what does Sup Forums think about this game?
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
It's great and there's no other game like it.
overrated as fuck
forever my #1
I just marathoned this game over a decade ago
Was it ludo or juego?
Literal perfection.
The only game in the franchise that is worth the time.
Was pretty easy and the gameplay was lame
I don't wanna play one massive quick time event
Art of the higher caliber
Amazing, also this
k i n o
>not playing ICO
This is a mistake.
it alright
I like it, the music was amazing
A masterpiece.
Oh I played it. I just regret every second of it.
All hype no substance
I played it, and it's quite literally a piece of turd. I want to torture, kill, and rape the corpse of the bastard anonymous that convinced me to buy it.
The battle system is almost entirely reliant on QTE events and there is no lore or story to speak of. I don't mind walking a lot in open world RPGs but SotC combines basically the worst elements of both JRPGs and WRPGs into one
There is literally nothing good about this game, but due to its incredibly empty and meaningless nature for some reason people have formed this cult around it where they try to read something deep or meaningful into it thats just not there.
pic related: it's Shadow of the Collosus fandom in a nutshell
How sad. You didn't find entertaining moving escaping the castle and the simple friendship story? I know the fights can be frustrating but you played something very unique.
Best game I've ever played, maybe not my favourite though
boss rush games are lame
also runs like shit on ps2
I don't think there's a single QTE in the game.
>game with QTEs, large empty world, lots of walking, simple button mashing combat system, 2 hour max gameplay and no replayability
>Sup Forums unironically praises it as one of the best games ever
If Bethesda or another Western dev had made this you guys could barely contain your bashing. This game has literally everything posters on here pretend to hate and you will still praise it.
And then people seriously try to argue that Sup Forumseogaf and weabooism is not real
Your taste is like that of an asshole
I hope this is just shitposting. Please be better than this.
We are on Sup Forums, user. There will always be a contrarian.
Then you don't know what QTEs are. About 80% the jumps/climbs you have to do to reach a bosses vulnerable point are literal QTEs. And I'm being very generous by not classinf the remaining 20% as barely veiled QTEs as well
Flash game-tier gameplay
Is this some kind of elaborate troll? What is most suprising to me is not even merely that you people like this game, but the fact that apparently you see this game as such an obvious master piece that you won't bother adressing the points I made or thinking that there are people out there who dont like it
>timed jumps and stamina management are QTE
no one can type this with a straight face.
t. fetus
Wish I'd grown up with it
You don't know what QTEs are.
Your points are so absurd and devoid of basis that it's useless man. The game went completely over your head. It's alright, go play your thing.
All games are just timed button pushes in the end so we could argue about the technicalities of SotC forever, but at the very least I hope you realize why somebody might think that having all your boss fights consist of waiting for the boss to expose himself in one position and then climb in one specific area at the right time and then do a scripted attack could seem very much like a dull QTE to some people
>The game went completely over your head
Thanks for proving my point that the only argument fans of this game have is appeal to pseudo-intellectualism and pretending their game is deeper than it actually is
The bosses have weak points but that's literally the only thing you got right.
Could you explain what a QTE is?
No, anyone thinking that is just being stupid.
Ok man, have a nice day.
A great game that might be a little bit overrated, mainly because it tends to foster some annoying and pretentious opinions.
Still pretty fun. Been playing the PS3 version recently so I’m less tempted to shell out for the PS4 remake. I’m down to the last trophy of getting all the items from Hard Mode’s Time Attack.
Is it February yet?
framerate is worse than a late-gen n64 game, on the ps2. literally unplayable
haven't tried it on ps3.
It has no drops on the ps3. I think the game scope was just too much for the ps2 to handle.
If you play it while you're depressed you're gonna get more depressed.
Wow. That cover really sucks.
Is the japanese one any better?
Great game, great sense of mystery, nice minimalistic storyline and foreboding atmosphere. The game is really to the point as well, both in its overall pace and design. Instead of filling itself up with pointless shit it's just "hey go kill 16 buildings please".
I just wished the PS3 version didn't make it fucking impossible for Wander to stand still for 2 seconds on some of the bosses. Judging by early gameplay footage I guess they're fixing that in the remake
nah dude, finished The Last Guardian some time ago and I gotta say it was a fucking thrill.
Trico got on my nerves a few times but hey, I appreciate they way everything was constructed in the end. I'd recommend it.
>"yo,comeback you sonova bitch colossus!"
how do they manage to fuck a simple cover?
'm hoping that it's just a placeholder image and not the real cover for the game
what the fuck is wrong with the clouds to the left of the colossus? It's like someone selected part of a layer in photoshop and deleted it
>huge colossus towering over the character
>challenging stance, it aknowledges you
>nice lighting projecting a almost pitch black silhouette of the creature
>colossus doesn't seem to give a shit
>everything is just gray
>no contrast or cool lighting effect
>fucked up something to the side of the colossus' arm
It's great. I really like how the world feels like it has so much going on outside of what you see but it also gives you enough that you're content with what you did see. My only real complaint are the hints that pop-up through the whole game, which are really grating and unnecessary.
Supremely overrated.