Is this Nintendo's tactic to win over the Vita audience?


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I bought a vita yesterday.

And what's wrong with that?

Yep. Vita is dead. Its consumer base needs to go somewhere.

You didn't want fun and simple shit, you didn't want the more serious stuff, so they're just gonna throw shonen and tits and ass at you.

Fucking have fun, you brainlets.

It amazes me how soft they got Homura's lips to look in game. Rex is a lucky fucker.

why does this series continue to get uglier and uglier?

Have fun.

You just got more gay as the years went on fag

I will, at least I can get the whole vita library for free.

As a Vita user, I find Xeno2 disgusting, like a Compile Heart tier game.

Those boobs are way too big, unironically.


I literally just sold my 2ds and vita for a switch. Feels good man

tits are fine, what confuses me is that stupidly curve back and pelvis she has

Lower Internal Standards + bring in 15 artists largely from hentai doujins + do not improve storytelling, writing, or presentation from previous games.

If don't like Compile Heart than what the hell did you play on that thing? Ports?

I love huge torpedo tits, i am so happy

Why didn't you just save those consoles and wait till you earned more money for a switch? That way you have a bunch of handhelds to play. Switch doesn't even have any good jrpg's out unlike the 2ds and vita.

honestly what were they thinking?

At this point ur better off gaming on mobile phones not a Vita





That's a terrible case of lumbar lordosis

"We need more people to buy our games."

The game has a lot decisions that were clearly made by focus testing the target demographic.

Did her back and hips look this weird in her reveal clip?

it's all about the swag back

I have no problems with designs like this as long as I lower my expectations for the entire game.

What level should I be when I fight the guy in the whale belly?


They hid it with the angles they chose. This is what she looks like in-game.

Is it a bad idea to give Rex all 5 Core Crystals from the expansion pass?

Imagine suckling on her teats and her milk tasted like ice cream

Vita's a great Atelier/Umihara Kawase machine. Besides, it did actually have its share of exclusives. Hell, a couple of them got PS4 remasters.

Is that not what won over the Vita audience to begin with?

Gravity Rush and Soul Sacrifice were what won me over with the Vita. Really wasn't much of an anime tiddy machine until about 2014 or so.

I thought you didn't like Compile Heart tier games.

I'm not that user. That said, I don't care for Compile Heart personally.


haha funny joke user.

It exists, but like 70% of it is in Japan.

The furry hands/feet ruin the whole thing for me but admittedly I'd be okay with this.

I've got big breasts and minus the furry parts, user.

Honestly more shocking than the tiddy monster in OP.

I fthey REALLY wanted the Vita audience They should have put a Bib as a Preorder Bonus


>still in the first town
>go to sleep
>already level 50


How grotesque.

That dude was based and you know it. He had the balls to put himself out there like that for the sake of a joke, I respect that man.

>not wanting to be held by Felicia-like hands

This is ridiculous. While I also enjoy "these kinds" of games it just seems so out of place here. To me (until now) Xenoblade was a "proper" JRPG series and not some fapbait shit like Azure Nights or Dead or Alive. Guess time's change.

Only the recent Atelier games are CH tier.

Speaking of Risa Ebata when are we getting a macross game on the switch featuring all the best girls.

tits or gtfo you attention whore

Well they got my money

Then you probably never played the first Xenoblade Chronicles with its costumes for Seven then and the other female party members.

Yes those on Vita, which is what we were talking about.

Haha faggot you wanna see my large moobs? Haha I always knew you were gay Anonymous.

Uh, user...

>another SJWs triggered thread

Well, yeah, Escha and Logy is on Vita.

bitch needs to fix that fucked posture

Not particularly, no.

I prefer chocolate flavored ice cream.

It's still is but now with more T&A, it's also feature chuuni Dunban.

You know, you can be a "proper" JRPG and still have fapbait.

It doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen.
Xeno 1 and X were huge examples.
The japanese version of X even had a boob size slider for your custom character

So much very wrong with those breasts.

Not as much as with that lower torso, though. Her back is arching at a fucking 90 degree angle.

Doesn't matter, it's okay because it's a Nintendo game and it's from Japan. It can't be criticized.

i thought nintendo games were supposed to be child friendly, this is some shoveware star ocean type shit

The Vita had no audience.

>costumes are now default looks

Enjoy the three (3) games you will ever play on it and then looking for a second hand buyer.

well, it IS working

90 fucking degrees, mang. Her back makes a goddamn uppercase L. The T&A is whatever but that's almost painful to look at.

>shovelware star ocean type shit
>tfw Second Story was the last good SO game
>even then it was still pretty mediocre

I like this one though

>all these plebs whining about "muh human anatomy" for a non-human character

I dont care about her big tits and rabbit features but her torso just looks fucked to hell

I only complain because if I look at it long enough I subliminally feel like my spine is contorting out of place. It's some psychological body horror shit, man. Make her skin all red and rusty and put her in a Silent Hill game, she'd fit right in.

>I can get the whole Vita library for free

I feel like they made a conscious decision to make her and Nia as covered as possible as Driver's to contrast with all the sexy blades.

We're talking about normal armours you'd seek to improve the character's stats, not some bonus thing that only exists for titillation. And the blades don't have alternative costumes



Through Henkaku mod, it's a homebrew mod that let's you downlodad roms of vita games for free.

there are more Vita owners than Switch or Wii U owners

flat justice

>do not improve storytelling, writing, or presentation from previous games
Well, it's impossible to improve upon perfection, so that makes sense.

hot new meme

Zeke is way more Bart than he is Dunban.


Well it is pretty obvious that they had the goal to reel in the jp Vita playerbase, who basically only buy those shitty low effort otaku bait eroge. It's a p big market

>child friendly
I love this term, as if kids could cry at the sight of breasts. It's their oversensitive parents who have to be placated. Kids got off to Nintendo games before, they'll get off to something.

post the gifs

But Xenoblade 2 is all of those things combined.


Don't even try to talk to these idiots.
For some reason people are literally denying that there's a change of aesthetics between XC1 and XC2. Literally denial or some shit

Vita audience only buys the lowest effort weebshit trash and so far the switch has no weebshit on it, why would the Vita "audience" want to get a switch?

Vita user here, do not want. That is all.

What would Nintendo even want with a dozen people?