Post examples of censorship that made the product better

I'll start.

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I don't know how the fuck the right was even approved by the ratings boards when the left wasn't

Why did the shades make it acceptable?

he was called Fuhrer in the localization

I don't know, censorship advocates are typically stupid people.

>New Hitler

Who is that fine gentleman on the right?

>the cooler adolf

how the fuck does that somehow make it ok (in addition to the shades)

I mean, Fuhrer and Hitler are practically synonymous of each other in pop culture.

God censors are retarded

Hey we got a cool Hitler with shades out of it. Let's not question it


Cat girls > bunny girls

tfw i wanted to fuck those boo's and bow

there's something wrong with me

Cencors are retarded but that's how it's everywhere. Like when trying to get a rating for a movie you're basically striking deals, going "Okay, so if we make the blood in this scene not red, we get to have a max of 3 bodies in the movie, but only 1 of them can get shot. And if you want this sex scene in the movie you have to cut 5 out of 7 "fucks" out of the movie"

Every nintendo game ever. Nintendo knows what's best for us hardcore gamers out there.

Why did an image of Hitler need to be censored in the first place?

Global release.

Fuhrer is a word which means leader. It has nothing to do with national socialism. Americans being bit dumb again. What are you, twelve?

Reddit spaces. Get out.

he never said they mean the same thing, but that they are "practically synonymous" in the modern english language, which they absolutely are. how O B S E S S E D do you have to be to get this anally enraged?

But Hitler is the bad guy in the game

There are literally zero examples of censorship improving a product other than Hitler -> Fuhrer with shades.
That's it. Censorship is inherently harmful to a product.

Germany has weird laws regarding all things Nazi related.

Literally no mention of them if it's not educational history

>The virgin Hitler
>The Chad Fuhrer

I'm so upset she wasn't a partner

read >

>They'll never be able to tell that it's Hitler if we put sunglasses on him

I'm pretty sure this the only case where it was made better.

Why did Lahla have to be given such a minor role?



I kinda want to fuck this ghost...

have persona 1 and 2 aged well?

Why even bother releasing this game overseas? Bethesda should have just cut their loses and released it to $30 in America, they knew no one would buy it anywhere

A lot of people want to fuck Bow, you're not alone in this. If I had to put my finger as to why, it's the eyes. The rest like the haughty laugh and bows on both sides are only fuel to the fire.

Makes more sense tbqhwyf but could go either way

I'm into the dialog myself, I like it when girls call me cute

Führer means leader. It can also be written Fuehrer. Fuhrer means nothing and sounds like it has something to do with "Fuhre", which is a cart load.

Persona 2 is the best game in the series, story-wise. The gameplay is serviceable, but really, the story is why you play it.

Do I even want to know what the nuswastika looks like

Its alright cuz its alt right.

didn't censor those feet

Nope. Allowed everywhere except videogames (because there were no videogames when the law was passed and it's part of the Grundgesetz, our constitution) as long as it is not within a context that endorses Nazi ideology. Remember, we made Iron Sky.

Also, you're of course not allowed to dress yourself in Nazi regalia and parade down the street or anything. Except if you're a neo-nazi and organize it as a demonstration. Then you get protected by the police for free speech. Expect Antifa to file a counter-demonstration on the same day, though.

the picture on the left looks like a shitty edit with the mustache put in.

>Still LITERALLY Hitler just without the mustache

If I remember correctly it's a T-bird

Why not both?

Hitler has no power without that mustache. That's why the British were trying to figure out how to pump him full of female hormones and make it fall out. Seriously

It changed every game.
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Wolfenstein Insignia, Iron Cross, Swastika with one crossbeam sawn off.
>Wolfenstein 2009
Wolfenstein Insignia, Nothing, Fantasy Symbols.
>Wolfenstein TNO and TOB
Wolfenstein Insignia, Wolf's Head on the armband of high-ranking members, even fantasy symbols replacing other fantasy symbols for the Spacefaring Division and shit.
>Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
Same as TNO and TOB, but another weird angular shape replacing the Swastika in SOME instances, such as the Hitler scene. Or Chancelor Heiler, as he's known now, after being Alphawolf in earlier Wolfensteins.

Here are the censoring reports "Schnittberichte" for TNO, RTCW and 2009. Knock yourself out.

Are there any video game characters that can defeat Shadow Hitler?

>hitler is bad remember the 60 trillion
>how do we this
>make him look RADICAL

It has nothing to do with English language. This is your own obsession which you project to others because you are American and think NA is the center of the universe.

>make him look RADICAL
He kinda was. It fits.

Because why not two cat girls instead?

