And the 2017 goty is

Player's Unknown Battleground
*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*

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What is it about this game that attracts so much "interest"? It looks like every other multiplayer FPS game out there.

I ironically want it to be GOTY just for the lulz

Battle Royal.

even the devs themselves have said that they dont deserve to win

le funnyvoice streamer

Sound like a typical PR talk.

>Twitchfags play the game
>viewers buy the game
>game becomes popular
>now people buy the game because it's popular because they're curious what they're missing out on

Last one is me. I was just curious and I've had my share of fun with it, but I do recognize the game is actually quite shit.

Third Person Shooters >>> shit >>> First Person Shooters.

Also, because of the randomly shrinking giant map and random weapons, is hard to make a meta on it, so even bad players can have fun, instead of getting buttraped by high-skilled people. And of course, there is the popularity streak that adds vallue to it:

>many people play PUBG
>because many people play, mathmaking is fast and matchs are full
>because the matchmaking is fast and matchs are full, the game have more value
>because it have more value, more people play it

Online only games are like social media. Popularity dictates if the game is worth the time or not.

The game was fun until it got infested with chinks. It was always a broken mess, but it was unbelievably fun.

Wouldn't have happened if that greedy cunt didn't implement loot boxes.

Is Fortnite any good?

my gf is getting me an xboner s for xmas. I may get this for the lulz.

>tfw pc gaymen and now xboner

I'm sure this triggers someone.

Not near as good as PUBG

>there are people that actually don't like pubg

Though, I will say, the only reasonably way to play is in the first person server, with duo/squads that you actually communicate with.

I already have a xbone s but nothing to play on it
What else will you get?

Literal flavour of the month garbage. Fortnite already has twice as many viewers on Twitch than this buggy asset flipping heap of shit.


Get out, you filthy normie.

How can't you find anything to play on your Xbox one S? It has the biggest Library of games of any consoles thanks to the backward compatibily + current gen games.

Yep, the smaller the storm gets the more people build up to defend themselves. And your ability to gather wood and ammo in the early game is tested in those last few minutes. PUBG brainlets don't understand this. Map is great too.

seems like it will be the blunder of the year

>No Xbox gameplay yet
>No Microsoft spam over the game
>No Beta yet
>Game releases in 9 days

oh boy!

>>No Xbox gameplay yet
yes there is.

rare replay, halo collection and dudebro shit like madden.
I'm mostly looking forward to the backwards compat. WIll play red dead and numerous other older games. my roomie has a fuck ton of xbox and 360 games.

Gameplay is on YouTube. You could play it at the gamescom 2017 and some other event after it. They advertise their games on twitter.

yeah but the new map and vaulting will grow pubg tenfold. fortnite is fun, but it's too arcadey for me. hate teh art style too. it does run smooth however.

pubg is more of a challenge imo. prefer it

The premise of 100 people dropping in an island scavenging guns and killing each other til only one is alive. But it doesnt play like that.

PUBG is fun
I see no reason why it shouldn't be GOTY

>they're curious what they're missing out on
Pretty much what got me too. It's fun, but the aiming feels like total shit and ruins it for me.

>tfw PUBG is the only game I've enjoyed for the past 2 years

song of the year for goty

>tfw pubg gets my competitive juices flowing unlike any game in the past 10 years.

it does

I like h1z1 gameplay more, but they blew their chance to be the leader

I don't get why people actively shit on pubg. Sure it's mainstream, sure it's kinda goofy and buggy, and sure it's got tards playing it. Still, all together it's fun, competitive, simple, and pretty replayable over and over.

It's one Arma gametype reboxed through a korean studio, with horrible weapon physics and third person perspective. It's utter garbage.

None of the things you posted are real words of concern and you know it. user, just tell me the truth, why do you really dislike it?

Woah, those are some epic reddit asterisks, my beloved redditor.

It's pretty boring and grinding in every match is a fucking chore.
I only play it to sell loot boxes.

If you only play it to make money instead of enjoy yourself then there's no reason why you should actively complain about it unless you're looking for fun.

But they totally are. You can't make a more casual shooter than that.

I tried it first because it seemed fun.
It wasn't, but you could get boxes pretty easily, so I kept playing.

I don't play baby shooters where you can hug a wall and have full vision around the corner. It encourages bitch gameplay.

This game ruined my friendships

I have no one left because of this game and I regret buying it.

Which is why literally no one has given it their GOTY title.

The only relevant award is the VGA.

>Third Person Shooters >>> shit >>> First Person Shooters.
Only faggots think that. Third person just promotes sitting behind a wall since you can see everything around you.

Can't win GOTY, it hasn't been released yet.

None of them are relevant.

VGA is relevant and is also the one who get the most of votes and sponsors.

It's more skill intensive

VGA's don't exist anymore. Its replacement is The Game Awards

I'm Just Snacking > Gum, Toe and Sole

>It looks like every other multiplayer FPS game out there
it's either that or you play Japanese games which are all the same as well

But battlegrounds is complete trash.

I thinks it's better, PUBG looks and plays like a shitty ARMA mod.
Fortnite is much nicer to look at.

same shit

Because I've already played PUBG when it was just an ARMA mod years earlier.
Also the name sucks and comes off as pretentious.

It's fucking garbage like it was seriously assembled from stuff bought from the UE asset store and UE code blueprints, it's loaded with bugs and glitches that will never be fixed, It has no style, the performance is a mixed bag because again asset store/outsourced work and no thought put into optimisation while building the game out.
Everything about it screams 'default' and they expect players to overcome networking and performance fuckups through brute force
guerilla twitch e-celeb marketing and China

>it's not milsim /k/-approved shit so the weapon physics are horrible
Nah. It also offers first person now, has for months.

>buying a new console to play old games
Are people this retarded?