Game about dinosaurs

>game about dinosaurs
>doesn't include the largest animal to ever exist

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We've only detailedly known about Patagotitan since 2014 and not many dinosaur games came out in the last three years.

>to ever exist

The blue whale still holds the record for overall size since its mass is far greater than any land-based animal.

your mom won't fit the DVD

dinosaurs never existed

Don't even know what that thing is dude. Suck cock.

>there are retards that actually believe this

>game about raging faggots
>doesn't include OP
what did he mean by this

Don't flat earthers believe this? I've seen them say that dinosaurs are part of the huge NASA lie or some stupid shit

At least flat earthers are smart and have good theories that make more sense than the round earth theory

no one ever discovered a dinosaur bone until scientists went looking explicitly for them, and then they lied and manipulated evidence for fame and fortune

>round earth theory

>reasons why King Kong the game was vidya kino

I wonder how those animale fucked haha.

considering there's no proof that earth is round, then yes, it's a theory

you type like a retard

>The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. At 30 metres (98 ft) in length and 180 metric tons (200 short tons) or more in weight, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed.

The fuck you trying to pull OP

Was what I wrote really that difficult for you to understand?

>game about dinosaurs
>Velociraptors are depicted as Deinonychus like in Jurassic Park instead actual Velociraptors (smaller, feathered).

This rustles my jimmies.


>At 30 metres (98 ft) in length
nice fanfiction

I wonder how their butts smell haha

>there is no proof that the earth is round

>muh long neck and tail lmao

Why is this legal to claim as "biggest animal" when it has to resort to elongating useless parts to do so?


There is an abundance of definitive proof in the form of pictures taken from space and orbit you utter fucking retard. The Earth is round. That is a concrete fact.

>Hurr durr the earth is surrounded by a huge ice wall that NASA calls Antartica
>More sense

Dragons are the result of people finding fossils and thinking they were spooky creatures and shit.
Hell, paleontology as we know it has been a thing for almost 200 years

Tell me about it, humans are the tallest primates but only because our legs are far longer than othe rprimates' legs, we cheat and should be disqualified.

People have been finding them for thousands of years but no one knew what they were. Ancient China assumed they belonged to dragons which spread the dragon myth

Wasn't the Brachiosaurus way bigger than that, beating the Apathosaurus and everything. I remember it being the non plus ultra when I was a dino obsessed kid.

Does OP know these things likely live most of their lives underwater(lakes/deeprivers)?

Give me one legitimate reason this thing couldn't have evolved to have a shorter neck

>muh tall trees

Isn't an answer. No trees needed that much neck length to reach.

Deinonychus were feathered, too. I think by now it's believed that all therapods were feathered.
It's disgusting how the hacks behind the cash-grab Jurassic World films depict dinosaurs without feathers because of Jurassic Park nostalgia forcing them to re-use the same designs from the Spielberg films, even though the original film was attempting to make dinosaurs look realistic.

>humans are the tallest primates
*blocks your path*

no you just

type like a fucking

>m-muh spacing out for readability for three sentences

Please tell us about how chinks finding bones made Europeans and native Americans believe in dragons you sinocentric fuck.

>pictures from nasa prove what nasa says is true

Has ARK killed dinosaur games forever? Or only for this gen?

animals are just manlets and they mad lmao

But, like, I'm pretty sure because of the higher density of atmosphere back then, things became and were bigger.

I'm legitimately glad people like you still exist.
You make so many insecure people feel a lot less stupid just by comparison.

You're extinct, Gigantopithecus.

actually necks are to cover mode area without moving. At this level and using this diet, sauropods needed to be able to eat nearly constantly. grass is a shit source of nutrients after all. whales are technically carnivorous for a reason.

I'm religious myself, but the Catholic church supposedly acknowledged the existence of dinosaurs in the late 00's. Since we did not evolve from dinosaurs, I do not see what the problem is. I don't even really see the problem with evolution in the first place since it's been proven to happen. Whether it's called adaptation, or not, it happens.

dinosaurs lived all over the world user

>At least flat earthers are smart

>nice fanfiction
Its kind of hard to believe unless you see it yourself, but its true

>I think by now it's believed that all therapods were feathered.
No it's not you dumb fanatical retard.


It wouldn't work in a movie, just imagine a giant chicken chasing you

If you visit a beach or even drive by a shoreline, it becomes obvious very fast that the Earth is at least curved.

Youre actually a fucking autist retard he typed perfectly well

You need a long neck to counterbalance such a long tail.

Stop giving him (You)s, you're just encouraging him to keep shitposting.

why need such a long tail then

True. Jura had an atmosphere with more oxygen. Way before that though, before the first mass extinctions, the earth had such high oxygen density that it allowed insects without lung muscles like scorpions to grow ridiculous big. Imagine a Rottweiler sized scorpion charging at you.

to balance out the long neck, duh

>game about roller coasters
>doesn't include the tallest roller coaster to ever be built

Gas all phoneposters

Would we be able to breathe during time periods of super high oxygen content?

>Buying into one of the most retarded conspiracies there is

>Humans, 2 metres

Lol, manlets BTFO

>game about fast cars
>doesn't include the fastest car in existence


no thats christcucks

Yes, so why was it explicitly chinamen finding fossils that spread the dragon myth? Tell us, Xiang.

>retarded conspiracies
>not round Earth """"""""theory""""""""

>now it's believed that all therapods were feathered.
If you ask the most extreme featherfags yes. Apart from that, what the evidence does point out is that all the raptors were feathered.

>It's disgusting how the hacks behind the cash-grab Jurassic World films depict dinosaurs without feathers because of Jurassic Park nostalgia
You know they are the same "dinosaurs" as the old Jurassic Park right?
>even though the original film was attempting to make dinosaurs look realistic.
>Deinonynchus-sized Velociraptors when the name was already changed, which happened after the book was released and why it gets a pass
>Dilophosaurus+ frilled lizard+ spitter cobra
Say all you want, but compared to contemporary stuff like WWD, JP dinosaurs aren't as accurate.

the "reddit spacing" meme is fucking retarded

there's a significant overlap between christian fundamentalists and flat earthers


>roller coaster so tall it attracts lightning during storms and is regularly closed down
>2 hour wait for 30 second ride

Nitro and Bizarro/Medusa are much more worth your time, especially the latter. Being located in the far back corner of the park, the lines are almost always incredibly short compared to the other steel coasters in the park.

They'd just ruin it with feathers or some shit.

>You're extin-
*blurs your camera*

This but unironically

I'll be laughing all the way to Heaven

>they fell for the Dino meme
Dinosaurs are a hoax pulled by paleontologists to get funding for pro-psuedoscience garbage like climate change and to undermine the Christian faith.

Only in retarded American niche curches.

The flat earth society is meeting here today, singing happy little lies.

I bet you still think Dinosaurs are reptiles

Naw, you're thinking of the Carboniferous, which had giant insects but predates dinosaurs. The Mesozoic actually had less oxygen than modern day.

Its true though

But they are.

debate this

It's not though, you just can't see things beyond render distance

tfw the biggest achivement my country has is having really large dinosaurs

I can't see my friend because I don't have any.

Fuark, my bad.

As a matter of fact they are, and so are birds.
Mammals apparentely aren't because we diverged before reptiles could evolve from protoreptiles.


Check the dates.

Why is he always in that pose?

I'm Christian myself, and I believe that dinosaurs lived around the same time humans did and were referred to as dragons. They were then hunted to extinction (or evolved to become smaller lizards like the komodo) in the medieval times and were forgotten about until dinosaurs became a thing.

>no dating game where you choose between a qt blue whale girl and a qt patagotitan girl

because the chinese had the explanation for them. Englishmen were like wtf bro and the chinese were all dude lmao thats just dragons man and the english were just ok thx bro

>I'm retarded myself
Even the catholic church stopped preaching that bullshit decades ago.


If it had less oxygen, then how does that massive dinosaur breathe?

>around the same time humans did
How old do you think the human species is, senpai?

>not being a sedevacantist tradcath after the liberalization of the current church


The blue whale is the largest animal by mass on the planet. Patagotitan was the largest land animal that we know of, not the largest animal. There are huge animals in length size (jellyfish for example) but they're not the 'biggest' or 'largest'.