All memeing and shitposting aside, should I buy this game? I've never played any Xeno/Xenoblade games in my life but I do enjoy JRPGs.
Will I like this game if I was disappointed by FFXV?
All memeing and shitposting aside, should I buy this game? I've never played any Xeno/Xenoblade games in my life but I do enjoy JRPGs.
Will I like this game if I was disappointed by FFXV?
>I do enjoy JRPGs.
Fuck off weeb this site isn't for you. Fuck off with your anime to Reddit or some shit.
is the other way around champ.
I'm from Sup Forums, you Sup Forumsermin shits.
anime website
then stay there with your yellow nigger shit
Play the first game on an emulator or n3ds first
You should try emulating the first since 2 is the same gameplay but better
But you probably will enjoy it, yes
>should I buy this game?
If you decide to buy this game expect
>a story entirely composed of romance LN cliches
>""""""""""""""""""""""""characters"""""""""""""""""""""""" that are nothing more than walking tropes
>a battle system in which it takes 45 minutes to kill an enemy 5 levels below you
>the worst fucking lipsyncing in any game in recent memory
>at least 5 lesowacky hanmerspace """jokes""" and/or retarded fanservice moments per cutscene
>music that is below par even for third rate weebtrash
Webm related if you want a good simulation of what the game is like.
Watch a few gameplay videos from the early parts of the game and go from there. If you aren't bothered by the heavy anime influences then you'll likely enjoy the game.
It's been great so far. Combat really opens up once the game finally drops the tutorials about 10-15 hours in (this may be inflated I spent a lot of time grinding/exploring). The music is fucking amazing. Story so far has been generic "Group of kids get ahold of a super powerful thing and fight against the evil empire, and there's some mysterious shit going on behind that" that you've seen in every JRPG ever. The sidequests are fewer than Xenoblade 1, but that's okay because they're no longer all MMO style "kill 4 crabs" or "collect 12 bunny ears".
Overall I'm enjoying the fuck out of it. Be ready for a 100 hour adventure.
Well shilled post as always, soyboy.
>uses this webm to dissuade me
This is supposed to be "bad?" What are you, a faggot?
>a good simulation of what the game is like.
>posts a cutscene
Daily reminder that Takahashi literally admitted in an interview that he was solely aiming for the moeshit audience with XB2.
We are never getting a real Xeno game ever again.
Yeah if you like JRPG's, especially shit about killing gods and really complicated plots this is for you. Combat is like a turn based jrpg but you can freely move around (offline MMO but much more indepth).
Stop shitposting and go back to your cont/a/inment board.
Blunderfag you seriously need some sleep
anime website
try reddit or resetera
Why is there so much hostility in every single XC2 thread? Who are these people who hate this game so much? Have they even played the game?
Remember when posts like these would get a public ban? What happened? Sup Forums is dead.
Just play Xenoblade 1 on Dolphin.
I don't have a capable PC.
Resetera is raiding Sup Forums. They are that fucking mad.
It became a "bastion of free speech"
Don't need to to know anime shit will always be irredeemable weeb shit
Go back to worshiping your brain dead gooks at some other website.
Blunderfag you haven't played a fucking Xeno game in your life.
This girl alone has caused such colossal butthurt that it has not only consumed the entire board with shitposting threads but it has spawned not one, not two, but THREE avatarfags trying their hardest to prevent all discussion of the game
Everyone who got the game is spending their weekend playing it. Meanwhile, the shitposters are desperately craving attention by doing what they always do: yelling ANIME over and over on a Japanese media based imageboard for what little attention they can get.
BRAAAAAAAP XD I love titties yes let's porn dumb the whole board NINTENDO WINS AGAIN BABY
This is how you sound like. If you want to fap go to /aco/ or /h/, but stop contaminating this board with your weeaboo bullshit.
not even bloodbourne made Sup Forums this upset
not even bayonetta 2
who would have thought it was anime tits that would break Sup Forums
for the love of god get a trip
>muh anime website
Not anymore weebcuck
To be blunt, it is an awful character design.
