Now that Shadowverse got powercreeped to hell how long until the same happens to Duel Links?
Now that Shadowverse got powercreeped to hell how long until the same happens to Duel Links?
not long
This isn't even OP, not by a longshot. You've got bullshit like Ultimate Falcon and Zoodiacs running around.
Duel links was always shit and you only need two cards lvl 4 for kill chaos max
Zoodiacs STILL didn't get hit by the banhammer?
>cannot be targeted, or destroyed by, your opponent's cards
i'm new to duel links, how is this not OP
if banning wasn't a thing and all cards were legal what would the strongest card in the game be?
They did though
Pot of Greed.
Speaking for normal Yugioh:
Tons of cards in the meta that let you tribute opponents monsters (See: Kaijus)
Also decks move very fast in yugioh now, and most boss monsters rely on a consistent mix of searching for the cards to bring it out, and quick ways to get the materials for it, with Chaos MAX lacks, meaning by the time you get it out your opponent has most likely cleaved in your asshole.
Because every other big dick boss monster is immune to targeting and destruction as well, so everyone is packing non-targeting, non-destruction removal.
anime only cards count? Golden Castle of Stromberg
what does it do though?
Untargeted removal that doesn't specify destruction (Banish, return to hand) can take it out, monster effects that boost attack to match or trump in the battle phase can stop it (since it can be destroyed by battle), but most importantly Kaijus (which are monsters you can sacrifice your opponent's monsters to give them) always win.
I miss playing my utopia deck
>Implying anyone knows what it does.
zoodiacs got banned months ago
>ritual monster
>cant be searched with pre-preperation of rites
>ends up being a dead draw most of the time
>even if you do get it out, a lot of mirror force variations can get rid of it , also Kaijus.
What happened to shadowverse?
Exodia isn't banned and have 3x copies of each piece isn't even an advantage
>Golden Castle of Stromberg
jesus FUCK thats nuts
I don't remember this arc of the anime, but the effect is insane. Curious how it was overcome.
>how long until the same happens to Duel Links?
It's inevitable for as long as they're adding new cards.
The Speed Duel format Duel Links insisted on using for whatever the reason, is inherently broken.
The Speed Duel format does actually precede Duel Links.
If you play the Speed Duel format with the full card library however, then it's a broken mess far beyond the broken mess that the regular game is.
The only reason Duel Links has avoided being broken beyond measure in spite of using the bogged down Speed Duel format. Is due to its limited card pool.
Adding new cards is the only way they're able to keep interest in the game alive though. And the way they keep adding new cards Duel Links is slowly but surely catching up.
Duel Links is fucked and the Speed Duel format was a mistake.
They should have just made a game like Duel Links but used the regular rules instead. At the very least then the game wouldn't implode on itself simply from adding more of the cards.
i think he means that every generic draw card (pot of greed, one day of peace, upstart, etc) would be unlimited and exodia would become extremely consistent
It happened months ago and will continue happening
Cyber Angels already fucked Duel Links though
>Your opponent sends half their deck to the graveyard
That's a huge fucking favor these days though.
Why are you still playing children's card games?
Why are you still playing video games?
TCGs without formats are doomed to be powercreeped. That's just how it is
Last Turn
I'm slowly losing interest in that game. I picked it again when GX world was released after I dropped it for a couple of months but I don't really feel like completing the events or play online anymore because I have zero patience to deal with high rank decks (though I admit this one is my fault).
I'm F2P with over 6k gems but I have no interesting in buying any more packs because I know that it won't be enough to build a really good deck and I'd rather stick with my budget Plant deck.
I don't play shadowverse - what happened?
If your opponent can special summon any monster they want can't they just pick any monster that's stronger than yours and win by default?
I mean, it seems strong but it definitely has the huge weakness of forcing you to attack with weak monsters and sending cards to the graveyards isn’t that crippling anymore
they only get to summon from their deck, you have access to all the OP shit from XYZ to whateveryz
Most people have their big beaters in their extra deck, not their main deck. Basically you get out your giant beater, usually from your extra, activate last turn and fuck them over. Usually cyber stein goes well so you can summon five headed dragon while also helping get your LP down low enough.
guess that's what makes it fair.
Thats why you pick something like Vanitys Fiend so your opponent cant special summon anything.
The last time I paid attention to Yugioh was the battle city stuff and all this stuff about synchros and XYZs and stuff goes way over my head
I'm too much of a brainlet to make any sense of this
>0 def
>All Mirror Forces now put face down, return to hand, return to deck
>Solemn Warning or Strike doesn't even let monster come out to the field
Tuner monster + regular monster. Add the levels together and summon a Synchro monster from your extra deck
Take two or more monsters of the same level, slap them on top of each other and summon and XYZ monster whose rank matches that level.
Like 9 months ago, 1800 beaters are all over the joint being commons in packs. If they're not they're something like gozuki so they send red eyes zombie dragon so you can revive them with that red eyes trap.
Special summon something that can not be destroyed or that has removal effect.
It's not a hard concept to understand really. If your opponent is running something like Blue Eyes, then what you do is summon a monster with a higher attack than what is surely their strongest. Or get rid of their strongest monster.
Generally Deck monsters back then could only be around 3000 attack at their highest. Since they cant summon from the Fusion deck, you can summon a fusion monster and fuck them.
As what the other cards are, they're basically different fusion monsters. Synchros are kind of like instant ritual monsters and XYZ is like a regular tribute summon, except now it's a special summon.
>choose something that prevents your opponent from special summoning anything
>you automatically win
And that's why its banned
Synchros and XYZ aren't that hard to understand in practice.
To summon a synchro monster from your extra deck, you need a Tuner Monster as well as other monsters as needed, and the number of stars across all materials used has to equal the level of the Synchro Monster that you want to summon (think Rituals only the level has to be exact).
For Xyz you just need a certain number of cards that are the same level, for example to summon a Rank 4 Xyz you may need 2 level 4 monsters. These cards are called Xyz Material and stay under the card, and oftentimes an Xyz monster can use one or more of its Xyz Material to do stuff. Also Xyz monsters don't have levels and so they're unaffected by cards like Gravity Bind.
shadowverse is perfectly balanced so i have no idea what youre talking about memelord faggot
>you literally just overlap same level monsters with even less requirements than synchro
I don't understand how anyone ever expected XYZ to be balanced
Yami Yugi managed to destroy it by reducing his deck to only one card. Golden Castle of Stromberg required that he send half of his deck to the graveyard every time it was his turn to maintain it, and since his deck was reduced to just a single card, he couldn't send half of it to the graveyard anymore.
>perfectly balanced
They have to nerf cards every month, how is that balanced?
Not to mention pendulums make summoning shit loads of level 3-5 monsters super easy
how is any game balanced if they get constant updates? so youre saying that theres never been a balanced game? so then why are you singling out shadowverse? youre literally brain dead.
Not anymore
*blocks your path*
How is the game with link monsters?
The same as usual
Just barely slower, but now even more broken.
You can still pendulum summon from the hand.
A little bit slower, they definitely killed decks like Quickdraw, Old Balckwings variants, and XYZ or pendulum focused deck.
There are still crazy combos, and basically all moster now have strong effects, and everybody plays archtypes, there are no rogue ,anti-meta or "All generic cards" decks anymore
but you can't shit out 3 Xyz monsters on the first turn
>wate your hand
Unless you have a sure OTK, you wouldn't risk it, I've seen dozens of matches lost because people going full OTK and then getting Solemn'd
Yeah but half the shit you can special summon have XYZ strength and effects.
Pendulums only ever really had like 3 top tier decks.
Who cares about shitting out 3 Xyz monsters first turn when you can shit out 3+ Link monsters with equally great effects first turn instead.
Link monsters are even more generic and splashable than Xyzs.
With the exception of Firewall, most links are still pretty lackluster compared to XYZ or Sychros effects.
>Just barely slower
>they don't know
Nothing. They fixed the powercreep. It's literally the most balanced card game around.
When Xyz and Synchro were introduced they were the same way. You would only actually play the good ones. The same is happening to Link monsters, and the good ones that are available are pretty good. Firewall, Borrelload, and Trigate are all great cards with great effects. Decode isn't bad either.
Shadowverse has been getting better though. Its in a pretty good place after the last balance change.
Post your Ace
would dragon rulers be overpowered in today's meta if they were unbanned?
How unbanned are we talking about? If they were all back at 3 then maybe. There's plenty of new Dragon toys for them to play with like Return of the Dragon Lords or Flare Metal. Dragon Ravine is also back at 3 too.
All back at 1? Probably not, but maybe something like Lightsworn Rulers would make a return.
They are not even tier 1, get your YGOpro wanks from here, real life is different from YGOpro decks.
The prophecy/d.rulers format was fucking hysterical. I would love to see the price of big eye go through the roof again.
Yes, Rulers will be still a big thing, because they are "free" material for everything (Xyz, synchro and now Links), they even start banning the poor man's Dragon rulers
Based on recent tournament tops they're probably 2nd behind Spyral. Granted they don't play like those shitty, early burn variants like that webm.
>it's Duel 3 and your opponent just shat out a first turn 6 material Magnus
What do you do if you aren't playing Kaiju?
I set this card face down. Go ahead.
Can't go wrong with New York
In terms of just a single monster. Towers has been the most OP if taken into account the ease and consistency of summoning it.
I haven't played in a while, can you even make a T1 Magnus with the new link rules?
PSY-Framelord Omega is the best zombie in the game.
That's for scrubs
Are kaijus immune to powercreep? I'm thinking of finally getting a playset of Gameciels.
People shit on 4kids but back in the day everyone else was taking the piss or something
Reminder towers didn't deserve a ban
I honestly haven't checked I think you can only do that with the standard physical rules now.
>new SQMPs support when
They don't even have a white ranger archetype card! They're probably concerned with making Magnus too consistent or accidentally giving him too much support. He's fucking bonkers and only held back by consistency issues because the archetype is so small.
Lizard boi
>Ever being summoned
I like the 2017 dinosaur structure deck but how do I edit it to make it actually useful?
>You can only use 1 "Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos" effect per turn
>and only once that turn.
Was this necessary?
Who the FUCK thought this was okay?
I think it's written like that so you can summon a second one and use the effect of that one
buy three