find a fault.
Find a fault
Other urls found in this thread:
no LGBT characters/people
Too little diversity
keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums. This is just race shit posting. Its not even in reaction to something dumb happening in vidya.
Smoking is bad for you
I can't
>a screenshot from vidya
>not related to vidya
>it's okay, we'll just quarantine them on their containment board of Sup Forums
>okay fine, they're leaking out to other boards, but it's fine we can contain the leak
>alright it looks like they've completely changed the nature of the other boards by constant crossposting, but it only affects Sup Forums, it's not like they'll affect the real world or anything
>oops, they elected Donald Trump
not that guy but
and if you want an actual fault OP then just compare the writing between the first game and this one and the faults become pretty apparent
Too many Nazi's that need to be killed as violently as possible.
there are no Muslims praying in the streets blocking traffic
Look at the small child. Look at him and laugh.
>The vermin who ruined Europe 3 times in a row being allowed to enter this country and placing their tacky fucking banners everywhere
>This is just race shit posting.
lol what?
did you just scan everyone in the OP and come to the conclusion that there's no blacks?
you don't spend much time on Sup Forums do you, my sweet summer child?
das right, america is about to get cultured
Reminds me of Man in the High Castle
>american 'aesthetics'
I am fine with talking to other people of a different race but Wolfenstein II only pushes the narrative that a single race living together is complete bliss, which is perfectly reasonable.
Why the fuck did they think that the world they created was bad? Take out the Nazi regime and it'd be heaven on earth. Black people want segregation more than anyone anyways.
Don't you see?
if you take millions of people of different incompatible cultures, races, religions and morality and shove them all together you'll create a utopia!
Proof? uHhh, just check this wikipedia article!
Learn some history shitlord!
ME, i'm a fault haha
he said find a flaw, not a benefit
>Black people want segregation more than anyone anyways.
[citation needed]
>Sup Forums is why DRFUMPF got elected!!!
I am begging you to go outside more.
you know, thats actually a good point. if moot never made pol a board again, they wouldnt have had a safe space for their trump/nazi generals or whatever. they probably wouldnt have been able to create /the donald/ on reddit. and without /the donald/ constantly churning out alt right zombies, i wonder if trump would have ever gotten elected in the first place.
I love LGBT people personally, so it's a flaw to me
>implying the memes generated on Sup Forums aren't used outside of it
user i....
It's almost as if you take one look at social media you'd see.
I think everything should be written in german, it makes no sense that there are so many english signs
Westcuck trash. Go back to tumblr.
what is detroit ?
>dystopian future
>Have flying ships
What did they mean by this?
rigorous evidence guys. I almost began to doubt the intellectual rigor of political shitposting on Sup Forums.
Imagine being so blind to other places other than Sup Forums that you have retarded mindsets like this.
>Memes put the Donald over the top!
Christ, please stop posting, this is some Reddit tier shit. You honestly don't know how the campaign played out and it shows.
Please go outside.
sorry, you lost me there
what's the best game to play while watching the best anime ever known as one piece?
the media is what elects candidates. how many candidates have you voted for that didnt have television time.
the internet is now one of the most powerful mediums, of which reddit is probably the most popular widespread 'news' site on the web.
Sup Forums was the genesis of the donald, which was constantly on the front page and one of the biggest subreddits, through the donald pol was able to reach out to literally millions of people, and you can even fucking see it by traffic charts that show how Sup Forums traffic tripled because of collaboration between the donald and Sup Forums.
the effect of the donald was easily hundreds of thousands of votes being swayed, and thats a huge deal.
Memes are literally more powerful than bullets in the 21st century. There's a reason the CIA, FBI and NSA want to control your access to information.
Welcome to the Information Age, primate.
English language instead of German.
>futuristic space ship in the background
>old tech city in the foreground
please go outside guys, then youll see.
--unless you bring your phone and browse facebook/reddit like 99 percent of the population --
please dont do that. go to the park, where theres no technology, thats how youll find out why people vote.
maybe you should read a book instead of going outside to play so much
Where's anime tiddies?
I'm eastern yurop, so probably would get killed in mother womb/my mother would be killed
counterpoint: there is far more anti-trump content reaching the front pages of reddit every day before the election, yet he still won.
