Fuck this game is fun

Fuck this game is fun.

This is the first souls game I've ever really dug into and I just beat the Witch of Hamsomething and BloodStarvedBeast (I don't really know what to do now though) and am about to dig into challice dungeons. Rocking +6 Hunter Axe and +5 Repeater with Gascoine Hat and everything else Hunter set. You guys know the place after the first maybe 10 minutes in Old Yharnam where theres the Hunter dude? The broken bit behind there you jump down, theres a gap where you fall down and can get into the building that holds the charred gear, can you jump the gap? It seems you can but I think theres an invisible wall. Anyway what do I do now? I have tried my best to go in blind and yea. Sorry for blogposting

Also souls thread

the item in old yanharm, the one by the NPC fight, how to get it? I've checked invisible walls, nothing. you can't drop down and get it either.

don't do chalice dungeons unless you want to overlevel yourself and steamroll the rest of the game
go to the big cathedral at the top of the stairs in cathedral district

Is it really that OP as grinding instances? Also thanks senpai

I love the Blades of Mercy, I don't care if they suck.

I'm literally one trophy away from the platinum but this game was really not as good as the reddit memes led me to believe. After a while the game mechanics "click" and the game becomes very easy since you can just spam parries with the pistol and utterly destroy everyone. Then you realize all the repeated assets, nonsensical layouts, the story that reddit memers and neogaffers hailed as "deep and mysterious" is just a bunch of nonsensical bullshit that is in the game simply because it looks cool, and you realize you've been memed. That being said, I can't fucking force myself to complete the chalice dungeons for the last trophy I need.

found it, drop down from the left most area in that plaza to get to the lower quarters

Who has a higher power level by the end of their game, salyer of Demon’s or Good Hunter?

Chalices are fun just remember to mix it up with main story progression. One reason why many people hated them is because they tried doing everything in one go after completing the main course, so it gets extra repetative. Story chalices get kinda boring after 1st playthrough, but it is all worth it for FRC Root Dungeons (the randomized ones), they have some of the most fun and hard content in the series.
Nah, its fine. The progression is structured in such a way that he will hit natural difficulty spikes around lower pthu, and up until that point the gems aren't too good.

you shouldn't need to be grinding at all really, but yes the chalice dungeons give so much exp it will destroy your playthrough

Definitely slayer of demons, depending on how meaningful becoming a squid is outside of splatoon.

Are we talking about the same thing? After hood dudes and dead senpaitachi you drop down into place where scrawbois and hunter fella is, then instead of going down either sets of stairs, you turn around and roll off a gap onto the platform, with a decent gap (jumpable but blocked?) With the other platform having a other area on that side. If you don't get accross you go into building with charred gear but like, it looks crossable and there are notes on the platform saying time for jump and shit

The Slayer of Demons can become the avatar of a species-destroying monster created by God himself.
The Good Hunter can become an eldritch abomination.

Getting more consumables is always a good idea, cant get too many vials/bullets and stuff like that. The threat here is not the echoes but gems, however chalice gems dont get that strong until later in the game, unless you farm two very special enemies.

>people having fun
>on Sup Forums

So say where I am now I should do some dungeons? One dungeon? I don't even know how they work t b h

I'll keep that in mind and try and stop myself from doing so because I am a slut for turning myself into a grind god in RPGs

Agreed, I always buy so I have 20 of everything when I go to the HD because I like the number and its a good amount

Please, the games Sup Forums recommend have led to some of my most fun game experiences in recent memory, your pick very related

The first dungeons are a chore, but ince you get to the level 5 frc dungeons you're getting some of the hardest bosses, different stupidly strong bloodgems and and shitloads of echoes

>Having Sup Forumsun


Sorry, I'll go back to shitposting about XB2 because I'm salty I can't afford a switch

>created by God himself.
I thought the Old One was the "God" that everyone in fact unwittingly prayed to? Doesn't the talisman of beasts say something about it?

imo dungeons should be left to ng+
the first ones are easy and repetitive but later on they get more difficult than anything in the main game

also do you have the DLC? It's excellent, if a little short

You put a chalice onto one of the gravestones in the dream (the ones behind bath dudes) and conduct a ritual using various materials. Then you enter a dungeon, which usually consists of the main area where you have to find a lever that opens a door leading to the boss, then you proceed onto a next layer of the dungeon and repeat the process. Dungeons usually have 3-4 layers, so 3-4 bosses per dungeon.
You are free to do whatever my dude, I guess I'd suggest you try first two Pthumeru chalices because you will hit kind of a difficulty spike around Lower Pthumeru anyways. You will get the chalice needed to go to the next 2-3 dungeons in the dungeons themselves, but some chalices can only be found in the main game.
Also the best gems in the game. Nothing in the main story matchest FRC gems.
>imo dungeons should be left to ng+
What the fuck? They dont even scale with NG+.

Why would you want to play such mediocre game?

