
How do we fix this game?


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I haven't played this game. Are they unable to have duplicate characters in a team?


who gives a fuck?

Yeah, they removed hero stacking. They also removed the arcade mode that let you stack heroes.

We don't.

You can't. It's a casual game, with a low skill ceiling, that retards and casuals think is some super competitive game because they're only use to CoD.

Is there even enough heroes for a proper 16 vs 16 then?

>They also removed the arcade mode that let you stack heroes.
No they didn't. It's still there. Arcade modes just rotate in the shitty matchmaking browser or just user the server browser to find a mode that isn't being shilled.

>Are you a mail-order Russian bride?


blacks are great at bantz

>Thinking shooters were ever deep and complex.

Stop kidding yourselves.

How do you know that girl was black?

Are you a Euro?

>They also removed the arcade mode that let you stack heroes.
I've played it yesterday. Half of out team was Meis. We lost.

Reddit status:
we did it [x]

The girl insulting that Russian chick didn't sound black at all.

Are you a Euro?

>playing overwatch

Hero stacking (Duplicate heroes) was removed from most modes. Only areas that you can have dupes is now custom matches and the arcade.

Honestly, stacking kind of screws the game up in big ways which is why its been removed in other modes. Two or more of some heroes can be downright broken.


copy gameplay and any champion from Paladins

Overwatch is reddit. It's one of their biggest game franchise sub if not the biggest.

Quack and jew knight 2

>that immediate unwarranted hostility to the other female the second she talks

Why are girls most toxic to other girls in games?


What do you think feminism is, user? It's women projecting their inner feelings onto western society.

>Why are girls most toxic to other girls all the time?

Its not just restricted to games, user. I recall reading a story a while back about a woman who, because she wanted a better work environment, started a company that only hired women.

Needless to say, it failed miserably due to all of the cattiness that was going on between the various workers.

whose that guy in the picture

Women want nothing more than to hurt and belittle other women.
Anyone got that picture of those ugly ass middle aged white women calling some random Asian girl ugly on facebook?

That foreign chick sounded hot, she speaks like a eastern european

two girls? sounds like 1 sad little boy making a stupid voice pretending to be woman, and the other is actual woman

discord circlejerks are fucking sad

It's a wonder why they thought it would work with the game to begin with, I remember 6x winston teams, that was retardedly OP
>when blizzard tries something original they fuck up massively
just stick to copying stuff that's all you're good at

That girl is clearly black and the other eastern european

>That girl is clearly black
No she's white. In what way did you get the impression that she's black, you fucking retard?

t. Euro

What are you talking about? I follow her on Twitch, her username is lemo4youow.

got a pic? I can't find one anywhere

>How do we fix this game?
You can't, because almost none of the game's problems can be addressed in patches:
>slow movement speed
>stiff, clunky movement devoid of acceleration or momentum
>unlimited ammo
>overemphasis on shields and healers
>meta-based design that rewards rock-paper-scissors gameplay
>rank tied to team wins rather than individual performance which encourages mercy climbing and punishes people who want to solo queue
>terrible visual design that results in opaque rainbow vomit bordering on Battleborn levels that makes the game outright unplayable with certain characters and abilities
>launch maps being dull, anti-tactical choke cans
>cosmetic gambling and SR grinding in place of game design depth as a means of encouraging gameplay longevity
And even the problems that COULD be fixed with patches (auto-aim abilities, ultimates split between auto-kills and suicides, carry potential, counter hardness etc.) won't, because the near entirety of Blizzard's fanbase is stupid enough to convince themselves they aren't problems.

The only solution to this issue would be a full-blown sequel, but it would take an EXTREME exodus of the fanbase for it to be an actual improvement.

Not much to fix. The game is fine for what it sets out to be.

Never gonna happen. The fanbase outright defends the horrible, counterproductive card system.

What's the penalty if you leave too many games? I just leave when i get a shit team

>The game is fine for what it sets out to be.

The penalty stacks, starting with small competitive timeouts to outright seasonal bans depending on how much you do it.

I don't play competitive I meant quick play

Being a hectic clusterfuck isn't a compliment. If you're going to play a team game play a team otherwise play a fighting game.

How the fuck was I supposed to know that?
The only penalty to repetitive leaving in QP is a 75% exp loss for a set amount of games.

No penalty. QP is anything goes.

Maybe at first, but nowadays even the normies want a scoreboard.


Being finally free of the torture.

Why would I want to play a game where people just fuck around and meme. That sounds awful.

