What does Sup Forums think about this series?

What does Sup Forums think about this series?

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nice phone filename retard

Objectively the best Mega Man series sheerly on consistent quality IMO. Zero 3 is my personal favourite, Zero 4 is a close second though. It's hard to come by final acts this amazing in general

I played zero 4 mistaking it for a battle network spinoff. It was ight.


Good series. Can't believe Inticreates is responsible for this. They're shit.

Got worse and forgot what it was as it went on. MMZ 1 was perfect. The last one was some faggot half assed Metroidvania game.

I only really like 3

Triple Rod > Impact Rod > Chain Rod > Z-Knuckle

Great series, best gameplay in the franchise. First game had the best tone and atmosphere but 2 and 3 had the best gameplay, music, and difficulty. 4 was a great conclusion too.

I put it above the X series just because of how finely tuned it is, along with the grading system that kicks you in the balls if you so much as consider using an Elf.
2 > 3 > 1 > 4.

I think it's a good series. Still replay the games every now and then.

ZX isn’t Zero though

Great series. 3 is the best.
Omega Zero and Dr Weil are among the best final boss fights of all time.

ZX Omega is even better.
>strongest boss is you but on crack
Why don't more games do this.

Remind again the whole thing with pansy-boy fake X?

Zero 2 the GOAT

Garbage. Worst gameplay of the entire franchise, even Legends managed to be actually fun. Why Inti Creates can't make decent games to save their lives? How do you even fuck up something as simple as a 2D platformer?

>Made by Ciel
>Was meant to replace the Real X while too busy using his own body to seal the dark elf
>Unfortunately his took his whole "Protect humans" thing a little too seriously and started to scrap reploids left and right
>Zero kills him
>Weil brings him back as a literal puppet with a speech issue.
>Zero kills him again

only megaman games i ever liked were zero 1-4 and legends.

mmz has the best aesthetic

Speaking of which, is it true that Toru Nakayama drew loli hentai? I don't think I've ever seen any of it

Loved it to bits.

>that first time you had to go through Zero 4's credits with Ciel crying her eyes out
th-thanks Capcom

Better than the main MegaMan games.

Its alright, Id have less contempt for the series had Zero's creator not fucking drove the X series story into the ground trying to get you to like him.

Pretty solid but kind of obnoxious. I prefer classic and the first few of the X series by far.

You can find some of his doujins in ex hentai. He did quite a bit of Tokusatsu/Sentai porn.
Still an amazing artist though.

I never played it until I got the DS Collection on a whim. I thought they were really good games that delivered on pretty much every facet of a game: gameplay, music, visuals, story, etc.

Like others have said, it's probably the best Megaman series on average; all the others have at least one poor entry (except Legends I guess but that's just 2 games and a spinoff), while every Zero game is good.

I always took it Copy X is what X would have been without that couoke hundred cooldown period or whatever. And in a sense, Copy X did suceed in his mission, only at the cost of reploids.

Zero series is the best, its really consistant. Minor grips, 2 was too hard, 4 generally felt different like more an X game, ZX felt right but the map was fucking shit, and generally advent I hate a ton and feels like a X game but not in a good way.

Yeah. He's all about that DFC.

I mean, WAS Copy X 'too serious', though? Reploids are total shitheads and over the course of the X series caused immeasurable damage and death. FFS in 5 they nearly destroy all life on the planet by crashing a space colony into Earth.

The fact that the humans weren't in full on war with all Reploids at any point throughout any of the Megaman franchises until Zero actually makes zero fucking sense.

>MMX Zero had green boobs
>MMZ Zero wears a diaper
Will Zero always be humiliated in his design?

>Intro of 2
>this playing

It is. Look it up on sad panda or something. Pretty sure he's not the only one, either, within the megaman franchise.

Legends artist also did porn of his characters.

The intro of this game is fucking godlike.

Probably why the MM series has top tier women

One of the best side scrolling series ever made. I can't believe there are barely any rip-offs of the Zero series. Never found a game that felt as fluid.

It pretty much is. After all, Roll is THE iconic video game loli.

All good except Z3 which is a casualized Z2 for redditors

It was all due to the energy crisis. First it got bad enough that X had to use his body to keep Yggdrasill functioning to keep the Dark Elf sealed. Copy X got made to keep Neo Arcadia from falling into chaos if word ever got out that X was missing.

