real issue in any way, shape or form. Replace "sexualization" with "violence" or something like that, and reevaluate the profundity of your comments

>It's okay to have violence in games. Just don't forget that it's not real!

>You should communicate the violence more authentically as to reflect the nuances of real life violence.

>Portraying men as hyper-violent entities is bad.

None of this obvious shit needs to be said, none of it is an actual, non-hypothetical problem in any tangible sense, and none of it hasn't already been dealt with in excruciating detail back when video games were the devil in the 90's.

Seems to coincide with the Pyra butthurt. I've read people saying that it ruined the game for them kek.

What part of cultural war do you not understand?

It's what happens when a bunch of people keep posting SJW shit ironically.

The irony dies eventually, but the shit stays.

>from birth you're told that women are primarily decoration

I guess the part that expects me to lend any credence to this "war's" token problematic subject matter of the week. I mean, it just baffles me how anyone can engage in a serious, even intellectual discussion about this wholly intellectually vacuous garbage. It's tired, old, dead shit, and this culture war's particular "identity politics" spin is just a lazy coat of paint on the ancient and eternally retarded "Theatre as a Moral Institution" debate.

>virtually no games show how niggers and roasties truly are
>b-but muh vidya make you hate black pepols and wimminz