Exp Penalty for a set amount of games

look, i don't think overwatch is good either but
>any sort of good story in a multiplayer-only game
>in-game economy being a plus for whatever reason
>no pay to win functionality except for buying weapons from crates

It really, really isn't. Don't even try to convince yourself otherwise.
Better the be a hectic and exciting clusterfuck full of badass potential than a slow, tedious clusterfuck that puts on a leash at all times.
Team games really don't benefit for homogeny either, it just saps their overall potential and drags all the good players down with even the most mediocre ones.

Why would I want to play a game where I'm not allowed to be masculine and badass and revel in my dominance over others? That sounds awful.

Torbjorn is the best and most skillfull Overwatch hero, on the level of a TF2 class. Prove me wrong

>no pay to win


I'm not saying overwatch is fantastic, but tf2 isn't anything to write home about dude.

Meant to reply to

You don't do that in tf2 though. You just dick around in a free for all. Play a 1v1 game if you want that. Duels in an arena shooter or a fighting game.

Playing video games at all is one of the least masculine and badass things you can do with your time.

whens the next skin event that doesnt suck?

that said give us 3rd person mode and hordes of bots

If you're forced into a position where you have to drink piss or eat shit (which is essentially the situation with all other good multiplayer shooters being dead) the choice is pretty clear.
The "team synergy" of Overwatch turns it into a meta grind that plays out the same constantly. Meanwhile the flexibility of TF2 allows for a myriad of oraganic team tactics. Sorry you're not good enough to play without a shield in your face.
I can smell the soy emanating from your posts. How does it feel knowing she STILL lost?

not so fast

I think you'd be surprised how infrequently people actually play barrier tanks. I more mean that the 6 people have to work together. TF2 feels closer to CoD in terms of people running around doing their own thing.

And it works beautifully. The freedom that the high skill ceiling provides a wealth of tactics that make a team exponentially better with their rising skills complementing each other. Meanwhile Overwatch forces teamplay by a "play this guy and do this because you can't do anything else if you want to win" design that causes just one player going out of bounds ruining it for everyone while there isn't shit you can do if the other team is playing "right".

To be honest, I think they were banking too hard on people playing counters. But honestly the ult mechanic kinda goes against that, and frankly its annoying to have to play one person teams just to counter another team doing it.

I don't know about that man. There's a right and wrong way to play soldier and there's a right and wrong way to play pharah. They're both just standard rocket launcher characters.

The rank system is a clusterfuck, you gain or lose MMR if you win or lose a match, but the amount you either win or lose is determined by some kind of ritual involving the entrails of a ferret, some games you gain a few points, then in the next game, playing the same character, against the same people you get heaps more, apparently it's tied to your performance somehow, but just how it works is beyond me

>There's a right and wrong way to play soldier and there's a right and wrong way to play pharah. They're both just standard rocket launcher characters.
More like one is "right and wrong" and the other is "right, righer and rightest".

It's how well you're playing that character compared to the average. It's supposed to prevent "elo hell" but I think it needs work.

Are you the guy in every OW thread spreading misinformation and screencapped "clever" posts with zero substance?

Oh yeah, avoiding literal children hitting tab to check their epeen every five minutes is truly the worst part of this game. They should really get rid of the cards too, because unless you are a trashcan shitter, you know how well you're doing and it doesn't matter how well you're doing compared to anyone else. I can't believe anyone complains about the lack of a scoreboard, jesus christ.

Skimpy skins, a focus on the butts of the female characters and the removal of cucks on the dev team.

It's not completely unwarranted. The chick already played a game with her and apparently the "mail order bride" played a pretty shit Mercy. Really it's just typical mid-ladder shittalk.

Theres so much wrong with everything you're saying its hard to know where to start.

For one, Meta is only really a thing in the highest skill brackets. Furthermore, its just a guide line at best. What matters most across all brackets is how well your team works together.

Comparing TF2 and OW is kinda dumb as well. TF2 prioritizes the individual. Matches aren't won because everyone worked well together, but rather as a cluster of individuals, some of which were good enough to keep their team afloat. Meanwhile, OW is very team dependent. If you don't work well with your team, you're not going to win unless the other team was far more disorganized.

Like calculates your dps or heals per s, or blocked per s or something? There's so many things that can't be covered by just raw numbers, I can see how that would work theoretically in the long term, as long as they can capture statistics that are actually meaningful, this opens it up to one-tricks of unpopular characters tho

>in every OW thread
That's a funny way to spell "in every TF2 thread that gets raided by overfaggots"

Fucking lol

Torbjorn is the best

>mfw getting potg while sitting in spawn with molten core

Correct, it calculates how well you did as your hero and averages it against people in your rank.

And yes, it basically rewards one tricking. The better you are with one character, the easier it is to beat the average and gain more SR per match with them.

