What were they?
Top 5 Sup Forums happenings
1. My arrival
cant wait to post these on reddit! xD
2. My arrival
3. This post
4. My first post
my 6
This 5
1. Gamergate
2. The Sup Forums invasion
3. NeoGAF falling apart
4. ???
5. Profit
You mean, this one?
you tried
That time the bubble bobble dinosaurs got voted the greatest video game character of all time
I actually didn't. Wasn't even aware the 5555 was so close, would have been a happy accident if I just posted a second earlier.
No this one
floor tiles
Meant for
Dubs aren't allowed on Sup Forums so that's as close as it could have been anyway.
Fuck you
shazbowl and pic related
1 Dylan
2 Dylan
3 Dylan
4 Dylan
5 Dylan
Because I spit hot fire
FFXIII on 360
This and the Wii launch. Gorilla munch and the first VGAs were huge too
lol was that year your first on Sup Forums or something? Nothing special about launchpad, plus ribbit was involved too
not the biggest but since it hasn't been mentioned yet the smash 3ds leak was kinda insane
beating reddit in tribes
launchpad best character
gamergate (bleh, still deserves a mention)
best moment on v was when some dude put a big ass rubber glove on a pepsi bottle, drew his own MGSV cover with only ball point pen that looked like shit and stuck it in an original XBOX cover and said he'd got his preorder early. being the enlightened gentlemen we are we played along but this one fag didn't understand that we were being facetious, and he was losing his mind trying to understand how we could possibly believe this was legit. that's probably the hardest I've laughed in years. that poor fucking idiot just would not get it.
>ctrl+f 'tortanic'
>0 results
come on, niggers
Nickies black
Also this
the introduction of reddit and Sup Forums boogeymen
since then there has been 0 quality discussion about anything