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I mean, okay, it may has been possible, but holy shit, why he have so many healthpoints? Is froms really gone mad with all this "hardcore bosses" stuff ?

>only does charge attacks on back

I mean he's difficult because of his weird attack patterns not his health

I literally just parried him until his second form and remained calm. Beat him on my third attempt. He is easy RIGHT up until he has like 15% health left.

What’s your build? I was first playthrough, Trick Axe +10, pistol, 46 Vit, 26 Endurance, 50 STR about level 132

Stop fucking kidding. I've shooted thousand times from shotgun, it makes NOTHING to him. I really started to think that parrying Kos is local bb meme.

OP asked for a way to beat him, that's the easiest way

95 lvl, 50 str, 18 skl, ludwig holy blade +10, blunderbuss +6

The shotgun is shit for parrying use the hunters pistol

Beat him on my first try on a blind run. Had no idea what to expect, destroyed him easy. Used the saw cleaver.

Try to roll towards him instead of away from him or to the side. Aim for his left hand.

>Stop fucking kidding

Wy sorry you are finding this hard kid, but that is exactly how i got him down to like 40% health into his second form. I just parried him the whole way, was doing mad damage to him. I hate to say git gud OP but he was legit not as big a problem for me as say, Laurence. I thought Kos was mostly easy

Beat him on inverted controls with inverted colors and shoving the controller into my asshole and using my rectal muscles to mash buttons
Fucking easy dude

Laurence was harder

Oh hey bud! You made the saltpost about Rom last night, right?
You should be glad you haven't encountered Ebrietas.

This. Was so glad to end his shit. He made failures, Maria and Kos a breeze for me by virtue of being harder than them.


Nope, i killed Rom on second try week ago. Wet nurse made more problem to me.
Btw, i have a question:
1.How do i open workshop's door on cathedral ?
2.Where is Ebreitas?

I'll be honest - this is the one boss I was unable to beat alone. I finally gave up and summoned someone from /bbg/. Laurence was hard but I finally got him myself. Orphan was too much.

>Wet nurse made more problem to me

You must be playing in a strange way OP

>Orphan was too much.

Holy shit what is going on in this thread, maybe i was overleveled??

>wet nurse
thats probably the easiest boss in the whole game

Are you serious ? Laurence died just like a crying bitch, one of the easiest bosses, both with the hemwick and corpse party in yahargul.

Rom is hard as fuck on NG+ where at least one of his attacks will instakill even with high VIT. He's a little more forgiving of fuckups the first time. Wet Nurse was super easy for me. It could do serious damage, but quickly became predictable.

>took me 4 runs to see wet nurse use more than one move

I think my controller died or something.

Orphan is notoriously hard for players who are still in the Souls mindset, where stamina and combat skills take priority over vitality, to a degree. They seem to be forgetting that you can't just easily block damage by holding one button in this game, so you need to be prepared to actually take more.

He's gonna be fucking easy when you're over level 100

I wouldn't go quite that far, but of of the easier ones.

>level 132
>lol he was so ez guise just git gud

most people fight him around level 80 .

But why ? Nurse itself isn't hard, but her twin really fucked me up for a long time.

Ebrietas is easy

I played Bloodborne before any Souls and Orphan was still a major cunt. In fact, if anything, I err on the other side sometimes to this day by using Bloodborne reflexes and habits when playing Souls. I forget about blocking sometimes.

Not really.

first time took me 50-100 tries and 10h to beat him.

Best bloodborne boss

Sorry you feel that way.
All you have to do is stick to the side and hit her and dodge occasionally when she tries to swipe you. Or you can bait her headslams by standing in front of her.

Hit him until he dies. He's not even that hard.

I mean I can beat her, I just think it's wrong to claim she's easy. She's definitely strong as fuck and unforgiving of mistakes.

I'm on the 97 lvl and in the end of the game, wtf guys, how did you reached the 120 lvl ? Are you grinding or what ?

Unpopular opinion: Amygdala. I liked fighting it a lot.
Otherwise, definitely Gehrman.

I one shot him.
Just play more aggresive and stop being scared of him.
Horse was harder due to bs range and weapons going through his head doing 0 damage.

She's definitely a classic bloodborne boss in the sense that you just have to play very aggressively

I enjoyed Maria a lot.

Possibly through chalice dungeons. When I hit levels like that on ng it's usually because I try to get through depth 5 before ng+

Bloodborne was my first fromsoft so i guess i don’t have any habits

>Unpopular opinion: Amygdala
Yeah I can't agree. I had a hard time reaching him, and just in an annoying sort of way, not a way that was fun imo. But right on, might as well be someone who likes him.

Vicar amelia

Sounds like i prepared correctly then

My Arc build destroyed him. I had to kill his underlings first, though.

>most people fight him around level 80

Most people are being fucking retards then, why would you ever do that??

