I think regardless of what you think about Treehouse, NoE's work on XC2 is incredibly disappointing compared to how they handled XC1.
I think regardless of what you think about Treehouse, NoE's work on XC2 is incredibly disappointing compared to how they handled XC1.
Dats raycist
Nah. Treehouse is shit. You can convince me otherwise NoA.
At least, we avoided pointless censorship
Thanks Nintendo EUROPE!
>corrupt soy-infused mutt angry that his mutt friends didn't get to censor and push their ideology on yet another game
I'll bite, what's unnatural about "Think you can take me?"
Not an argument.
Europe is retarded thread?
It's that you fight dozens of them and they all use the same two audio clips.
it's disappointing that people are trying to stir up some sort of friction between the two.
I think the blame should really go towards whoever wrote/directed Xenoblade 2. There must have been some significant staff changes between the first and second games for such a stark difference in the dialogue.
It's the same in Japanese, nothing to do with localization.
Lack of censorship is a thousand times more important.
If I could, I would have everyone who works for NoA killed so they can't defile another game again.
>Treecucks mad Europe does a better job than they'll ever do
How does that advance LGBTQITBRAAAPPP rights and empower their voices?
>At least, we avoided pointless censorship
Was never something to be concerned about given Nintendo's new policy towards localizing games after Fire Emblem Fates. Notice how there have been no censorship outcries in Nintendo games in 2017?
This doesn't suddenly make it natural.
There's only two markets in Europe:
Arabs playing FIFA on PS4
Europeans playing e-sports on PC
>Games needs shitty 'mmurican 'tude shoved in it otherwise they're "boring" and "dry", duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
I'll give them credit that they do a good job with lighthearted stuff like the Paper Mario and Mario and Luigi games. They really struggle to do anything outside that box though and NoA in general needs to accept that they should just let their Weebshit games pander to the people who like Weebshit.
That's more in thanks to NoJ though.
Neither would anything Treehouse could have done.
>Think you can take me, a transman of color and proud supporter of blade rights?
Hire me treehouse
I'd rather take that than literal memes in the script, so fuck that noise.
Treehouse is good for E3, not for localization.
>let’s compare dog shit and cat shit
What, would they rather the guards spout out Tum Bickley level tl;dr in each fight?
It does mean that it's not the fault of the localizers and blaming NoE for it is objectively wrong.
>Europeans blaming everyone but themselves
Truly the most cucked nation
How do we know they aren't censoring games in production? Couldn't Nintendo demand that no developer adds content that would be censored in Europe or America?
That's also a form of censorship
Do they really? The dub cast for XC2 has been a consistent negative for anyone who's played the game.
>tfw don't have to deal with translations at all because i know moonrunes
>goalpost shifting: the post.
There haven't BEEN Nintendo games in 2017 other than BotW and Odyssey. They will ruin games as soon as they get a chance.
>Don't forget my wife's son! I'm in a polyamorous open relationship by the way.
We have literal confirmation in XC2 interviews about the new localization policy. It's real.
After the abysmal VA work in BotW, I'm surprised Nintendo Treehouse is still allowed to even exist. How did they get away with fucking up one of Nintendo's most important games of the year?
>Nintendo's talented Treehouse group
Which is to say
>my friends at Nintendo's Treehouse group
>Not enjoying the incredibly thick accent of "Don't forget me!"
The empire guards had a great voice actor willing to cheese it up.
>given Nintendo's new policy towards localizing games after Fire Emblem Fates
What now? That's the first I've heard of this.
They could but they're just as likely to decline them. Japan doesn't want to change their own games for western sentiment. The japanese get up in arms over it. They're not going to fuck howntown just to cater to the west.
>He's still pretending this is about ethics in games journalism
it is actually nearly the exact same staff. Same Writer, same director, same editor, like 5 people are different, and they are all programmers.
No, you're the one shifting it. The point is that it's not the fault of the localization team. That has been the point all along you slimy fuck.
So is it confirmed that the retards buying Xenoblade are all europoors?
Titslut was responsible for this one.
>We have literal confirmation in XC2 interviews about the new localization policy
Link, quote or bullshit.
Sorry, but there is no possible reason for anyone to praise NoA unless they have a friend, spouse or fuckboy who works there.
That's a problem with the game being like that in the first place, a translator only decodes what's already in there, Apollo.
But I think you're the kind of guy who praises hacks like O'Smith for making great translations that not only change the script with no reason and butcher the characters but also add stuff that isn't there, because it's more """"NATURAL"""".
Much Zelda x)!1
Why everyone who works for NoA should die: Exhibit one.
They started this policy sometime after FE Fates / Xenoblade Chronicles X
it feels like sabotage from a bunch of faggots
fuck NOA and their worthless meme-speak dialogue garbage
After people rose a shitstorm over how Treehouse handled Fire Emblem Fates (and other weebshit games in 2015-2016), they completely revamped and changed their localization policy for all games going forward.
Now they regularly fly Treehouse employees over to Japan to work with the developers and "suggest changes" to games that go on to affect all versions of the game. This makes it so there is no longer an "original Japanese version", it's all the same game with the same content. If something is changed by Treehouse, you will never know, because it will have been changed during development and be in every version of the game.
The exchange is that this means faster localization and more worldwide/close-to-worldwide release dates.
well struck, user
Yeah, so Treehouse could continue pushing their dog-fucking agenda in another Xenoblade?
