OP YOU GREASY FUCKING JEW I KNOW YOU'RE STILL HERE! YOU PROMISED YOU BUY ME A VIDEO GAME IF I GOT TRIPS AND I PULLED IT OFF. I just want to get Mario Odyssey for my baby sister's Christmas gift. Is that too much to ask
so buy it????
That's beside the point! It's the principle of the matter.
kill yourself
where do you think we are?
This is pretty fucking pathetic.
is this loss?
i tried to hard
I'll buy you it
making a thread just because a random person in the internet didnt do something he said he'd do is pretty sad, my dude
How do I send you a switch game?
Ya jew ya lose user.
Aw, don't get my hopes up user. If you mean it though, it would mean a lot to me.
Unless you have a PO box, there's a high chance you're gonna give your address away to some random people when you tell the original OP how to contact you.
>wahhhh i don't want to work for money
Did you really have to make a thread for this?
Fucking grow up and get a job
If there's an easy way to buy you the game then I'd do it. Otherwise I'd be too lazy to mail it. Seriously bby
I'm fairly certain you can mail things to UPS locations to have sit for pickup, but I've never done it so I don't fuckin know.
Can't let faggotry abide
Alright, You win.
Post your email so we can discuss how to send you the game.
He has an anime image, that's basically saying "please be patient I have autism."
kill yourself
Get a job you bum.
>complaining about anime on Sup Forums
When will you newfags stop this? Why cant you just live with that somebody post anime reaction image?
...Aw, fuck it. If you're serious, send it to Bellarmine University under the name "Lazlo Middleton". 2001 Newburg Rd, Louisville, KY 40205. There's no one who actually as that name, but I know some people in the mailing department I'm too curious at what will happen.
I'm pretty sure you guys owe OP a game.
You're getting Odyssey my friend
posting anime outside of /jp/ and Sup Forums just proves that the poster is autistic and shouldn't be taken seriously. That's always been the rule you dumb faggot.
It's not about the anime really, it's about the faggots behind them. It's always the sissyfaggot posting anime girls exclusively.
Sent :)
proof or gtfo
I missed the Wizard of Serious Love so much. I could never find it.
Don't forget to make a new thread if it arrives
I trust in you.
user if you have any other way to message you like on steam or anything I can send you one of those digital eshop codes to download the game, unless you actually want the physical version for GIFT reasons. I hope that user actually pulls through for you though.
The goodwill in this thread. Is Christmas really coming?
christ where the fuck are the mods tonight
We should do a Sup Forumsecret Santa.
Please do not use Taiga to shitpost.
Sometimes you lot are alright.
so help me I better see a followup thread