Honestly, a lot of the blades are a mixed bag, either their good or just plain awful to look at. I unironically found the common blades more appealing to look at, it should be the other way around.
Is flippening happening on Sup Forums? Is Sup Forums turning from Japanese culture image board to Western culture image board?
>This girl
Sure, if you are a fucking furfag.
Jesus, you sound like such a massive, salty sopping cunt.
Why do you hate video games so much, you blubbering bitch?
They should make /jv/ for japanese games and /wv/ for western games.
>pretending it's human
That's actually not a bad idea.
that happened with the US election
Why not? Sup Forums is in Japanese ownership now, if anything that makes it more anime
I'm surprised you say that because that sounds exactly like a redditor trying to fit in.
That bunny is only touching the tip of the iceberg for Xenoblade 2.
Ya'll pickin' some low hanging fruit for your furry girl shitposting.
You should watch some footage first before buying it. I have like 100 hours in XC1, 550 hours in XCX, and 30 hours so far in XC2 but these games are definitely not for everyone
>All these LOL ANIME LOL TROPES shitposters
>None of them even bother to mention Poppi.
based mods
>500+ hours on that mechashit game
Jesus Christ user.
it's a good game
i dont like anime all that much but dang i wanna bang nia like this please let me
I think I had about 300 hours on it. It's fun even though the story isn't anything to write home about.
I mean, sure, if you have such low standards, no wonder you can like Xenoblade 2
Sub or dub?
Is this your first jrpg?
Why are you on this thread then, if you don't like xenoblade?
I'm in love with Pyra!
I'm 20min in XCX - how different is it from XC1 which I didn't play at all?
I like the first one.
Dub then watch cutscenes in sub in the main menu
It's completely different game. XCX focuses on exploration and customization. XC1 focuses on the adventure.
Then I don't understand why you wouldn't like XC2 then.
I watched the "story trailer" and it looked like a shitty isekai anime plot with tropes and archetypes everywhere.
Please tell me this game's story is good. At least tell me the character's aren't just walking memes.
I need someone's opinion who's played the first game, and please, I don't give a shit about the gameplay improvements or other QoL shit, just how is the game's story and cast compared to the first?
i love nia
See XB2 is as bad as we all, and you, have expected.
Then you know all about low standards.
blunderfag can you just fuck off
youre done, its stale, go away
nigga watch a youtube video
this place is at maximum cancer levels
Well shit, should've gotten xc1 then
Thanks user
Have you played a JRPG before?
A bunch of kids set out after acquiring powers, fight an evil empire, some super villains, and eventually kill a god.
Doesn't mean it isn't a fun adventure.
I'm in the same exact boat OP. I got this and I like it, but the story is pretty generic JRPG stuff. The battle system is weird and very automatic but it's fine. There are a bunch of UI problems and the menus suck and are very non-intuitive, but I'm still enjoying the game so far. The scenery is very pretty and I like the songs. It feels like a MMO most of the time, and even though I don't like those much, I'm still having fun with this game.
So I'd say get it if you really like generic JRPGs and MMOs.
Sup Forums is now a containment board to keep retards from shtting up threads in the actual video games boards
What JRPGs have you played?
I'm having a good time with it and I'm not really a JRPG guy
Only listen to the criticisms of those actually talking about the game. Anybody like
That bring up the anime tropes, the game being too moe or weeb are triggered soyboys and feminist SJWs that hate the games fanservice and the anime titties. Don't listen to them, call them out for what they are, SJW faggots.
Not again...
>it looked like a shitty isekai
Do you even know what isekai is or do you just spout whatever new word you hear here, you cockgoblin?
Art style is fucking garbage. Go look at XBCX (excluding the character faces), and then come back and realize why people didn't want this steaming pile of garbage
Shut the fuck up Soyboy, we all know the anime titites and sexualized females triggers you. Don't try to adjust your arguments to sound reasonable. Your estrogen persists regardless of how much you alter your talking points. A simple distaste for artstyle does not cause an user to sperg out to such an extent.
Random guy gets thrown into fantasy world, yes I know what isekai is.
When I say Isekai, I'm especially talking about the way those anime are presented >> absolute shit tier story and tropes and archetypes out of the ass.
This shit has just been more prevalent in that kind of genre as of lately.
>When I say Isekai, I'm especially talking about the way those anime are presented >> absolute shit tier story and tropes and archetypes out of the ass.
>This shit has just been more prevalent in that kind of genre as of lately.
>Wee, I'm a person who can't form his own opinions and echoes whatever other people say.
>Random guy gets thrown into fantasy world, yes I know what isekai is.
The core factor is having some modern/realist perspective different from the fantasy.
Otherwise, any hero's journey on a unfamiliar location is an isekai.
Like Harry Potter is a fucking isekai.
Escaflowne is a isekai.
Trigun is post-isekai.
Ignore the XB2shills, they'll always be in denial of the fact that nobody likes their favortie weebshit.
Depends on the reasons why you were dissapointe by XV
How is the combat? Will I like Xenoblade if I like FF12? I really like optimizing shit
I'd guess that a lot of people are actually playing it, the rest either plays or and comes to Sup Forums or i's just the usual people that either hate or love the game too much and call everyone else weird fanbases or boogeymans or users of other websites
>Go look at XBCX (excluding the character faces)
Then what the fuck am I supposed to look at? The world? Looks exactly the same. Enemies? Same shit. Outfits and shit? Straight up Mass Effect ripoff.
Just admit it XCX had horrible human models and XC2 fixed it. Everything else is the same.
It's worth a try, maybe try emulating xb1 first?
I'm really enjoying the game so far, but i still don't like the design
I usually hate Nomura but imo his characters are some of the better designs in the game and actually feel like they're supposed to fit into a part of the world and all follow one theme
Who is the artist
I'm enjoying myself so far, combat system takes a bit to really come to grips with but once you get it it's pretty stellar.
Story is cliche, but that's not a problem for me, it's a jrpg where a boy is tasked with saving the world, I'm sure you know what to expect, even XC1 had this story.
People are getting triggered by big boobs again, it's funny because it's literally just because the main female has big boobs, if she was just a random rare blade no one would give a shit.
>every morning, a worker wakes up and contributes to society by building houses that people will inhabit
>every morning, a doctor wakes up and contributes to society by curing people's diseases
>every morning, a tailor wakes up and contributes to society by weaving dresses that people will wear
>every morning, an inventor wakes up and contributes to society by creating devices that will help people's everyday life
>every morning, a game developer wakes up and contributes to society by crafting a masterpiece like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 that people will enjoy and hold dear for years
>every morning, OP wakes up and contributes to society by shitposting on a game he doesn't like with blatant lies
I hope you're proud of yourself
1.) It is so fucking slow. Not being able to attack and move is absolutely dreadful, and you're rooted in place once you start an attack which can spell doom.
2.) The characters are utterly unlikable bullshit, and the plot has absolutely nothing new to bring to the table. It's just a run-of-the-mill anime with a videogame built around it.
3.) The graphics are fucking terrible. Absolute fucking dogshit. The opening scene of the game when Rex docks and talks to the worker there I actually thought my game was bugged and the textures hadn't loaded. It looks THAT bad.
4.) Not only are the voices shit, there is absolutely no lip synch at all. Not even in the Japanese audio. It's literally FFX tier, where they have a static mouth moving animation while they plop voice acting on top of it. It is so fucking lazy and unfinished it is unbelievable.
5.) The customization is practically non-existent compared to earlier games in the series. You essentially have different types of weapons, but no real changing of them. What's more, you cannot change the appearance of your characters at all. That's right, in XC1 you had a dozen armor sets for each character, and in the second you had practically double that. Well now you have one, and can equip fucking accessories to change your stats. Enjoy asshole.
I'm going to finish this travesty but I can't believe Monolith Soft rubber stamped this fucking abomination.
This is bait
When can I use the beastly core crystal and Roc's core crystal?
>OP wakes up
sorry wanted to say
>not being able to attack and move
user, I...
>The characters are utterly unlikable bullshit, and the plot has absolutely nothing new to bring to the table. It's just a run-of-the-mill anime with a videogame built around it.
Is this your first Xeno game or something?