At first it worked but the energy shortage kept escalating. It's then when Copy X goes full Sup Forums and starts gassing reploids to conserve energy for the humans. It's at this point that Ciel leaves Neo Arcadia

Fucking amazing, easily my favorite platformer series. The story and world of them while still pretty barebones is leagues above any other "story" in the Megaman pantheon except for maybe the Battlenetwork games.

>full color
>puts unrelated SFW kamen rider fan art in the middle of hardcore tentacle porn

Z1 > Z4 > Z2 > Z3

>that halo 5 trailer completely ripped off this iconic intro and no one put Departure over it

Made me wanna fuck Zero even more.

What the fuck? Zero 1 is by far the most metroidvania of the series

Why all the hate for inticreates?

Their sound team are God Tier


How is an energy crisis a thing though? Aren't robots powered by fucking sunlight in Megaman?

Ware Wa Messhia Nari! Hahaha!

Really liked it, all games are very solid.
The DS collection is the best way to experience them.
Leviathan is best girl.

To all those who got got boners or were attracted to Kubit, sorry to say this but its a trap

I'm a fan. Didn't like 4 that much though.

Great series, shit manga, kills the Guardians off-screen for some retarded reason.

>tfw you played them all using only z sword and buster

Dibs on Ashe and Leviathan

X form on Z2 is extremely overpoweres

dibs on Pandora then

>G-guys do I fit in yet?

>not being a rod-only patrician
Shame on you

>What does Sup Forums think about this series?
I personally liked it a lot. Hopefully tomorrow isn't a let down.

dibs on Aile or Ciel

Say what you want, but those green boobies made some good contrast for his design.
Can anyone headcanon a reason what their purpose would be?

his real eyes


Am I the only one that likes Alia?


I like her. Even if I bully her sometimes.


Not really since you couldn't really explore the other levels beyond the Junkyard outside of missions.

Dark Energy storage tanks?

I prefer Layer.

they definitely knew what they were doing with her redesign

Only really applies to the first two but still

any other sources? I don't think I have a account set up

How come he forgot the biggest offender: the skill grind?

Why would you ever bother grinding for more than two weapons since buster and sword are pretty much the perfect balance and the shield is worthless.

Not all reploids are mavericks

Reploids are not robots since they can actively kill people as they see fit so of course their power sources are vastly different especially since Cain doesn't know shit about robots.


Whatever happened to Cain? Did he just die offscreen with no fanfare?


I don't think the 'maverick' distinction is very important after a space colony drops on your planet and kills millions of people.

Pretty much.

I think that's one of my biggest issues with the Megaman series - characters just disappearing without any explanation

It's decent and only decent and nothing more. Possibly the most forgettable Megaman series on the merits of the actual games, the story and atmosphere is at least good.

Why is the artstyle so bad?


X should've been the big bad. You know I'm right.

Copy X should have just been X

What about Gunvolt 1 or 2? Inticreates made those after Capcom kind of dropped the drive for Megaman

You can explore them after you beat the missions for them. There's a ton of Energy Crystals in the factory after you beat the level for it.

I hated gunvolt, i love classic and most of X, didnt like zero or ZX much at all, but if you loved zero you might like gunvolt

Cain was kind of a retard, he was an archaeology professor. I still remember reading the MMX instruction booklet, and it had a few notes from both Cain and Light. Light said he powered X with a microfusion generator and could operate indefinitely on basic power capsules, but it seems the reploids made after only run on rare energy crystals because "lol who wants a robot that runs on what are essentially batteries? Power crystals nigga!"

Fucking stellar aside from the fourth one being a bit less so, which kinda feels like it starts suffering from the usual iteration exhaustion and lack of good new ideas, along with the story just feeling like a filler chapter that exists to give you another game's worth of stages, bosses and other content until Zero's ready to finish what he started with Dr. Weil in the previous game.

But then again ZX is for all intents and purposes Zero 5 and that's the best damn Mega Man game so what do I know.

Cain's also the same guy that made Sigma, and we know how that went.
Do we ever find out who made Vile?

I don't remember being able to explore the desert, then again I hated the desert with an extreme passion after a few runs.

You can, it connects to Stagroff/Leviathan's area too

advent is way better than regular zx though

The series at this point had been driven into absolute shite. It was hard to imagine the series becoming worse but they even managed that. The anime got cranked up so much, it really should have ended after the first X game.

this thread can't die yet