Is this the most overrated game in the history of mankind or what?

Is this the most overrated game in the history of mankind or what?
>tryhard convoluted graphics
>dumbfuck story
>symbolism never gets any deeper than "guy thinks he's king of a castle so his palace is a castle and he's a king"
>combat is retarded, dial a weakness to win
>hard mode is the same shit but you get instakilled by random shit tier mobs the first time they get a critical on Joker
>it's almost scary how repetitive these battle quotes are
>why the fuck do your support characters announce the enemy weakness when you can check them yourself by pressing a button?
>overly long, full of bullshit inane filler
>unlikeable cringeworthy anime trope characters
>humor is unfunny and during conversation if you don't kiss everyone's asses you don't get any social points, no rewards ever for humorous response
>full of memes in the translation
>costed me 69.99€ at launch because I believed the shit tasted reddit memer's spill on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would you give cards containing a message addressed to a specific person to a bunch of random people?

To trigger drumpl-Os

YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT COMING flooding my YouTube feed killed my interest in the game

Yup the series is in decline now. Same thing happened smt.

This kind of game usually appeals only to weeb fucks but this one due to the sjw message appealed outside the usual crowd so many shit tasted normies picked it up and to them it was a mindblowing experience compared to Madden, Just Dance and CoD so it got massively overrated outside the weeb animu trash fanbase.

Bigotry isnt a deadly sin

it's the best selling persona yet, are you retarded?

perhaps even sub 80 iq
try other hobbies

>tryhard convoluted graphics

What the fuck does this even mean

>decline = quality
perhaps even sub 80 iq
try other hobbies

all these triggered drumpflets itt

read OP
i recant, sub 70 even?

ABAP - As Bigoted As Possible
ABAP, baby.

What the hell are we discussing?

What were they thinking when they made the only likeable character in the game an autistic little girl.

there are almost daily hate threads for it here, a lot of people on other gaming forums also don't like it anymore, so you can't really call it overrated anymore

Really shows who are the specialest snowflakes.

>"all these"
who exactly, you baiting fag?

this guy too.

btw not me lol

It's not great but it's not that bad.
I had a lot of fun with it despite its flaws and I'll probably end up buying the special edition if it comes out on a console I own.

Looks like it's a stealth Glumpf thread to bait Sup Forums instead of a Persona 5 thread

how embarrassing

>20 hours in
>OMG GOTY -Sup Forums
but it's seriously not better than Nier Automata, I don't understand the hype. Sure it's better than a western game, but let's not kid ourselves.

datable Waifus

>there are almost daily hate threads for it here
Because people who bought it months ago already finished it and the only ones who still talk about it for completionism or waifu spamming left for /vg/ and the only discussions happening here are for the sake of shitposting.
>a lot of people on other gaming forums also don't like it anymore

2 million copies guys. Face it, normalfags like it.


>tryhard graphics

fucking lol

Isn't threatening the president a crime?

Sorry but when the game needs to show 30 different flamboyant faggot silouhettes moving around just to get you from the status menu to the item menu it's tryhard and overdesigned.

>be liberal cuck sore-loser
>accusing some one else of bigotry


>Dear Trump,
>Haha joke's on you, I want MORE Muslims
>t. us gamers

Yeah righto mate.

You're tryhard and overdesigned.

drumpf fan assblasted like always

Nier Automata was worse than the original Nier. It was also a bad hack and slash and an even worse open world, bas graphics on and sub 60fps on PS4 and a horrible PC port. It was pretty much the definition of mediocre.

>no YOU'RE the angry one!
>YOU'RE the one who REALLY lost!
>stop being so ANGRY

What do Shariah Socialists mean by this?

Did they write his name in the Deathnote too?

lol, knowing the I AM A GAMER crowd, yes

>due to the sjw message
Wait what?

Best fucking movie of the year if I'm being honest. L being black was also a good change.

Dwarf Fortress is by far the most overrated game. Who sits through this shit and tries to learn what the fuck these symbols mean? The worst part yet is that it's now on steam for $20 in early access. Do you seriously think that this game will ever be finished?

Oh no, he is retarded

The receptionist at Trump Tower wouldn't return their calls.

>REEE why can't everything be minimalistic and simplistic instead of tryhard, overdesigned bullshit

(you) earned this.

>no one has even mentioned the name of the game being talked about
I have no idea what any of this is

Black L was probably the best part of that horrible movie, but not because he was black.

To be honest, Sonic the Hedgehog is in dire need of a redesign like this.

Wtf is this?

It's the new and improved Sonic design. No more 90s tryhard edge. This is a Sonic that fits in with the 2nd millennium.

>tryhard convoluted graphics

What the fuck does that even mean?

Why did I check if this were true.

I didn't play it on the PCbro so I never had those problems. Original Nier had atrocious combat.

P5 isn't even on the PC anyway

This is really more suited to Tails having some gadgets or the like.

(OP) #
>tryhard convoluted graphics

Because the Secret Service are scary.

The bad guy is literally supposed to be Trump. It's pretty fucked up.

You mean like they did in the game for Kaneshiro and Shido?

It's a guy who has a degree in graphic design and wants to be hired by some cool and hip advertising bureau so he made a shitty video as a showcase for the things he has learned in order to have something to show for his college years.

fucking cringe

>projecting this hard

It probably is, closely followed by NIer.
But weebfags will defend anything no matter how mediocre their crap is.

>Sup Forums is still THIS mad that P5 is a cultural, critical and commercial success

I just played this and I spent the entire game repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 30 minutes it was so painful.

>Ayy quirky visuals lmao
If you liked it you're in the wrong place

MGS2 is more overrated.

That's because the moronic fanbases take a final speech by an AI Glitching the fuck out seriously. Not to mention all legitimate complaints are turned into "Muh Snake" strawmen

How can anyone take a characters who says shit in this video seriously: