Can we stop pretending that we hate this game now?

Can we stop pretending that we hate this game now?
When it came out it was universally beloved here,

I will point of a few reasons why it's good and you will probably try to argue with me.

1. Complaints about the story being irrelevant or whatever don't matter, Mass Effect much like Star Wars and the like never had a particularly notable story, it was just generic ancient evil awakens shit, the great thing about the series was always the universe and the characters mass effect delivers here introducing some of the best characters (Mordin,Thane,Legion etc) and character moments in the whole trilogy and expanding on the lore and world.

2. The combat in the first game which makes up like 80% of these games was terrible, it was clunky and laughably easy and if you pick anything but soldier then your stuck with a pistol the whole game, people complain that it became streamlined and all this shit but it was clearly for the better since they were able to focus on more important shit like letting you actually use a better variety of weapons that weren't just reskins and actually making the combat somewhat challenging so you would actually use cover and employ some tactics with your team mates, also you didn't have to use that shitty mako thing anymore.

3. Uh you can bang Tali and Garrus now. (Wan't sure what other thing people complained about so I'll end it here.)

everyone and their mothers noticed the huge plot swerve they did to avoid the reaper issue.

>thermal clips

>Likes overheating guns

I love this game but it would have been much better as a sort of spin-off within the main story, which it technically was. It broke the flow of the Reaper story & whilst its character focus is fucking excellent, it’s just that, a character development simulator with the only major bit of gameplay being the Suicide Mission setpiece. It’s a great game but not a great sequel to the first.

I loved ME2. The first game was solid but 2 felt like it polished everything and expanded the universe. 3 was the downslope.

I always disliked it, I was always vocal about my dislike. I bought it day one for PC, played it for about 6 hours and didn't touch it for 6+ months.

The entire Mass Effect franchise is just fucking wasted potential. Instead of building on the foundation of the flawed but great first game hey threw the baby out with the bathwater when they streamlined the fuck out of 2.

There's something about 2's atmosphere that makes me love it. It's so somber and yet so comfy.

>Talks about how important the universe and the lore is
>Handwaves away dumb fucking retcons

>Implying gameplay retcons matter
>still defending overheating guns

I've always liked 2 better than 1. ME1 was great, but I feel like compared to 2 the gameplay just wasn't as good. I also didn't care for the Mako. I'd rather scan the planet then drive that fucking thing everywhere.

>Implying it's solely a gameplay retcon
You realise there's codex entries about the ammunition in the games right?

>Mass Effect much like Star Wars and the like never had a particularly notable story, it was just generic ancient evil awakens shit
Wrong. ME1 story had many central themes the later games lacked and portrayed them in an excellent way. In the final battle of ME1 there was one scene where the transmitter is traveling to the reaper and is going to call more of them, contrasting with the image of a sperm swimming towards a uterus, symbolizing the end of organic races with organic birth and following the central theme of the game which is "what it means to be human".

Mass Effect 2 had a terminator reference.

Fuck you.

ME1's inventory system was a tedious waste of time.

And ME2's didn't exist. One of those is worse.

I'll go with the tedious waste of time. ME2's upgrade system was fine.

>ME2's upgrade system was fine.
For an action game, not for a roleplaying game.

>When it came out it was universally beloved here,

No it wasn't. And now I don't have to read the rest of your post.

It was beloved here because flavor of the month shit always is. Ontop of that threads were 90% waifu fags. It was disgusting even at the time because the game is a step down from the first. Combat is uninteresting in all three games if you want to analyze it totally. It's easy to break and glitchy. If you crank up the difficulty it merely becomes tedious. The lore had some of the better characters like Thane and Mordin, I agree, but also some of the worst (Miranda, Jacob) and retard plot points like terminator fetus.

>Complaints about the story being irrelevant or whatever don't matter, the great thing about the series was always the universe and the characters
>The combat in the first game was terrible which matters more than the story and narrative
Ding dong. How's it feel to be wrong?

I can smell the fedora coming off this post.

>Making up quotes people didn't say to try and make them look stupid

Not an argument. Sorry your normalfag game had shitty writing.

>muh overheating is bad
not if you built around it and/or didn't spray like a retard. plus you could build for maximum overheat damage on a gun you can't use like shotgun or sniper for a one-shot cannon.
the proper way to implement thermal clips would have been to keep the old heat system and let you choose whether to dump your heatsink when you overheat or not.
global shared cooldown was the bigger issue though. I'd rather have 6 good abilities each with their own 12-35 second cooldown instead of only 3 mediocre at best abilities and not be able to use more than one at a time.

>we hate this game
who says this? definitely the best game of the series