I found Amelia really easy, even the first time (lest you think I'm being a braggart, this was after having a VERY rough time with the BSB) but she really is cool. One of those where the "dance" is just fun.

How do you beat cleric beas- how do you git gud, am I playing too much like a pussy?


It might help that I beat him first shot. Fighting what had previously been an unattainable, untouchable god-thing, as a capping off of such a difficult area, really makes you feel how far you've come.

To fight: Logarius. In general: Amelia.
I haven't played the DLC yet.

>beat him on my first try

Gehrman is fucking intense and the OST makes me hard every time.

Yeah fair enough, I can dig it.


>Level 132
>Parrying bosses
>Hunter Axe

What a faggot.


If you factor in everything from fight mechanics to visuals, music and atmosphere there is none greater.

I find her easy too and I enjoy the fight for the same reason you do.

Sorry user i can’t hear you over my effective methods

I've been away from Sup Forums for quite a while and have just recently come back.
So this caved-in Wojack is the new thing everyone's posting now?

>looking down on people for how they play Bloodborne on a Laotian dog meat recipe exchange forum

Bloodstarved beast

The arena you fight him in isn't that great though.
Gehrman beats him.

This would have been my answer if the question was "Bloodborne boss you have an inexplicably hard time with to this day". Pretty sure we've all got one.

>about level 132
wtf and here I thought I was overleveled at 80

>le bsb is hard meme
>strafe to left
>never get hit ever

Stay close to him instead of keeping distance. If you beat maria and ludwig, this guy shouldnt be too tough.

>game encourages you to level up
>a bunch of autists on the internet decide where it is you should stop for “self imposed challange”

Fuck it. It’s an action RPG i will treat it like one. Not play by some ones arbitrary rules.

Like I said... Inexplicably hard time. Are you saying you don't have a boss that gives you more trouble than it should?

Wet nurse because of visual and sounds of her blades.

A most memorable was a Living failures. Almost hour of intensive gamepad raping, dodging, running, timing. Hour full of stress, panic, awakening mastery and hidden fury. The true battle of hunter is the battle with himself.

Really, why the fuck bb bosses is so healthy ? My +10 greatsword eating about 5% on single hit, are this japs kidding ?

>tfw gas coin is too easy now that you got good

Yeah, first it was a brainy wojak and deviations (tfw to intelligent), then a wojak with a small brain and then it all spiralled into several forms of displaying apparent retardation or a man who got warped by outworldy forces.

Laurence is unironically the hardest boss in the soulsborne games. That boss is a piece of shit.

I'm saying he might be hard but once you learn his trick, he's the easiest boss in Bloodborne. Just go left and he won't ever touch you, man


This For me, Bloodstarved was just the right amount of challenge. I felt like a badass with the perfectly timed dodges.

Seriously? He has 2 attacks which can be guaranteed parry. His overhead smash and when hes about to arc from left to right. Only reason I didnt beat him easy was because I was impatient and got sick of listeing to his screams

Not a single boss in this game is actually difficult once you figure out how to play properly

>encourages you to level up
>middle of the game, you need 50000 souls to levelup
>mobs giving you about 10000 souls per run
>loading screen about 5 minutes
>going to hub
>loading screen about 5 minutes
>respawn mobs
>10000 souls
>5 minutes
>encourages you to level up

you'd have to grind a lot to get to those levels on a first playthrough
the game doesn't encourage or require you to grind, of that I'm VERY sure, for you can finish a 1st playthrough within levels 75-80, expansion included, by leveling up as you advance through the stages, with almost no need for grinding

if grinding's your thing, fine, just don't brag about it as if you were the biggest shot in town

It's been a long time since I played, but probably Orphan actually. My hands haven't been that sweaty after a boss since the first time I beat Flamelurker
Honorable mentions go to Abhorrent Beast.

>go to the left meme

Stop, it's a serious thread here!

>loading screen about 5 minutes

You havn’t played bloodborne in a long time have you friend?

Gherman, its not an argument

>just don't brag about it as if you were the biggest shot in town

Im not. But im tired of hearing anons say they can’t beat a boss but then go “fu fu fu leveling up faggot??” Yeah ok, keep being buttblasted then. Any other genre like this where you don’t make the effort, you would be mocked. Who gets to decide lv 80 is the prime level?

Yeah, about 2 seconds

dark souls 3 pretty much made me abandon the concept of blocking

If you have to grind to complete a soulsborne game then you are fucking inept bruh

He took me like thirty tries.
And then I started parrying him. I hadn't parried anything all game.

>level 132
I never understand how some people get to be so overleved in souls games. Not even hating, I just legit don't know.

but user, you're the one being mocked
seriously, lvl 132 is way too overleveled for a first NG

>Not being BL150 by the time you beat Gascoigne
Look at this beastly idiot.


Then you are full of ahit and spouting meme ass fuck on the internet to be a cock. “5 minutes” fuck off, and learn to rotate your screen shots