Miledy (+0)
Marcus (+0)
Rutger (+0)
Larum/Elphin (+3)
Perceval (-1)
Saul (+3)
Shanna (-2)
Sin (+3)
Niime (+1)
Zelot (+2)
Lance (-5)
Alen (-4)
Thea (+2)
Dieck (-1)
Cecilia (+3)
Merlinus (+17)
Astolfo (+0)
Clarine (-2)
Sue (+5)
Yoder (+3)
Elen (+8)
Zeiss (-8)
Noah (+4)
Echidna (-3)
Klein (-5)
Igrene (-4)
Lugh (-8)
Bartre (-2)
Chad (-4)
Trec (+2)
Lot (+3)
Roy (-4)
Fir (-3)
Fae (-3)
Garret (+3)
Dayan (-1)
Hugh (+3)
Cath (+13)
Wolt (+0)
Lilina (+3)
Gonzalez (-5)
Geese (+0)
Raigh (-2)
Bors (+4)
Juno (-8)
Douglas (+1)
Dorothy (-1)
Wade (-4)
Ogier (-4)
Karel (-1)
Sophia (+1)
Barthe (-2)
Gwendolyn (+0)
Reddit made a Fire Emblem 6 Tier list
Other urls found in this thread:
they put wolt over lilina and gonzalez lmao what a shit tier list
I don't get this list. Bors and Gwendolyn should be waaay higher.
I don't know what the fuck these numbers are supposed to mean.
Also, no, Raigh should not be that low.
This is a LTC tier list, Marcus at the top is a dead giveaway.
Numbers must be changes compared to previous tier list.
Either way, LTC =/= casual runs, iron man or S-rank runs, so the tier list is worthless for most people not trying to go full autistic.
What's an LTC?
>Reddit thread
Fuck right off
Low Turn Count
ok I guess wolt over lilina is justified but gonzales should be above both also why is merinlus so fucking high and lugh should definitely be ahead of sue
Why the fuck is Merlinus that high? I've never done a LTC of this game so what use could he possibly have to quicken things up?
Is this for LTC stuff? Hard mode or normal? Ironman or classic? True ending or bad ending? etc.
Honestly I don't think tier lists are very useful in FE games. What exactly is this supposed to convey?
Since when was best girl in this game?
The tier list was not LTC, more of just a overall tier list.
Gonzales is recruited at level low at midpoint in the game and has the accuracy of a stormtrooper trying to shoot at characters with names.
Lugh is available earlier, has access to magic, and is generally well rounded. Sue comes in at level 1 and doesn't even bring her own bow.
Merlinus gets in high because you can pull APC strats from AW in FE. He can be sacrificed over and over and over again or just sent off to go buy shit and he'll be back next chapter.
I don't LTC so probably wrong though
its supposed to convey how useful these characters are in a ltc run
Marcus takes until chapter 13 to actually drop off in hard mode. Who Joins then? Miledy.
And even comparing them to Casual runs is really autistic. If its Normal mode, tier lists have no actual worth.
I-is it okay to like FE6 now?
It's better than trying to justify Fates.
Of course
who cares about FE6
If this is really a LTC list then I'm surprised Perceval isn't in the top 3 considering his HM base stats and how useful he is and Niime isn't also higher because of warp.
this tier list is a fucking joke
90% of the cast fucking sucks ass and is useless in hard mode
only people useful for combat is marcus and those that have hard mode steriods
outside of combat, thieves and staffbots and canto people and the dancer are useful
then everyone else is fucking useless tier list should just be:
people who don't die in one hit
people that do stuff that isnt fighting
people that cant do shit
Everybody who likes good games.
Shanna always sucks for me whenever I use her and is easily outclassed by Thea. I'm guessing in a LTC run she is useful because you get her early and she can carry people around, right?
Has anyone ever made a tier list where good characters are ranked at the top and bad characters are ranked at the bottom? I think that would be a lot more valuable than this sort of list where turns are weighted equally whether you're walking across an empty field or fighting your way though challenging enemies.
Why does FE6 have so many units, but so few standout units?
I'm only partway through it but it feels like I just get randomly showered with average to below-average units and end up sitting on the same few core units the whole game.
This list is pointless without anything to explain why characters are ranked the way that they are.
FE6 has terrible unit balance.
^ along with the fact that hard mode bonuses are huge as fuck and everyone has shit growths and you can only get so many units with good bases
I really like the Fire Emblem subreddit and think it's a better community than the one on Sup Forums.
Most FE tier lists these days judge how good characters are for doing runs with good tactics scoring at the end, rather than, for example, growth rates.
Most units have, at best, mediocre growths. I've played FE6 twice and the only unit I liked enough to remember vividly is Lilina; each playthrough she had more than enough Speed to double virtually everything and high enough Magic to one-round almost everyone.
Okay, go there and don't come back
The path to the throne is shorter for fliers and thany comes first.
