You DO still own a CRT TV, right Sup Forums...

You DO still own a CRT TV, right Sup Forums? They're quickly disappearing from thrift stores and faggots are already scalping them online. The CRT's aesthetics are the true, authentic way to experience old games. On an LCD, it's just not the same.
You didn't make the stupid choice and get rid of yours, did you?

Because there are plenty of shit CRTs out there.

Why doesn't some just produce new CRTs and sell them to retro nerds?

if i wanted an outdated, ugly and heavy object in my house, i would invite you in OP

Except they are giving them away for free in ebay

Corporate Social Responsibility

>Why doesn't some just produce new CRTs and sell them to retro nerds?

I'm certain we will be seeing just that in a few years

Holy shit, how will OP ever recover?


I have 4 of the bitches sitting around.

Eh. It’s ok.

I have mine hooked up to my Saturn and PS1. It's the best way to play those old games, but I'm getting some interference/color distortion from my sound system.

>still use a small CRT to play every system pre-gen 7
>it isn't old enough to use a Zapper or Super Scope

How fucking old does a TV have to be for any of these to work?

Too expensive to open production lines for them, because there isn’t that much demand. Retro crowd isn’t that big.

It can't be a flat-screen or rear-projected CRT.

Ew no.
So much wasted space, big ass heavy, only for games I will play for like an hour in a year.
CRT's are a meme unless you play Smash or some other old fighting game.

I have a faux-woodgrain Zenith set that is pretty nice except the loud screech it makes when doing full white.

Is there any technology that could replicate the benefits of a CRT? OLED is supposedly the next big thing, but it's still a fixed-pixel display like LCDs. Like how hard would it be to develop a cheaper, lighter, more environmentally friendly version of a CRT with modern technology?

The problem is the market. Even if you're able to make a god tier CRT, only retro video game enthusiasts and maybe some old movie fans would buy one. I expect to see new CRTs but they will not be much better as an old mid tier Sony Trinitron.

Look up HDCRT.

I own two. They're cheap consumer sets but hey they were free.

You think you want CRT TVs, but you don’t.

Reminder that John Carmack used a fucking 1080p capable HD CRT monitor already in late 90s, because he could.

I've always wanted one of these but I'm pretty sure they're rare as fuck. You can only wonder how expensive it would be if one showed up for sale online.


The founding father of 3D video games

guy who made mario and zelda? thought he was a chink

why would i want to play that when i have the 3ds version? or have an emulator to apply filters to?

no thats miyamoto who made mario 64.

I don't mind the fixed resolution, the shit tier contrast or even the saturated colors of modern displays


>why doesn't someone just start trying to sell something that people can get for free on craigslist?

I don't even own a tv at all

Widescreen and being 1080p specifically is what makes it rare as fuck. 4:3 vga monitors from the early 2000's with a comparable resolution are cheap as chips and common as muck.

>tfw used to have one of those tiny ass CRTs with the built-in VHS player

I still have mine and its still awful. No av outlets, have to plug a fucking vcr into it if I actually want to hook up any old consoles.

PC Monitors > TVs

I can't tell if you're memeing or just stupid.

You could actually go do this and sell to thrift stores; depending on what it is. it's a nice way to make a quick buck.

>Like how hard would it be to develop a cheaper, lighter, more environmentally friendly version of a CRT with modern technology?
Wouldn't be that hard but these cunts are obsessed with digital faggotry

Because my tv looks like hot garbage.

Doom came before Mario 64 Nintec*ck

>tfw you will never find a crt with both horizontal scanlines and 60hz in Europe


16:9 is a meme aspect ratio
4:3 and 16:10 were always better and many PC Monitors could go way beyond 1080p

doom was just fucking 2d sprites

Are you stupid? Most CRT TV's in Europe support 60hz

So was most of Mario 64 if you wanna get technical. Fuck off Nintenc*ck.

You can turn any PC CRT into an ultra sharp TV if you run emulators in 240p res at 120Hz

Aw, man that sucks. Luckily my dad had mine from when I was a kid stashed away in his garage that I'd found one of the last times I went over to visit. I was so happy to see it again, I took it home immediately.

>got a CRT for older consoles
>got 50" for newer ones

Feels good man.