Which has the better fanbase?


Who cares

The witcher, every poddy can play Zelda only real l33t gamers can play witcher

They're both sheer cancer.

Only believe their game is best game. But..... that's all fanbases.

I really dislike the polish

I just want to point out that as a PC user I can play both. That said, Witcher 3 fanbase is better IMO. Witcher 3's hatebase is far more annoying than its fanbase and Zelda fans can't argue or counter criticism without posting smug Zelda.

Everyone's going to say Zelda's fanbase is shit and spout the same shit you always hear about Nintendo. Then everyone else is going to say how TW3 is overrated and CDPR is a shit developer, and have no real reason because they don't want to admit they just don't like the fact that they became popular.

Luckily one of them will not matter soon.
RIP CDProjekt we hardly knew you.

Witcher 3 "fans" are just X-bots and Sonygerians who are proud about the fact that they butchered one of the greatest, more modern CRPG IPs for all eternity, by turning it into Bat-shit X AssCreed clone.

Can you at least post the correct metascore?

Witcher, because I played it. Since this is a single player game, I'm the only fan base that matters.

u mad



The witcher obviously. Zelda fans are all speedrunning trannies, dumb roasties and autistic neckbeards.

That's not the correct one either. It's 97 vs 92.

At least Zelda has some really stellar games to be a fan of.

Witcher games are alright when they come out, highly praised by the fanbase, then slowly start to be disowned as the years go on. I remember very clearly the Witcher fanbase praising W2 when it came out, ask them today and they'll say it sucks.

Neh, i do think its fair that platform with most reviews should usually be the correct one, but w3 is better/best on pc and would probably have 1 point more on pc version even if it had same amount of reviews as shitty ps4 port.

Oh God, I hate the Japanese and the Polish.

Literally all social fanbases of all videogames are absolute trash.

Zelda fans can really act like autist sometimes.
But W3 fanbase is all about shilling, it's unbearable.
