What comes to mind when you see a dragon?

What comes to mind when you see a dragon?

Other urls found in this thread:


"Can I fuck it?"



also that cheetah bastard


my grandpa deck

I wish there was a game that let you play as a giant dragon.


_ ____ __ ____ ____ ______!

a foot long turd being served as food.


god tier VA

Oioioi what's all this then?



Why can't Spyro fly around freely?

Too small.

A furrshit porn "game"
The dragoness is the only good-looking one imo

dreams and ambtions,

also tf porn

Ros fa dah! XD


Id love to have a dragon friend

or turn into one



spyro fart vid.mp4

>draw a human
>call it a dragon
can we stop

That's just a form she takes because she has a mortal fetish.

you can have a mortal fetish and still be a big quadruped dragon

The incoming Spyro 4.
Also, pic related.

And you can fap to dragons and still be a normal functioning human being. But some peoples takes it too far and start dressing up like dragons.
Obviously you can tell that she's a dragon that has taken it too far

shapeshifting is stupid

Fuck Activision for running this franchise into the ground. Should've been Sony property, at least they would've had competent developers aside from Insomniac. Still hoping for the remastered trilogy.

>Banned card

Jesus, some people need to keep up with the times.

>The incoming Spyro 4
But we already got one.

I am a drawfag and I have a really big problem where whenever I draw dragons I get a boner so I have to fap. Problem is it never really goes away I am ready to go 20 minutes after fap again

Draw dragonbraps

Draw something like this