Killing units? Taking hits? No, those things are irrelevant because in a LTC run you have a 100% evasion rate and a 100% critical rate. Stats don't matter since you only need one unit to kill the boss and if anything goes wrong it's a reset.
That's how you're supposed to play FE, so...
if your lilina had enough speed and accuracy to double everyone IN HARD MODE then give me your fucking luck
You just toss Rutger, Miledy or whoever your best boss killer is at the boss and if your current boss killer fails, then you use the back up. The average LTC does account for error and a rng heavy strategy that saves 1 or 2 turns wouldn't be considered over a more reliable one.
Lilina usually needs a speedwing but her magic stat is so high that she can kill stuff with a fire tome, and a fire tome has excellent accuracy. Not to mention the boost from supports.
I know that's how FE generally plays, but it seems even more extreme than the other FEs I've tried. Usually it ends up being a small set of great characters, and a larger set of decent characters that I rotate out.
In this game it's like 2 great units, a few good units, and everyone else is subpar filler.
The reasoning for Sue > Lugh was that she has a horse and bows don't suck in FE6.
Bows in 6 are still meh, its just that you actually fight flying enemies so its a great boon.
>Karel that low
So apparently availability is the biggest factor in the list, not actual unit power.
Where are all these "average LTCs"? Post a good one and explain the way they approach the game. Because I've only seen stuff like this:
It factors in overall usefulness. A character who is there for two chapters isn't going to be that useful.
Being Igrene is suffering
People play FE games in different ways. In order for this thread to not be complete useless garbage, please clearly explain what conditions and assumptions are are made for this tier list.
>overall usefulness
The actual tier list:
Shit Tier:
Everyone not listed before aka those 3 useless ass knights and douglas fuck douglas
>0% growths
There's only one real choice in a 0% growths run because its based on raw stats and punishes growth units.
The tier list is based on efficiency
>from the post: "So what determines if a unit is good? Well, this is an efficiency tier list, so we are playing reasonably quickly. The lower units with virtually no use will be rated on the assumption that they are being used. Which character's use loses the most turns, and which character's use gains the most turns will determine their ranking. Also, a unit's consistency. This isn't an LTC, so we won't be rigging Lilina speed growths and criticals. So when rating a unit's worth, we have to consider how much they rely on being blessed or how much they rely on crits to kill enemies."
>Deke that far down the list
>that low
If you want reasons go look up the /r/fireemblem fe6 tier list. The format, rounds, and tiering will be explained there.
Overall usefulness is easy to explain though user, even though Karel is a great offensive unit for two chapters, that's all he does. Meanwhile, while Shanna might not be a great combat unit all game long, she can ferry people from since like Chapter 2 of a 25 chapter game so she helps out the party for a very long time.
I hope you're kidding. Wolt at least has free deployment for early game, and some mild chip damage. It's not much, and he drops the second you can sub in any other unit, but it's better than those 2 unless you spend a lot of time investing in them, which makes just about any unit good
Generally characters are ranked in terms of usefulness in the whole of the run, as well as getting a good tactician score. So characters with very limited availability aren't great because they just aren't going to help much throughout the run, likewise, "est" archtype characters are going to be shit because they require a lot of babying to get up to usable status, which wastes a lot of time.
It's not LTC, it's efficiency. Basically trying to optimize as much as possible without losing units or going full LTC with bizarre strats and RNG fixing
>So what determines if a unit is good? Well, this is an efficiency tier list, so we are playing reasonably quickly. The lower units with virtually no use will be rated on the assumption that they are being used. Which character's use loses the most turns, and which character's use gains the most turns will determine their ranking. Also, a unit's consistency. This isn't an LTC, so we won't be rigging Lilina speed growths and criticals. So when rating a unit's worth, we have to consider how much they rely on being blessed or how much they rely on crits to kill enemies.
The way they do these lists biases it somewhat, each round everyone votes for the next-best and next-worst unit and it's by popular vote.
So e.g. in the first round Milady got most votes for best and Wendy for worst, in the second round Marcus won for best and Barth worst, and so on.
>Ray being good
lol sure, kid, not to mention the thread counts availibility
Even a terrible player like you or I could beat that chapter without risking death let alone a 99.8% chance of death. It's only the "one real choice" if going fast takes precedence over all else. You might consider it a good strategy but if my tactician told me to use a plan with a 99.8% chance of doom because if it works it would save a couple turns, I would say that it's a terrible strategy.
i can see that but gonzales has good bases in hard mode and is one of the few units that doesnt die instantly. kills a bunch of cavaliers that show up during c9 to c13
i see why roys wife is lower though
Gonzalez can't hit the broad side of the barn and is too heavy for anyone to carry.
I shudder to imagine how inaccurate a child between Gonzalez and Lilina would be.
