What is Doomguy's alignment?
I'd say Chaotic Good.
What is Doomguy's alignment?
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have you played the new Doom VR game?
he can't be chaotic good since he refuses to help humanity by saving the argent energy. He's chaotic neutral
yea id say chaotic neutral, maybe even chaotic evil since he relishes in the violence and brutality so much
Pretty sure he was saving humanity because he knew that energy would always be used to summon Hell in some form or another.
His alignment is shoot everything. Why do people pretend Doom has a plot and characters?
It has quite a bit of plot, but doomguy doesn't really have much personality
Chaotic Neutral or True Neutral.
His means to an end aren't completely bonkers when considering the context of the games, and his motivation begins and ends with disdain for demons.
yeah I would agree with that more than chaotic good
even if he is it's not like he gives a shit he just wants to kill shit because he's angry and wants to, he doesn't have an ulterior motive
Hes good exactly for that reason.
Humans are the ones who put them self ion that position, and demanding sacrifices of many so they can keep to wallow in their depravities and lack of self controls is the most evil thing you can do.
Its time to pay up and face the consequences, even if billions are to die they die of their own actions.
The reward isnt always worth the price. Time for humans to get their shit together instead of risking the end of the world for few more years of free power.
Doesn't the Lawful part mean they follow a strict rule, law or creed unquestionably? Doomguy never falters in his hated for demons, so doesn't that make him lawful?
He is chaotic doom
>Rape Earth of it's natural resources to sustain human life.
>Rape Hell of it's natural? resources to sustain human life.
>Doomguy 1993
That’s Doomguy from Quake 3, not OG doom
To be lawful one needs to follow rules. He's more like a Chaotic "fuck you".
D44M subtly implies that he has humanity’s best interest at heart.
Wasnt my point.
Using up earth resources comes with a prices, worse living conditions and harder to sustain the ever increasing human population, but it dosnt come with the apocalypse plastered behind it.
Using Hells energy comes with the tangible risk of the end of the human race, which is what the game is about if you havent noticed.
Still your strawman fails for another reason, i never said running earth into the ground is fine ether, both are wrong, and both should be stopped.
true neutral because he is a fucking silent protagonist with no personality
Exactly what reason, relishing violence and brutality?
Regardless of who it's being enacted against pretty sure that is the definition of evil as opposed to someone wallowing and having a lack of self control. Revenge, excessive hatred, all that jazz. I'm not saying Ion was good, I'm saying that Doomguy wasn't some moral crusader he relished in the mindless killing.
He's a soul that lives for war and violence. He's chaotic neutral.
He's not killing to save people, he kills for pleasure. This gig just happens to give what he wants. I 100% bet if he could legally kill humans he would do it in an instant. He will go to ISIS and brutally kill them all. Not one moral fiber in him would care who he kills.
What's the nature of Doom's "Hell" anyway?
Is it literally supposed to be the Hell where people go when they die? Doom 3 seems to portray it that way (especially with the bad guy saying, numerous times, "your soul will burn in Hell forever"), but I haven't played the new Doom.
It's an alternate dimension full of monsters and some magic.
He is lawful good. He is committed to purging hell from our dimension even if it causes civilizational collapse, because his law is that hell has no place here. He is lawful in the biblical sense rather than the earthly sense. You could see him almost as a religious fundamentalist in that respect.
You can always expect him to stand in opposition to evil, but collateral damage does not matter to him. In some ways I think his motivations are almost too complicated / subjective to fit on the D&D alignment chart.
Chaotic neutral
He does nothing evil or good. Merely pursues his own vendetta against Hell.
>because he's angry and wants to
That's not how Doomguy operates at all
Wouldn't Lawful Evil see themselves as Lawful Good?
Do you honestly fucking think doomguy cares if it's demons or people?
If humans were the most dangerous threat he would be killing them instead.
His reason? We dont know his reason.
I wasnt talking about his motivation, only about his action.
Doomguy is a silent protagonist, and by nature of that trope he has almost no characterization to speak of, we get few moments that might give us a clue about his moral code and his way of thinking, but we are incapable of saying why he truly does the thing he does.
You call it revenge, i call it justice, and what is just is right. Doomguy might just love violence, or he might know the horror of worlds destroyed, eaten alive be the mindless evil of hell, so he might seek to destroy it so others can know peace.
But what we do see of him, and by him i mean the few cinematic sections where he acts on his own, paints a moral person who values human life and even the life of ai. He does not compromise, he acts as he feels is right. Its barely a description, but its all we get.
Regardless, going back to my point his actions were right. Mining hell is too dangerous and came with too many human sacrifices, if the people of eatth want to keep on living off its power, they are free to come there in person, but i doubt one would willingly to a certain death for a small chance at -99% tax cut on his power bill.
Doom guy is judging by the morality and values of our western world a good guy, a hero.