The talisman just confirms that the clerics are mistakenly worshiping the Old One's power, while thinking it is the power of God. The opening sequence, however clearly states that people were created and given souls before the creation of the Old One. The Old One was created with the purpose of punishing humans who abuse the gift of their souls.

Why yes I do I got the GOTY edition but I dont know when/where to access the DLC appropriately

It's a skip that lets you get to the bottom of Old Yharnam by the werewolves

Puh, I though you were out of your mind

Thanks brah, will give it a crack tomorrow morning and take my time with playing them as to not become a god. I also got confused by that poster stating NG+ to do it as if it doesnt scale wouldn't you be absofuckinglutely overpowered most of the way?

I need a fun RPG after P4G and I want to take a break from Persona. X and 2 look fun

>What the fuck? They dont even scale with NG+.

I know, but the game's difficulty curve is not balanced around the massive amount of echoes and resources you get from chalices

after the cathedral ward boss you'll get an item in the hunter's dream
DLC is endgame level but you can get some nice weapons early on in there

this fucker kills me in one hit

Ah thanks babe

Just shoot him with your eyeballs

Yes you would, I cant personally think of the worse idea.
>I know, but the game's difficulty curve is not balanced around the massive amount of echoes and resources you get from chalices
Echoes are worthless unless you are spending every single on leveling up (which you shouldn't, buying vials in bulk is more important) and while the gems are good, they dont brake the game unless you specifically farm Lumpy or Clarence, but no new player will ever guess what makes those particular two mobs special.

Man I completely forgot about that boss, I went off to fight other things and get more powerful and forgot to go back ahaha, thats on the top of my to do list now

Ah thanks mate good to hear I cant miss it or anything

I've been feeling like replaying this, but I feel like I should play Nioh instead. I've played Bloodborne dozens of times, but haven't even played Nioh a second time.
Fuck, I have too many games.

You lads talking about gems are going way over my head, I know their buffbois that give more damage etc, I have a few good ones myself but if you think its better or worse for me to find out then tell me as much as you think is good

>tfw got but haven't played gravity rush 2, the last guardian, nier automata, yakuza 0, bioshock infinite and dishonored 2
>can't stop playing bloodborne

I played the Nioh demo way back when, is it good? Should I wait for a sale? Will I like it if I like bloodborne or should I play the Souls series for a better experience after BB

>DLC is endgame level but you can get some nice weapons early on in there
Its not THAT endgame, OP should probably pay it a visit around level 60 or 70.
Chalices in general give more powerful gems than the story game, but getting them can be a bit hard, especially early on. Its fine, just try and see for yourself.
Nioh is pretty solid, but the enemy variety is underwhelming a bit.

Play GR2 first cuz of servers n shit. It will be easy to get the 6000 dusty tokens as im already on 1200 without trying at 34% in the story. (Lets not turn this into a GR thread though because I spent so long on a GR thread the other day)

Nioh has great combat, level design and bosses, but the enemy variety is very lacking, as is the musical variety.
Weapon variety is lesser than Souls, but it's a different kind of combat system so it works out. It's more tailored around the idea that each weapon type has a large moveset.

I'd say it's definitely worth a try, but by the last levels you'll be begging for some new enemies to fight.

Ah thanks bro, will it be obvious where to go to do it when it unlocks or is it out of the way? Oh also I'm level 24ish and I've only been sinking points into endurance, vitality and strength so like, what the hell do the other sections do? I know bloodtinge is for using higher level weapons (I think)

You can't miss the DLC key item, and I believe the description gives a clue about where to go to use it.

Bloodtinge is for guns and blood weapons, of which there are only two. It's useless unless you go balls deep into bloodtinge. Spending only a few points on it is just a waste.

See that enemy variety might be a killer for me because I get boooored without new shit to fight, maybe I'll grab it in a sale?

Only spent points to use repeating pistol so like 5 points

>will it be obvious where to go to do it when it unlocks or is it out of the way?
No. Its pretty obscure. You should go out from the Oedon Chapel and enter a "gravity anomaly" that sometimes passes around the tree. Just stand for a bit and observe, you will get it.
There is no clue IIRC.

It got kind of boring toward the end, but I think the rest of the game makes up for it. The bosses, in particular, are some of my favourite boss fights in recent memory. All very unique and interesting.
If you're apprehensive might as well wait for a sale, but I don't think you'll be disappointed.

I must admit, though, that the samurai youkai weeb shit was a big selling point for me, so maybe I looked past the flaws more than some.

>Its not THAT endgame, OP should probably pay it a visit around level 60 or 70.

even the 1st boss is harder than the last boss of the maingame though

Slayer of demons, no doubt.
I have been thinking of playing Nioh after I've done with Yakuza 0, since I bought the season pass from black friday sale. I have been thinking of making another character on BB, with entirely different build than I have made so far. Problem is that I have made BLT/SKL and ARC/STR builds, and also SKL/STR. I have no idea what should I do.

>even the 1st boss is harder than the last boss of the maingame though
Mechanically maybe, but the recommended level is still 60-70, while most get to the actual endgame with 80-90, if not more.

