Game set in near future

>game set in near future
>in-game currency is entirely in BTC

literally the only game that does this is Vidiot Game

I hope you dorks enjoy your ponzi scheme before it crashes because it has no real monetary value.

it's too big to crash now

for you

Gosh the last time I heard that line was back in like 2007 and 2008 And we all know how that turned out. I wonder if its still true.

>implying im not begging for a crash so i can buy back in at the bottom

I wish I got in on this when it was still new, but at least I'm not the guy who lost a hard drive full of BTC

Some people have been trading since 2011 and still don't even have 0.1 BTC.

Hollow_Nut you lazy faggot make the Larry one already.

Part of me is hoping this is the case.

Additionally I'm also hoping you can set up a financial means of income based on steady cryptocurrency mining after a quest.

It should allow you to use DarkWeb equivalent services to help with ingame tasks and threats

God let something like this be in Cyberpunk 2077

>An unknown Titanic crew member is reported to have once said to embarking passenger, Mrs. Sylvia Caldwell, “God himself could not sink this ship!”

>want to buy litecoin when it was 22€ but i wasn't 18 yet
Now is 77€

Let me guess, it’s some indieshit “game”

>"Operators of Ponzi schemes can be either individuals or corporations, and grab the attention of new investors by offering short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent"

hmmm... really makes me think

BTC is operated by the US government, it’s a project to destabilize the Chinese economy

There are people on the internet and on this thread who cant even name 3 places outside where bitcoin can be used for the exchange of goods and services

No is not

what proof do you have tinfoil hat man

Common sense

>Look into cryptocurrency
>Even with generous estimates, the mining rig I had planned would only add a measly 2k a year to my income
>At the cost of 4k to build it

Sure, you COULD make a lot of money if you mined the right currency and waited for the price to rise, but I don't think it's worth betting that much money on.

No proof so

What besides bitcoin is something alright to invest in?

He is not wrong. Obviously since god doesn't exist he can't sink the ship.

wasn´t there a crash like 1 months ago when the chinese decided something?

This isn’t a court

>broke ass college student
>"Mom, dad, you really ought to get in on this 'bitcoin' business before it breaks $100"
>"No, son, that's impractical. Digital money? Who would want that?"

You're forgetting that the most important part was doing it before the boom.
That and you don't live in China.

>a currency not backed up with any tangible goods is too big to crash

And shit coin


LTC is a fucking joke, all it is is bitcoin with less adoption. It has zero unique features.

no one cares. the point is to post ebin reaction images you dumb fuck. learn Sup Forums culture before you post here newfag.

Pretty much. Now that it's in the public eye, my chance to make millions of cryptoshekels is gone because a bunch of newcomers to the market are thinking that they might be able to make millions of cryptoshekels, all while the people who got in early are the ones rolling in cryptoshekels now.

lmao I remember when 1 bitcoin was worth 1000 USD everyone said it would crash. now it's worth ten times that

you armchair economists need to get a clue

/biz/ keeps shilling ark and link telling me they will moon
I'm going to invest in mainly eth but I'm thinking about investing one of those just because they get shilled so hard

>2016: mine $2000 worth of bitcoin
>2017: now worth $20,000
really makes you think

>tfw millionaire at 21 due to "muh ponzi money"

>be taxi driver
>nobody paid me $10 in bitcoins
>tfw I'll never be a millionaire

I will waste money in ark for lolz

listen nothing bad ever happened on the gold standard, so a gold standard without any actual gold is sure to be stable forever
also please don't google any pre-20th century financial crises they didn't exist

>game set in near future
>in-game currency is entirely in credits

So you made 1 million exactly right? How can you afford such an extravagant custom built house with just 1 million?

>implying my house is 1 million
It's 500k bong so about 700k fat dollars. It looks like it's worth much more in the plans.

It's in an area full of rural and suburban retards which might be to do with it due to low land prices. I also have much more than 1 million fat, I don't know how much I've got exactly but it's close to 2 million fat bucks.

>spent my Christmas money one year back in middle school entirely on BTC when it was trading for less than a dollar because I read some economist said it had immense potential or something
>forgot about it
>in july I remembered that I did this
>found my account and wallet information written down in my old desk
>mfw I saw that I had a little over 4,613 BTC
>mfw I decided to say fuck it and see how high this shit goes
>mfw right now

Stop lying user

Didn't you say you bought in at 300 per coin with 30k? That would be 1000 coins ~ 1 milly fat now

>game set in idealistic world
>currency is non-existant because of socialism
>hero can't go to general store to buy a sword twice the size of himself and a buckler
>game is canceled and the council of employees at his workplace dispose of him for having aspirations

wait nevermind thats 10 million

If you had that much you could give me one right now as an act of good will.

So youre literally a millionaire now? Good for you, man. Seriously.

I had 25k bong (which is apparently 33k fat using the proper conversion rate)

Bought at 300 fat giving 110 (which sounds about right, it was definitely over 100. It varied over the years with muh daytrading). I have 114.3 now.

(I have just realised I've got it wrong, only 1.5 million fat)

114.3 * (11500 + 1500 (bcash from hard fork) + 300 (bitcoin gold)) = 1.5 million

I honestly lose track of it, it varies so much. I'm paying for the house plans in cash (not btc) so I can ride this rocket a bit longer.