>the effect of the donald was easily hundreds of thousands of votes being swayed, and thats a huge deal.
And all it took was about 70,000 votes in the 3 swing states Hillbot lost in the Midwest to hand Trump the victory. Anyone who thinks memes couldn't affect a mere 70,000 people isn't aware of the new age we live in.
1. If you were a Berniebro, Hillbot DNC corruption memes made you less likely to come out to vote (or flipped you to Trump if you were especially pissed at her stooges' shenanigans).
2. If you were an ambivalent Hillary supporter, the memes about her failing health and her monetary ties with the Clinton foundation made you less likely to come out to vote (or flipped you to Trump if you were especially worried).
3. If you were a Trump supporter, memes about pizzagate and pedophilia rings run by Democrats made sure you'd be FIRED THE FUCK UP to vote on election day and that you wouldn't stay home for ANYTHING.
This is how we win these battles in the 21st century. The left has only just now begun to even realize how the game is played.
lack of black cuties
>Lack of trannies
I don't see a problem with this.
t white hispanic
That's a utopia moron.
too many symbols
fag loving nigger
>All attractive women are trannies
looks like someone got tricked one time too many on Sup Forums
I can't it looks perfect.
you're trying too hard to upset me, user. i'm not going to stop loving LGBT people, and i'm not ashamed of it.
Isn't that the..... oh wait, nevermind. I thought that was the black tranny that gets posted so often, the one that dances. But he was dressed in a school girl uniform.
and thats a valid point. the problem is when, and where that anti-trump sentiment came from. reddit completely ignored the donald for the entirety of the primaries.
why? because they were all on the fucking bernie subreddit. hillary got no traction, no coverage, no love. all reddit did was pump bernie, bernie, bernie. so they didnt care or notice that the popular reddit republican was trump. they thought it was a joke.
when bernie was rejected, thats what shit got confusing and when some of the bernie people looking for an alternative, and seeing the hillary board was completely full of paid shills (exposed by the donald), a lot of them were heavily effected by the donalds propaganda and either didnt vote, or voted for bernie. myself included.
it was a pr disaster for hillary on reddit, and by the time they started making an anti-trump board, it was so unpopular and the trump had such a foundation, the damage was already done. and a lot of potential hillary voters were long gone, and not receptive to anti-trump stuff because of how disingenuous hillary posts had become known as, thanks again, to the donald.
there was definitely a swing though, and ironically enough you can look at popularity of trump and it does tank around the time reddit starts to have anti-trump subreddits and starts trying to ban the donald. but like i said, i think it was just too late.
kys nigga
>no blacks
That's how all futuristic dystopias in popular media lure you in. They look perfect on the surface, but sooner or later you discover something that makes it unacceptable.
No, almost all futuristic dystopias in popular media look like futuristic dystopias and not futuristic utopias.
Ugly language and robots instead of humans. Being a german and jap it is the curse.
That's what happens in a utopia.
also i'd prefer to live in a dystopia that looks like a utopia on the surface than a dystopia that looks like shit on the surface and beneath it
Not white, won't lived
>Wolfenstein II only pushes the narrative that a single race living together is complete bliss, which is perfectly reasonable.
Did you literally not play the game? It portrays the exact opposite.
This is why you Sup Forumscrossposters are so utterly retarded. You don't even play games anymore. You just see concept art of a regular city but only with white people and go "HOW WONDROUS!!!!!"
Oh I know the pic you're talking about
is that really a tranny
>You just see concept art of a regular city but only with white people and go "HOW WONDROUS!!!!!"
well obviously.
>implying it wasn't Sup Forums that shitposted 24/7 about hillaries mishaps such as collapsing which brought such things to the attention to normies
do you honestly think hillary would have still lost if not for Sup Forums?
Thread theme:
go back to redit
oh shit, he was actually serious. what a fucking loser
The only correct answer
everyone else has stopped talking about this besides the odd article and even those are thin and bare, meanwhile Sup Forums keeps on about it, one could be forgiven for thinking that Sup Forums is angrier about something than the soyboys but I’d hate to think what