There's no clue. You just need to be grabbed by amygdala by the Oedon chapel

Go pure Arc. It's the most fun build.

I guess I'll take it as it comes and see when I'm ready, thanks mate

Thats fairo, I mean christmas is coming around no way I won't see it for $30

I'll just go until I get to that all end boss section thing I heard about I guess

>most get to the actual endgame with 80-90, if not more.
really? I beat the game at level 65 my first run through & the final boss still felt easy

Im trying to kill the unborn(?) but its so damn hard and I’m out of vials. I had it so close but then he flooded the arena with like acid shit n i died

I only have +6 wpns


you should be at +7 or 8 by that boss
go to nightmare frontier, castle cainhurst and upper cathedral ward if you havent yet

One Reborn can be killed in like a minute. Kill the maidens then wail on his weak points.

Get them Burnt Hunters Marks n go to old yharnam and just kill up til where BloodStarved would be and rinse repeat, you get like 7ish a run

I kinda did that on my first playthrough, with minor focus on STR. I feel like ARC shit is way broken, especially with the eye and the concoction. Still, I think it's a decent idea, but I am still gonna miss the wheel.

Explore the area, there's enough blood chunks to get one weapon to +9 and a killer gem 12% phys damage increase. With one reborn, focus on each of his legs and then the skeleton man. You'll essentially stunlock him.

I-is this thread self sustaining now? Can I lurk until someone responds to me and get comfy? This hasnt happened before

What would I use as a weapon? I think I would like to use church pick or rakyo or moonlight sword or parasite as my weapon. I have used the parasite a bunch before though, so I'm hesitant about it, and besides, it's hardest to get anyway.


That’s because there were a few Bloodborne threads all alive at the same time
>have to create multiple threads for one decent one
really molds my membrane Sup Forums

Start with fire Saw Spear, eventually upgrade to bolt Beast Saif. Your main weapon is the hunter's tools anyway. Once you get the bullet replenishment runes you can basically survive on hunter's tools alone.
Kos Parasite is cool as fuck, but useless in PvE.

Y-you think my threads good? Really?

Isn't The One Reborn a kin? Wouldn't it have gotten rekt even harder if bolt paper was used?

Yeah. Good job

Eh, it's not that bad, if you have the broccoli rune. I kinda like it, even though it's clunky and slow as ass. The AoE attack is pretty cool.
What about the beast claw?

desu the base game is not quite challenging anyway, the NG+ is where the fun begins and overleveling isn't really a thing there

I like this thread as well, since I have gotten some helpful (you)'s, which I don't normally get, since I don't bother using images as attention fodder

>it's not that bad if you have the broccoli rune
Is there any point saying that? Do you assume people are using it WITHOUT the rune?

Beast claw is OK, but for true min-max you need to go Beast Saif or Saw Spear. Less interesting, but the most efficient for bolt and fire respectively. I can't remember what's best for arcane, but I think Beast Saif works well with arcane damage too.

I mean, there's no real rules. But if you're going pure arc you want to use the weapon that requires the least stat input with the most damage output.

You can walk/climb up to them? Didnt know this

Lets not have this thread die boys, I feel lonely tonight. What are your top 3/bottom 3 bosses, weapons and areas?

BLT/STR is stupidly fun
The Church Cannon is my new weaponfu

>76 replies
>19 posters

Aw thanks bois, as long as we all happy :)

There are spiral staircases at the back corners of the boss room.

Bloodtinge? How does that affect your stats?

I love bloodborne because it really rewards aggressive playstyle, unlike DaS games

A few people constantly replying to each other. I think you call that a conversation.
I'm no language expert, though.

Go to the spooky forest

About 20 of them are mine (OP). I guess we all just comfy

Lets keep it positive talking about a dark game :)

quality over quantity

What is spooky forest? After Cathedral?

How do Chalice Dungeons work and how many spiders are in them?

Nice thanks. I’ll try again tonight

I tried it without the rune, I can't remember if it affected my attack damage.
I don't really care for minmaxing, since I like having options. I did DaS1 SL1 run and then I knew that such ultimate challenges aren't for me, so I could play with the wheel, but I have used it way too much. I want my main focus being arcane shit and having the minimum stats for equipping the weapon x I decide on using. Still, I don't want to waste points for some weapon I don't like to use, so if I end up going with moonlight sword, saif would work.

beat cathedral boss then talk to guy in cathedral ward who wanted a password

There are many, many spiders.

Well I really love the saw weapon movesets anyway, so it works out for me.
Like i said, it's your build and there are no rules. But I always view a magic or arc build as being primarily about the spells with the weapon as an afterthought.

>and how many spiders are in them
Oh you are gonna love Loran Chalices.

Yeah, agreed. I just feel like that I should have a weapon that fits the theme, such as wheel or church pick, but I'm having hard time finding weapons that do arcane

BLT is best build

Thanks bb

W-wait what?


Bloodtinge increases the damage of guns and a few weapons. Those few weapons are stupidly powerful since almost nothing has defense against blood damage.