Since Sup Forums won't shut up about hot Xenoblade designs, I'm curious about the games these hot characters are from. Was Xenosaga worth playing?
Since Sup Forums won't shut up about hot Xenoblade designs, I'm curious about the games these hot characters are from...
Other urls found in this thread:
Xenosaga 1's fine. Xenosaga 2 is outright bad. Xenosaga 3's one of the best Xeno games.
>Since Sup Forums
They posted a strawpoll once and got btfo, no one actually agree with the threads.
I don't like the designs
Fiora's still the hottest xeno character
Which is fine, but I'm sure your reason is more elaborated that "tits triggers me"
It was meant to be a part of the Xeno series with a lot more games but it got cut down to 3 for a reason I cant really recall. The first one had some ugly ass big head big eye female designs but they fixed the fuck out of that for the second game, which is a godsend because the second game is pretty much the worst of the three. They made the people look like actual human beings in the second game but its regarded as the DMC2 of the series. A worse combat system than the first one that has you annoyingly wasting turns figuring out which combo of buttons actually does damage that sounds like no big deal but gets really old really fast. The third game is the most plot dumpy of them all but has a simpler combat system, skill upgrading and better character designs. The dark skinned KOSMOS, Telos is basically sex incarnate. Play 3 just for the chance to choke her from behind with a cyborg with a stupid haircut or throw her ass to the floor snake eater style with Shion.
That's not Vanea.
The art style in 2 is the most atrocious shit ever conceived by mankind, dude.
Everyone's reasons are more elaborated than "tits trigger me" but you stupid mouthbreathers refuse to listen and just respond with "UR GAY SOYBOY!"
The designs look retarded regardless of the size of the tits. The ice bunny looks shit, Pyra looks shit, the loli blades look shit, characters of all tit, hip and body sizes look and proportions shit in XC2.
You're a blithering idiot. The only think correct you said was that Xenosaga 2 was the worst of the three, but it wasn't for the battle system.
Proportions and tits aren't arguments.
Females trigger you.
Go sperg about it somewhere else, faggot. This is a Xenosaga thread.
Compared to 1, its better.
Confirmed for never having played the game.
Just because it's less anime, that doesn't mean it's better. You can't honestly look at MOMO in 2 and tell me THAT is an acceptable design.
Or wait. I'll give you the benefice of the doubt and assume that by
>characters of all tit, hip and body sizes look and proportions looks like shit in XC2
You means that you have a problem with the characters clothings and weapons exclusively. Would be perfectly fine if that's the case, but the threads you're spamming as bad as a retardera cunt everywhere CLEARLY are demonizing the tit size.
Dumb retard can't comprehend that there's more than 2 people in the world who don't like the designs
Dumb retard assume I like those design myself, when I clearly don't.
This isn't the point here. The question is WHY your sjw ass hate it.
Dumb retard.
Link to the poll?
Here the last one i caught
Notice the nature of the questions and answers. Completely proves that the nature of their butthurt is 100% based on SJW values, rather than actual design rules and issues
>I don't like the designs
is different from
>I'm going to make 30 threads every single day from release using the exact same posts and images full of nigger memes and unironic links to resetera
Episode 1 and 2 have god-tier setting, characters, story and directing, but shitty graphics and designs
Episode 3 have god-tier graphics (for a ps2 game) and designs, but the plot is completely butchered
All of them have shitty exploration
They deserve to be entirely remade from scratch
Xenogears is better BTW
Sup, I think the designs are garbage.
I wish Xeno 3 was it's own thing, the 2 previous games drag it down
Face is fucking ugly even though the body is god-tier.