Why does this trigger the Sup Forums so much?

Why does this trigger the Sup Forums so much?

Mammaries too massive

cause it looks cheap and bad

because all the people that kept this place relatively sane left in 2014
all that's left are a bunch of regressive lefty cunts who hate DRUMPF and people who challenge SJW propaganda in games.

It doesn't, contrarian shitposting brigade just takes whatever fucktards cry about and spams it

banana boobs

Her boobs are so massive it broke her back, poor girl.

this 90 degree arched back looks really fucking dumb. is it true that these weebshit designers have never seen an actual human in the flesh?

I fucking hate this meme
>m-muh back problems
Just fix your posture and exercise you fucking slut

her back and her furry arms look retarded, and her boobs look retarded when seen from above since they don't have proper physics
Shitposters pretend the entire game is like this one design and never shut up about it and weebs eat it up and defend it
The game has much better girls anyway

DFCs are simply better

Wow, dude, chill, i just made a joke about how the characters model has a fucked up back.


Doesn't really trigger me. But this character model looks like garbage.

I unironically wanna buy a Switch + Xenoblade because of this bunny


Because the only "women" retarded sonybois will get, look like this or are lesbians

No jokes allowed here, this is Sup Forums

wtf i love Xenoblade 2 now

Because nu/v/ thinks tits in vidya are evil.

Trigger? She's beautiful, I love how she looks.

Because UGH.......Just UGH!
It's 2017, people. Stop making this kind of sexist crap FF!

This is better

She's designed by a woman.

I like my women sexualized but come on, he has her navel 5km away from her butt

Sup Forums is full of soyboys,modern men prefer huge breasts

My takeaway is the constant breast jiggle

tfw this is kind of tits I like

That's the best part

Your face looks cheap and bad


Its true but I don't expect some random hentai artist to make designs as good as classic capcom
not really comparable

None of the threads so far have been about the game only spamming review scorces or waifufags like you


Because torpedo tits are disgusting.

Cuckservatives are fucking cancer and they hate tits and basically anything lewd, kill yourself.

Some waifu posting but some gameplay discussion too



She looks fucking retarded

>Sup Forums is actually super left wing now!
What universe could you possibly be living in to believe this

The model just looks bad. That face looks like it was drawn in a high school modeling class. Those tits look like some 12 year old on character creation increased the boob bar all the way up and had a little snicker. It's just distasteful

There's literally nothing wrong with muscular women.

Because it's an awful design. That why. There's no SJW conspiracy behind a simple statement about how horrible and stupid it looks.

Sup Forums is ultra perverted, there's no way this place is super right wing

I like big boobs, and I would suck on her‘s all day. But there‘s just something wrong with her design, and instead of being attractive herself it just gives people a feeling that Nintendo is trying a little too hard.

Since when is being perverted a partisan thing
Are you a fucking idiot or are you prepubescent

t. repressed cockthirster
just embrace it bro, you'll be happier

Because being a pervert is evil and degenerate, rightards are against that.

Are they
I thought right wingers were supposed to be closet pederasts

You are not human. You don't deserve to breathe air. You are less than a cockroach to me.

shills and sjws, did you think it was a joke when people said they are majority here?

The only thing it triggers is a stirring in my pants. Based Nintendo bringing big tits back!

Sup Forums never disappoints with their "actually WE'RE oppressed" bullshit
Sasuga desu

Don't reply to me ever again, you disease.

Shouldn't you be doing an anti-piracy thread? or a Loot boxes are fine one?

Look at her fucking posture. Those things are destroying her back.

>trying this hard to hide
Good luck next time

it actually is. it's anti-piracy, pro-lootbox, pro-Title II, its opinions are indistinguishable from reddit.

Monolithsoft. Monolithsoft tried to hard. To be clear

>those bazingas

Give me your plastic surgeons number!

Why does this trigger the Sup Forums so much?

>anti-piracy, pro-lootbox
That's pro corporations and pro jewshittery

Because PC peasant race can't play it.


not all lesbian in real life are very butchy user

It's dangerously furry. Yiff in hell.

The design of this thing sucks, there are plenty of Jrpg characters out there who look way better than this. HECK even fucking 2B from Nier Automata has a more tasteful design that this. Stop shilling this thing ironically every time.

You are starting to sound ridiculous.

>Sup Forums suddenly hates furries
Are we being invaded?

Why do Scandinavian women look like men?

Because it is disgusting, it's like a joke, like hitting random on the aa2 maker.

its not on safe placestation4


i'd trigger inside Kat

Sup Forums is a bunch of low test sissy betas

You should rather ask yourself how bad that shit must be it even Sup Forums laughs about it. Usually the people on this board suck up everything related to fanservice and waifus. Making weebshit that Sup Forums doesen't love is almost an achievement in its own.

Doesn't trigger me, I just think it looks kinda bad. Probably the way the tits look odd in how far they go "out" but don't match that in "height" if it makes sense. Torpedo tits I guess?

Now Pyra and Mythra on the other hand I think look great. They have fantastic tits and hips.

modern men no longer desire women

>I have shitposted all day that means people are triggered I won
Nothing's sadder than a moddless week end Sup Forums

Nah, the left is leading the puritanical charge when it comes to video games nowadays. Hillary would be proud, as she's been trying to fuck with vidya for decades now.

any nudes of her?

>modern women now longer desire other women

Sauce in English? Saucenao only gave the untranslated ones.

post 1st masterrace

The elites of both sides love that shit. Not really left or right.

I fucking love huge tits but this is ridiculous, it just doesn't look right

This is an actual case where the tumblrinas with their broken spine thing would be right.
Other than that I don't see a problem.
I mean her bodysuit is sort of bland, but I really like the idea to make her hair look like bunny ears.
Nice tits too.

Shit looks like Honey Select or modded Skyrim - aka over the top, extremely exaggerated not to be taken seriously. This is a top tier serious JRPG on a Nintendo console you say? Oh.. ohh.

That's the point niggertits

She's felicia

What game is this from?

>modern women desire breasts from other women

makes me feel erect

Xenoblade 2

But you have to roll for her though, she's rare

What do boobs really feel like?

Nothing wrong with that. Or would you rather it was Sup Forums2.0?

>"Y-you hate cheap unneccesary moe shit fanservice for otakus? F-FUCK OFF N-NORMALFAG!"

When did you realized that most of Sup Forums are hypocrite who have ZERO taste in games? Call me what ever you like, but this game is made cheap for cheap people like you to sell.

Moe killed anime, and now it's killing video games.

How rare? what %?

Sup Forums is retarded.

It's indistinguishable from reddit. That's pathetic.

This. Theres a fine line betweem a nice giant pair of round boobies and these...fucking....flapjacks hanging over her chest, here like two giant cocks hanging off her it looks awful

This is what murricunt want. All your shitty excuses won't work.
You're mad because THIS is what you want

Drinking your tears