Him being basically tied with Geese is fine. Axe users just fucking suck in FE6 and the only ones who are kind of good are the prepromotes like Bartre, Echidna, and Perceval.
can someone explain why the fuck this tier list is the way it is and show an efficient run whatever the fuck that means
oh yea yea ranked on efficiency but what the fuck does that even fucking mean
like why the fuck is dick even that high with no horse and no staves just a sword user thatll go obslete with no exp since u have better sword users on horses or with hm steriods w
please someone clarify this fucking shit
this shit is meaningless
>child died
>husband disappeared
>has to patrol a fucking desert her whole life
Fuck off. His real name is Astol.
Yeah, Bartre can be decent in a pinch depending on how your iron man's going. I've had a Geese turn out really good, but then he died because FE6 just fucking hates axe users no matter what.
Lil can handle the 15 CON
every pegasus knight is cute. How do they do it. Imagine being a man and finding a pegasus that doesnt mind being ridden by a male. You become legendary in an instant and after that just pound cute pegasus knight pussy every day.
This might even be worse than LTC, at least LTC tier lists are based on clearly defined criteria even if the criteria are far removed from how most people play FE.
And the fact that the list is made through votes from a bunch of people who just parrot the reddit hivemind because they don't even play FE is also concerning.
I was actually kinda confused as to who it was, but astolfo kinda makes sense given how much of elibe FE takes from that mythology.
fuck off
The thing is, tier lists aren't even remotely necessary for non-efficieny/LTC runs, because FE games are piss easy if you don't set yourself limits.
Geese is horrible compared to gonzales, it's not even close. Gonzales has way more power, takes more hits, and even has more speed. Which is a shame since geese is a million times cooler.
someone link an efficient run right the fuck now or ill make own shit list and put the 3 knights as sss tier because what the fuck is this shit
FEH has unironically brought pretty much all of the non-3DS games back into public eyes
It's ok to like any of them now as long as they aren't FE2 or FE14
How old is Geese supposed to be anyways? You can recruit his older brother Geitz in FE7, which takes place 20 years earlier, and I don't think they are that much different in age.
>why the fuck is dick even that high with no horse and no staves just a sword user thatll go obslete with no exp since u have better sword users on horses or with hm steriods
I don't know shit about efficiency but if I had to harbor a guess I'd say it has something to do with him having high bases for his join chapter, so he has utility in the early game.
>DAE Reddit can fuck off??!?
Look man, it's been years of this same shit any time Reddit gets mildly mentioned on here. Get some new memes
Geese can actually hit things. They both suck the vast majority of iron man runs though so there's no real reason to discuss it.
Deke is that high because he's a great boss killer early game and is one of the few units other than Marcus who can tank enemy phases on HM. You haven't played the game if you think Deke doesn't contribute heavily early game on HM.
Stop sperging you autistic fuck. Imagine a ranked run of FE5 or FE7.
He also participates in the most broken support triangle of pretty much any game.
>delicious brown with blonde hair
Ill give her a new child
how about you explain this tier list you autistic fuck
He has maybe 5 more accuracy
Oh, and an unrelated fun fact: now the term "ironman" doesn't refer to a game without reloading saves in which a game over means the game is over. Now people play ""ironman"" runs in which they reset from the most recent chapter when the lord dies.
I don't even know, FE ages can be downright silly.
It's been explained twice in this thread.
>So what determines if a unit is good? Well, this is an efficiency tier list, so we are playing reasonably quickly. The lower units with virtually no use will be rated on the assumption that they are being used. Which character's use loses the most turns, and which character's use gains the most turns will determine their ranking. Also, a unit's consistency. This isn't an LTC, so we won't be rigging Lilina speed growths and criticals. So when rating a unit's worth, we have to consider how much they rely on being blessed or how much they rely on crits to kill enemies.
It's essentially the criteria of a ranked run of FE7.
this is actually the best and most accurate tier list ever thank you
only edit i would make it put wolt in b tier
>GBA Supports
>in an LTC
Oh wow, the Rutger/Clarine C Support came just in time for the final chapter!
>Now people play ""ironman"" runs in which they reset from the most recent chapter when the lord dies.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It completely eliminates any aspect of difficulty from the run. I hope people don't actually do this.
i guess saul saves so much fucking turns right
The point of efficiency is that you can't define it. You can't even say to what end it's efficient towards. If you're having an argument with someone and they disagree you just say "ok maybe that works for you but the way you play isn't efficient, I'm right because my playstyle is the true efficient playstyle".
He's the first warp user who saves quite a bit of turns before Niime comes.
Yeah fair enough
so in the end this tier list is fucking pointless
Don't forget
>Reunited with husband
>Husband will not acknowledge even knowing her because his life as a spy would be dangerous to her
How do they have more than one loss if defeat means death?
>Zeiss in S tier
>Fir and Gonzales, two units who fucking suck, in S tier in a game where you can only reasonably promote two Hero Crest users
>Fae in S tier
I get that you have units you like, but that's just ridiculous user.