>humans TRANSLATE a game instead of butchering it with their own "idea"
>orcs mad as fuck
Do you guys remember that one time the same people who defended FE Fates' localization, made an entire website dedicated to shitting on Persona 5's localization for being too accurate?
>Treehouse is totally better than NoE guys just look at this thing that neither Treehouse nor NoE could have fixed because it a flaw with the games design
>What do you mean localizers literally don't have the skills to reprogram a game? Now you're just shifting goalposts.
Fuck you and your stupid face
>We have literal confirmation in XC2 interviews about the new localization policy. It's real.
Can I get a link? That's huge if true
>Notice how there have been no censorship outcries in Nintendo games in 2017?
It's not like the treehouse would do much towards stuff like zelda and mario in the past though, it happened mostly with more anime-heavy games like Xenoblade and Tokyo Mirage Sessions. This game would definitely have some form of censoring, or at least some really cringy dialogue, but everything is in tact.
That literally doesn't say anything about censoring less.
yeah man
i totally want memes in my games and having absolutely ridiculous censorship by a bunch of fucking prudes
So they are still censoring games they justdo it in development instead.
>Now they regularly fly Treehouse employees over to Japan to work with the developers and "suggest changes" to games that go on to affect all versions of the game. This makes it so there is no longer an "original Japanese version", it's all the same game with the same content. If something is changed by Treehouse, you will never know, because it will have been changed during development and be in every version of the game.
That's even worse then. Because that means that EVERY version is censored by the prudish American feminists who should be put against a wall and shot.
Isn't that the same cunt who sabotaged Fatal Frame's marketing by tying it to memes? America got the "Extremely Spoopy" Trailer:
She admitted during E3's Treehouse that getting to use that meme in the trailer was her proudest work yet.
This. Treehouse is the NISA of Nintendo
>Now we're blocking "problematic" content directly from its source, so we're totally not censoring anything, RIGHT???
Toddlers are so dumb.
>get treehouse localization
>weebs not satisfied
>get noe localization
>weebs not satisfied
Maybe just dont play nintendo games sweetie
Now they have to actually convince the head developer that wedding dresses are haram in America, instead of having free rein with the sharpie.
The style clash in this game is really distracting. Humans look like anime cartoons, complete with cartoon lighting and a lack of self shading, but the world and most monsters look like they've attempted realism.
>frogposter is a retard
>the code of the game, created by Japan, limits the guards to two allocated lines
>“f-fucking translation team"
NoE is more competent than NoA. When I use to make games for their handhelds and consoles, NoE was the most helpful and most responding to all support and finalization of games.
Nah, you're thinking of Alison "literal prostitute working at Nintendo" Rapp
Which one is the pedo?
>Still remember Treehouse censoring bikinis in an M rated game
Treehouse is absolutely fucking irredeemable.
It's not unnatural. It's just fucking annoying to hear the same thing a billion times when you're in that ship.
>There haven't BEEN Nintendo games in 2017
When I worked in certification for Activision, we dreaded sending it to NoE more then NoA.
I think it had something to do with them being in Germany and their translator not being technical, but the reports back of crashes we got from NoE would just sound nonsensical.
Rapp. Don't worry though, she got canned like two years ago.
She also got sent to the nut house recently for literally beating herself up.
>toddlers get their precious NOE to do XC2, memehouse not allowed anywhere near it
>dub voices are panned to shit and localization work is stilted and mediocre, dub is so bad they need to offer free dual audio day one DLC as an apology
What's your excuse now?
my dad works at nintendo and he says the same
What's your excuse for not killing yourself yet?
>sjw is a literal mental asylum inmate lunatic
to the surprise of no one
>Dude, this translation is so boring! Where are the memes?
Fuck NoA.
And fuck the shitty American mutt they got to do the voice of Pyra. The most important voice in the game and it's being "performed" by someone almost as bad as the VA for Zelda in BotW.
>dub is so bad they need to offer free dual audio day one DLC as an apology
>implying that wasn't NoE's plan all along
Based faggots, they do love desu.
>There haven't BEEN Nintendo games in 2017
Does it really surprise you?
>quoting some nu-male millenial soyboi cucklet libshit faggotassbirth son of a mother whore's opinion/"review"
>Nintendo's American Shithouse
>better than even NIS America
don't make me laugh. Everyone at Treehouse is subhuman trash. this place needs a proper purge.
Review sites rn:
Ah ah ah. Suggestions. You don't really think stuff like skinship will be taken out of a japanese release.
>Sup Forums sent Treehouse a big "thank you" card
You absolute faggots, I'll never let you live that shit down. Though having Kamiya post here because of all the W101 owners was pretty based, admittedly.
I've not heard any of XB2's english dub. I don't really care about the game either, but this seems like NoE just got cocky and thought they could just get away with shit, since XB1's dub was praised so much. It's hard to say how good NoE is until they have a few chances to dub games, as XB1 could've been a fluke. Treehouse is pure cancer though.
They were getting nothing but shit about it for the last few years of the Wii U, and rightfully so. They almost had gone full 4kids entertainment.
>I've not heard any of XB2's english dub
>but this seems like NoE just got cocky and thought they could just get away with shit
You forgot that that was when Treehouse seemed pretty good, but since Sup Forumse sent them a card, they got fucked just like everyone else who got a card.
The list goes on.
Are dubs really responsability of the localization team? You'd think there was a casting manager or something in charge of that.