Shadow the Hedgehog

>Hitler goes back in time to make the universe the radist place
>To kick off the radsplosion he must sacrifice the Jewish people
>He puts on his shades
>"Fuckin' radical" and does a kickflip off the nearest Panzer

>Fuhrer is a word which means leader. It has nothing to do with national socialism.

It hasn't been used for anything since Hitler. The preferred word for leader is now definitely Anführer. Führer only still makes an appearance in Führerschein (driver's licence), where it only ever meant "conductor", or Reiseführer (Hitchhiker's/Travel guide). You can still call a tourguide Führer, but most people will go red in the face and add something like "unserer Reisegruppe" (of our tourist group). Even Fremdenführer for tour guide is no longer acceptable because it contains "Fremder", "stranger", "foreigner" and that is seen by some people as demeaning and potentially racist.

Ultimate Rainbow Donald

This one?

This one

I like this version of dr mcninja better

fucking krauts

Light Hitler


Seriously. People nowadays just say tour guide in English with a German accent. We do that with a lot of words of whom the native version is now seen as Nazi relics and therefore poo-poo. Youngest example I came across was "Wir müssen mehr Frauen empowern" - We need to empower more women. Because of course you can't say "ermächtigen" anymore after the Ermächtigungsgesetz/Empowering Act of 1933 which made Hitler the de facto leader of Germany. Even though the same thing is meant by it.

And this is why video games will never be art.

>ratings board
There was no ratings board. There is no forced censorship almost ever. They were afraid of the lashback over having hitler in the game.

Not to be confused with Lite Hitler.

yo is dark excellent donald an edit of an aphex twin album cover

Looks like a regular grandpa desu

>when you're so utterly cucked as a nation that you can barely speak your own language anymore

Dark Excellent Donald

We'll yeah, hitler spoke german, and you wouldn't want to be like hitler would you?

There is a ratings board, the USK, but they only either give a game their ratings or they don't. You're free to publish whatever in Germany, but it's only protected from being confiscated and destroyed by the BpJM (Bundesprüfstelle für Jugendgefährdende Medien, Federal authority for youth-endangering media) if it has a rating (USK 0-18). It costs money to have a game rated, and the publishers know that some shit didn't fly with the USK in the past. Therefore, they take out everything they believe might lead to the game not getting a rating and hand them that version. Meaning Hitler might have been allowed to keep his mustache and the Nazis being referred to as such (since pretty much every game was allowed to if they threw out the swastikas), but they just weren't feeling confident to risk a second screening. German Besthesda Wolfenstein was developed side by side with the global version and features its own voice track with none of the voice actors carrying over and a slightly altered script. They were playing it safe from the beginning.

The hitler with sunglasses change wasn't because of Germany.

>making the product better

Whoops, thought you were talking about Wolfenstein, not Persona 2.
But yeah, it likely was. When they released Persona 2 globally, I doubt they thought it would warrant producing a version just for Germany. It wasn't a new game, just an enhanced port to a handheld for a series most people have only played 4 and 5 of, and even then it's far from mainstream. They also took out the floor turning into swastikas in the final battle, for example.
Back in the day, Europe would get one version of a game all the time and like it or leave it, with edits for German sensibilities for the whole continent.
See also: Probotector, Castlevania: The New Generation and Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss.

El grande stalin (forma verdadura)

In Xenosaga Episode I the encounter between Momo and Albedo had several edits. Somehow having Albedo use a knife was too much so the edited version for the US went with his bare hands.

You rang?

Meanwhile, he rips off his own head visibly in the knifeless version, while it is permanently shrouded in shadow in the version with the knife.

>A non-retard could have taken over the world

Well I sure don't want to be like Hitler the years before 1940, what a living hell.


Weeb hitler

Loli Hitler

Hitler would have better taste than that.

Literally the entire world besides germanstan thinks Hitler when they hear that word.

NA is the center of the world. Go use a German image board if you hate America so much. Sup Forums servers are still in America, retard.

Germanistan does think HITLER in all caps with dramatic illumination and sirens blaring when they hear that word.

Says the guy who can't even spell führer.

Go look into a geology book sometime. You will find that a molten lava core is the center of the world.

they wanted a CERO B and that means drugs and hitler are uncool

How the fuck is this censorship?

>when people look at you shocked when you sing anything but the third verse of your national anthem

the PSP port is censored worldwide, it's unrelated to localization

none of it, ever. kill yourself.


With bunny ears, it implies playboy bunnies, which implies lewdness. And that means, people fug that phantom.

This would have been fine if the game also ran at 60Hz like the original. God, I hate PAL so fucking much sometimes.