Lol I knew it you cuck

>zero substance
Gotta love the projection of Overcunts.
Imagine being MVP but everyone on the team that fails you reports your ass anyway because you don't have proof of being the NON-fuckup.
And while we're at it let's just have the game crash after you cap the point instead of commemorating those efforts either. I mean it is just in your head after all.

It had nothing to do with playing with her before, it was because 1. mercy mains are shitters and deserve to be shit on 2. the person shit talking is a genuine asshole on top of (1) so she's extra hostile

welcome to modern video games

> let me add a lot of useless detailed actions to prove that my game require more skill
> "aim for required trajectory"
my sides

>>any sort of good story in a multiplayer-only game

Nigger, have you seen the comics? They're unironically 10/10.

>bland unlikeable character design

This one is objectively untrue.
Overwatch's popularity is riding entirely on people liking the characters. The amount of fan content it generates is absolutely unreal, and this is 100% because of people being fond of the cast.

What's up with all of your autistic image names? It's like you screencapped every shitty argument and then just spam? You have a cool collection?

>Meanwhile, OW is very team dependent. If you don't work well with your team, you're not going to win unless the other team was far more disorganized.
That's what turns it into a meta grind. When you dull the player's individual expression you withhold gameplay innovation, which in turn limits team play potential along with individual potential. Forcing the performance of other players to have a greater impact on a player's outcome than there own is TERRIBLE from a game design standpoint, as it essentially becomes functional RNG when what's out of a player's control overrides what is in theirs. It's the same reason Valve knew better than to have stun abilities in their game yet Blizzard decided to have them all over the place anyway. The less agency you have the less potential synergy you have, period.
One need only look at the timelessness of team sports to see how exceptionalism is a fundamental asset of teamwork rather than a hindrance. There's a reason that even with all the money Blizzard artificially pumps into OWL it's still crumbling around them.

I think its the same guy who always shitposts in OW threads and yeah, it seems like he screen caps every moronic argument he can find. Even the easily refutable ones.


>make shallow game to attract wide audience and get that money
>make it team based as well
>surprised when the casual audience you attracted is acting hostile or throwing tantrums in game

It sounds ridiculous but every person I know irl that plays OW is extremely, and I mean extremely, casual. The people that played vanilla Skyrim on console for endless hours type. They would rarely touch multiplayer games in the past and if they did you could expect DSP-tier whining. You can't fix OW since it was built to attract this type of person.

No, it's riding entirely on all the marketing dollars Blizzard is showering the world with.
Overwatch is a calculated brainwashing campaign on Blizzard's part, as it is with everything Activision has their hands on.
Why do you think Master Chief is a more popular character than Serious Sam despite being inherently less likeable?

I get that rocket jumping is more impressive, but most people don't do a ton of that in actual combat. Furthermore quake is far more impressive when it comes to movement shit.
I think that's basically what it is. I like the idea but I think the implementation needs work.

>That's what turns it into a meta grind.

Which I've already said isn't a thing for 90% of the player base. At the highest tiers you have metas that matter, but even then its dependent on individual skill. There isn't only one meta, and part of it is about finding ways to counter it as well.

> Forcing the performance of other players to have a greater impact on a player's outcome than there own is TERRIBLE from a game design standpoint,

So you're saying that all real life sports are terribly designed games now? Having a game being designed for team play is fine.

> it essentially becomes functional RNG when what's out of a player's control overrides what is in theirs.

Then don't play solo if you really believe this. Get together a group and play. Theres even places online you can get others to play with you.

> It's the same reason Valve knew better than to have stun abilities in their game

Uh.. Sandman? Pretty sure its not the only ability that can stun either.

>Blizzard decided to have them all over the place anyway.

Theres less than a handful of chars with stuns.

And to the rest of what you're saying.. lolwot?

Is teamwork not what you want when you play a team game? I play fighting games when I don't want to deal with teammates.

>what is tf2 healer, "forcing performance"
>3 stun abilities, "stuns everywhere"
>"i-i also understand sports!"

Why the fuck does this game have absolutely no content creation tools, to the point that you can't even import your own spray?
Why the fuck does this game not allow dedicated private servers?
Why the fuck does the arcade exist instead of just merging all gamemodes into quickplay and letting people filter by gamemode?
Why the fuck does the game have so many mechanics in it (3 different health types, turrets, shields, etc.) yet literally none of the maps contain anything in them other than the objective and health kits?
Why the fuck is it literally impossible to play over 6v6?

I thought TL left OW already.

I don't know. I'm not interested in talking about those games here, we're discussing Overwatch.

Remember that I am not suggesting they're "well written" or "deep", I'm just saying they're likable. The only requirement for them being likable is that people like them, and it is an obvious fact that tons of people do like them.