Doomguy literally does it because they killed his rabbit
>with no personality
He rather shows a lot of personality in doom 4
Fuck off with your “hurr I did nothing wrong” bullshit Olivia Pierce
how so? He wakes up from being imprisoned and the first thing he does is viciously murder everything in sight and doesn't stop
1993 Doomguy punched out his commanding officer because he ordered them to fire on civilian targets. There isn't an evil bone in his body.
Lawful Good Paladin, Oath of Vengeance
You think he's still fighting for Daisy?
And Lawful good i'd say.
>be LG
>visit LE nation
>break the law (that is at odds with a LG alignment) of the land because you need to do good
That's not how it works.
He is more interesting than half of OverWatch's cast
>Doomguy started his crusade because his pet rabbit was killed by Demons
Lawful Good
>muh head cannon
>The run down shantytown of you
It wasn't really using Hell's energy that caused the problem though, was it? It was the cultists getting strong armed into opening the portal.
I mean sure, the facility made things a lot easier seeing as how they could just nigger-rig existing stuff rather than make it out right, but the cultists could have still found a way to open the portal to hell without jewing argent energy.
>exposed abs
He's literally just a Paladin.
I remember it being implied that he enjoyed the killing from various animations and from comments from the head members of ion. That is the only characterization I can remember from my 2 playthroughs. He's not trying to save anyone.
If someone "happens" to do something good through their flailing and lashing out, I would consider that True Neutral, and at worst Chaotic Evil.
Good=going out of your way to help
neutral= selfish
evil= going out of your way to fuck people over
lawful=follow rules and has a plan
chaotic= fly by the seat of your pant. do what you want.
Doom guy straight up want to kill demons and fuck Hell. He proved he doesn't give a fuck about other people or plans. He just keep chugging along doing it however he wants. His Inner thoughts showed us he doesn't give 2 fucks about the energy crisis and even believes that current lawful society leads to the demons. And that the only way to deal with them is his way on his own.
Therefore Chaotic Neutral.
Doomguy disregarded his commander for shooting civilians so he killed the commander, he gets sent to phobos as punishment to be a guard there. Then shit went nuts, demons came out, and he got fucking pissed off. After killing hell 1st time, he flew from phobos to earth where demons are attacking, killed his bunny, and planted their strongest/first portal in his hometown. So he kills them all, but then gets tricked and trapped in a tomb in Hell. Years later in another universe/time repeat, he is awaken to see people tampering with hellish energy JUST LIKE PHOBOS WAS DOING, and said hell naw
Chaotic/ lawful good
>stating that since doomguy kills demons he would have no problem with killing humans
Are you actually retarded?
>teleport movement
Fuck that shit
>He proved he doesn't give a fuck about other people
He fought his superior because he was ordered to kill civvies
you werent the doomguy in that game
>personal revenge of extreme proportions
>because a pet was killed
Doesn't sound very Good to me.
Doesn't make him good, just proves he has hindsight to see a bad move.
Are you all ignoring the facts that he was sent to the mars base for assaulting his commanding officer for executing civilians? He's also saved earth in Doom 1 and 2, stayed behind in Hell to guard the portals so no demon could get out in 64 and was livid when Hayden goes "Acceptable losses" in the elevator during D44M's opening?
And his pet rabbit?
Guys, he's in the Good alignment.
>morons saying he's lawful or good
Stop using your stupid ass fanfic theory and use your fucking brain please.
Judge him by his actions. Before going to hell he obviously had lots of experience with weapons and using his hands to rip things apart.
His experience comes from killing others. He is either a solider or a criminal forced to fight. Where as before hell he was most likely killing humans.
Based on the pleasure he gets on killing others he cannot be working in the military he will be discharged as a war criminal right away.
It leads us to doomguy most likely being a criminal thrown into a hopeless mission as a throw away.
That's some mental gymnastics
I thought you played as a completely different guy in Doom 64?
>It wasn't really using Hell's energy that caused the problem though, was it? It was the cultists getting strong armed into opening the portal.
No, it was what finally cause a problem.
But they risked the same results every time they opened a portal to hell, as seen in the game, earth was not the first world invaded by tricking one of its inhabitants.
The tech they had already required multiple trips to hell, and already costed the lifes of many before that point, it wasnt the first incident, just the biggest one so far.
Nope, ALL same guy after DOOM came out.
Quake champions is a shit game.
Even its lore contributions sucks ass.
>Stop using your stupid ass fanfic theory
>proceeds to post a stupid ass fanfic theory
No, you're the same Doom Marine throughout Doom 1, 2, 64 3 and 4. I'm not sure about the tabletop or the rpg. You can thank ID for pretty much confirming that he's the same guy from every DOOM and iwad there is where you play as the doom marine.
I think people here are mixing mainly the backstories of OG Doomguy (normal human, punched his superior, loves rabbits) and Doom Slayer (last survivor of Argent D'Nur, really hates everything demon-related, RIP AND TEAR).
Of which Doomguy you are talking about?
He was likely a good guy when he signed on. but alignments change.
Aren't they the same?
they are the same guy
I was under the impression the energy siphoning was fine and didn't cause problems. The problems occurred when they enlarged the portal to send people through and obtain living specimens, crystal samples or to recover artifacts like the glyphs and the sarcophagus.
Doomguy is possessed by an angel. Whatever he is; he's good.
>Possessed by an angel.
Nigga he has the blessing of the seraphim, nobody is possessing him. Think of the blessing as a permanent invuln sphere.
Either lawfull Good, as the rightous fury of god manifest, or pure neutral like a force of Nature.
>killing every single demon in hell isnt good
The game goes out of its way to explain that Doomguy was a member of an order of knights that opposed hell, and was sealed away by the demons for millennia after he nearly destroyed hell avenging the loss of the Argent Du'Nur. How can he possibly be the same doomguy from the other games?
Critical thinking. Unless having vast weapon knowledge means you are a redneck for some reason.
>hurr the doomslayer doesnt give a fuck about anyone
baseless assumption and he fucking makes a backup of VEGA when he didnt have to
Assuming the statues in Hayden's office are canonical and not just easter eggs then yes, he is literally a paladin.
>refuses to help humanity by saving the argent energy
Side effects may include: Nausea, vomiting, opening a gateway to hell.
Sure, it will fix the energy crisis. I mean if everyone is dead, there's will be no one to need the energy right?
"Good" in alignment terms is more about altruism than goodness in the general sense. That why it's plausible to say Doomguy is neutral.
Is english your first language?
Not for a selfish reason, no.
He refuses to talk to the person who claims responsibility for what happened until he shifts the blame.
When talking about no consequences he looks at dead bodies, contradicting Hayden word by noticing what his experiments truly costed.
Destroys hells power source only after listening to Huydens final arguments, stops to consider it and clearly rejects it.
Saves the ai, has no reason to do it, a clear sign of ether gratitude or care for it.
And so on in smaller scenes.
As i said, we get very little here, we get also very little of his ack story outside of him being a "gurdian" a knight before he went to hell.
A person of law in his world? A known hero? A chosen warrior? We also dont know, but his position clearly was very important and came with huge respect.
Nor sure what you mean by
>from comments from the head members of ion.
You mean codex entries in the game?
After Doom 2 he stayed in Hell to kill more, while there Argent Du'Nur was sucked into Hell completely. Doomguy showed up to help and created the knight order for friends to help kill demons. The stories said they met doomguy in hell already.
Is English yours dumbshit?
We dont get any details on how it exactly works.
But its safe to assume opening a portal to hell isnt a great idea ether way considering how each of those games ends up playing out.
from left to right: Doomguy, Halo man
Also as you can see he's wearing the OG Doom1/2 armor or something very similar to it.
what a harcore mother fucker.
I got really pumped up for it but stopped the download when I realized from file the size that it couldn't be Doom.
>Critical thinking. Unless having vast weapon knowledge means you are a redneck for some reason.
Or maybe you could play the game instead of using your "critical thinking"
As its clearly stated who he was before. And no, he wasnt a criminal.
Isn't the Marine in Doom 3 a different guy? We see the actual Doom Marine's sarcophagus in the game.
He did fuck up his commanding officer when he was ordered to shoot civilians in some backstory manuals. From putting the guy in a body cast to outright killing him.
I'd say he doesn't actually follow the "Lawful" side of the alignment, he does whatever he feels is right. And it just so happens that he enjoys big guns and ripping demons apart very much.
That's so Cortana can direct him and unlock doors and shit in the next game.
Doomguy is a Lawful Good DEUS VULT Crusader only with less god.
man are you sure about 3? im 99% sure thats a different doom guy
This user gets it. Literally everything doomguy did was for humanity. If the multiverse time-traveling shit is true, then he has seen the consequences of using hell for power. He knows that there is always a price to pay.
Cant be, while you will hear morons spin fanfics about it, the timelines of both game are contradictory.
Especially since doomguys original world form doom 4 had knights who would protect their world form other dimensions and supernatural beings.
doom 3 is set on other hand in a world similar to ours only set in future.
He kills for thrill and conquest. He gets none killing innocents.
I have no idea why so many morons think he's lawful. He's chaotic and doesn't give two fucks about authority.
>make Doom 4
>call it "Doom"
I can't get over this shit.
The idea is that he basically became something more than human by the time the classic series rolled to an end with Doom 64. Doom Slayer was trapped in the 'blood keep', which is a map name straight from 64 and I think the map is even referenced subtly level-design wise in D4's hell segments. There's some retconning and it's entirely up to interpretation, but there's enough leniency there that it's a possibility, and the details of his homeworld are basically unexplored entirely.
If that was correct, when ordered to fire on civvies he would have just done nothing